111. A Sick Game of Patience


If he wants to linger like a creep, by all means; he can knock himself out, staring at my curtains all night long- hell for all eternity, for all I care.

Now that I was under the protection of the big guy himself and his big guns; I began to feel a semblance of peace ones more. 

After grabbing a light dinner and reading a book, all the while pretending to focusing on those task and not at all on the shadow visitor I have standing outside.

Perhaps, he had left. If he has any sense to him, he'd have. Cause I aint about to make another appearances tonight.

Which means I am definitely going to sleep with my hand bound to the headpost.

Huh! what has my life come to; people do that for the sexy reasons and here I am doing it to avoid walking into the arms of death half willingly and half unconscious.

I entered my room quietly. I looked about, half expecting for the windows to be wide open like always, however, much to my relief that wasn't the case.

I deliberately kept the lights off as I went on about- using the torch from my phone.

When I was all ready for bed and a long night of slumber in peace after what feels like days; I made a silly decision.

I hesitated before walking back toward the glass window to my room.

Just a peek, I tell myself.

Just to see if he was still there.

Maybe he left.

My curiosity got the best of me.

I peeked through the curtain, making sure I stayed hidden behind them as best as I can.

Let's see if he's given up like a smart stalker.

He hadn't left.

He hadn't moved at all.

I'd have thought he isn't smart at all. He should know that I wont be giving him so much as my shadow tonight, weren't the curtains and no lights not indication enough.

However, I ended up commending him in my own head. As far as peepers go this one is rather resilient and somehow every perceptive.

He was no longer looking -or trying to look- through the windows in my living room anymore.

In fact his eyes were now positioned and so was his whole posture right towards my bedroom window as if he somehow knew I was now up there. 

"Well, aren't you a persistent, fucker?" I muttered under my breath, shaking my head.

A frustrated, slightly manic laugh bubbled up in my throat soon fading awkwardly as my body realized it was still very much trembling in fear.

A sick game of patience had begun. One where I wasn't sure who would break first—him or me.