84. My Arch Nemesis

Rose's POV:

By the time I left the class, the halls were near to empty. What else does anyone expect, it's a weekend. No sane person would willingly hang around the halls with only the professors lurking about, ready to poach you for their 'extra credit' tasks.

After barely being able to convince mine for an extension, I wasn't going to stick around either, lest he changes his mind, or worse, find out that I have no flight this weekend.

In the parking lot with few cars remaining, I was making my way to my car with my satchel hanging weighty on my shoulders and neck bent down as I watched my shoe for the dirt sticking around the edges. 

But these are quiet new, where did I go wearing them that had this much mud, can't recall a place.

A pebble lying in the way caught my attention and gave me the idea to take my frustration out on the poor thing.

Either that or I thought it wasn't too late to try my luck in football by practicing on pebbles as I kicked it with all the might I could conjure behind my swinging leg.

My eyes followed as the pebble flew in air for a few seconds but then began to descend in it's course.


It wasn't so shitty that it was coming back down, it obviously would. The problem lied in it's course of direction. Straight toward a very shiny, very expensive-looking vintage convertible.

God please don't let the owner of this car be anywhere around this lot.

I winced, pinching my eyes shut just as the pebble—now feeling more like a boulder—was about to make contact.

My eyes were still shut when I heard the unmistakable sound of jaggedy rock clanging against the metal body of the car. The sound was ugly as hell and it rang in my ear for a good long minute.

God, please don't let there be a scratch.

But then, he didn't listen to me the first time why would he now?

Even before I dared to open my eyes, I heard a deep, unapproved growl from nearby.

Oh great! He actually didn't listen to my prayer did he?

Bracing myself for some serious apologizing, I dragged my eyelids open painfully slow.

Without much thought, I hurried toward the assaulted car, its owner standing with his back to me, glaring down at the vehicle like it had personally offended him.

Another menacing growl rumbled from him before he finally turned.

And of course, it had to be him.

It just had to be my arch nemesis and his shiny car. Because why the hell not.

I had already begun babbling my apologies before my brain had the sense to stop me.

"Shit! I am so, so sorry. It was a mistake—"

I just groveled my contrite to the villain of my story.

I clamped my mouth shut, my half-formed apology hanging awkwardly between us like a bad joke with no punchline.

He was of course glaring at me with his arms crossed over his chest.

The scene would remind someone of a child getting in trouble with an adult with the way he was glaring down at me and I was silently standing there possibly looking sort of guilty.

And for a second—just a second—I almost felt guilty.

Until I remembered whose car it was.

Suddenly, I wasn't feeling that bad anymore.

"So it wasn't enough, huh?" Dracken sneered looking pissed. "Now you're taking it out on my car?"

I blinked up at him. What is he talking about? Slowly the gears began to turn and fit in my head. He is talking about me slapping him on the night of the party. 

He thinks I am still hung up on that? Does he think I have nothing else in my life going on that I would still be dwelling on what happened and plan petty revenge against him?

Hah. The ego on this one.

Hate to break it to you, mister, but I have way bigger problems in my life right now than your insufferable attitude.

Wait, that's not something to boast about, is it?