Enemies meet on a narrow road
第二天,林枫一身白衣,看起来清新优雅,风度翩翩,举止不拘一格,高贵不堪.林蓉看着他,咽了几口水,连连夸赞道:"帅,哇,我从来没想过我们少爷能这么帅.林枫并不在意林蓉的夸奖.他笑着摇摇头,道:"林荣,你搞错了.你要记住,你的少爷一直都是这么帅的.从现在开始,我不想再听到这样的评论了.林蓉连忙笑着道歉,"是的,是的,少爷说得对.他天生英俊.薛彩儿的拒绝,就是她的损失.我少爷就像一位仙神,天上的星星.林枫得意地笑了笑,道:"伟人不关心小细节.像我这样一个有着远大抱负的人,是像她这样的小麻雀无法理解的.林蓉笑道:"当然!我们的少爷注定要伟大.从来没有人能比得上他的潜力.像她这样天真的女孩,永远不可能陪他.哼!她认为自己是谁?她应该在评判之前好好看看自己.就在这时,林征走了过来.林枫轻声说道:"够了,别再奉承我了.你最后会被郑公子鄙视的.虽然林枫已经不是以前的那个林枫,但这个世界上关于林枫的记忆,还是让他对林征深深敬意.当林铮走近时,林蓉停止了奉承,恭敬地向他打招呼.然后他们三个离开了房子.一走出林家庄园,林枫就感到一股自由的冲动,仿佛所有的包袱都被卸下了.他大声喊叫."啊——!"听到喊叫声,街上的人都转头好奇地看着林枫.认识他的人瞬间愣住了,然后迅速反应过来,低声道:"喂,那不是林枫吗,那个没用的吗?看起来被薛家甩了之后,他已经失去了理智.在街上尖叫...我想这一定真的影响了他.来吧,我们走吧,不要靠近他这样的人,我们可能会走运.在他们讨论的过程中,认识他的人很快就疏远了自己.那些不认识林枫的人看到人群避开他,感到一阵寒意.经过一番耳语讨论,他们得出了一个一致的结论——林枫一定有感染力.这样想着,他们就匆匆离开了他,仿佛想逃避瘟疫.林蓉见状,忍不住转过头来,低声咒骂道:"我怎么忘了这里对少爷的印象有多糟糕?啊,如果我知道,我就不会出来了.真是一场灾难.林枫看着那些躲着他的人,脑海中关于这个林枫的记忆开始激荡.他回忆说,这条街上几乎没有人对他有很高的评价.如果说有谁这样做,那是因为他是御检林敖的儿子.然而,在京城里,所有人都知道,真正的统治者是丞相杜魏.帝国审查员与其说是实际权力,不如说是一个头衔.所以,人们一看到林枫,就会嘲笑他.林枫看到人渐远,忍不住冷笑一声.他喃喃自语道:"所以现在连嘲笑我都算是可耻的吗?哈哈...真可笑.他转头看向尴尬地歪着头的林荣,道:"荣,你是想装作不认识我吗?林荣知道自己被识破了.他转过身来,害羞地咧嘴一笑,说:"如果你不是我的少爷,我真的得假装不认识你.然后他摆出一副令人难以置信的无辜面孔.林枫笑了起来,但那是一阵阴险的笑声.林榕还没明白他为什么笑,林枫就说道:"你真是狠.他把林蓉拉过来,说道:"那就教我怎么装吧.如果你做不好,你就是孙子.走了一会儿,林枫看着躲开他的人群,淡淡一笑道:"看来我在京城的地位是..."话还没说完,林蓉就插话道:"少爷还觉得自己在京城有地位吗?林枫瞥了他一眼,回答道:"你能不能安静一下?别想你这个月的零用钱,看看你怎么跟我作对.林荣听说自己的零用钱没了,慌了.他皱起眉头,撅着嘴,一脸可怜的看着林枫,道:"少爷,我知道你一定很不高兴,但记住,即使全世界都不理解你,林荣还是明白你.考虑到这一点,我的零用钱可以...?林枫轻笑道:"现在你急了?好吧,我想听听你对我有多了解.告诉我,我现在在想什么?如果你没猜对的话,我不会扣你的零用钱.林蓉哼了一声,挺起胸膛,不假思索地说道:"我又不是你肚子里的虫子,我怎么可能——"但说着,他意识到了自己的错误,赶紧停了下来.他一脸僵硬,继续说道:"我是你肚子里的虫子,当然,我知道你在想什么!你是想逗隔壁张家的寡妇.听到林蓉的话,林铮轻笑了起来.林枫愣了一下,心想:"难道我过去真的有那个习惯吗?我怎么不记得了?他瞪了林蓉一眼,说道:"好,不光这个月,下个月也一样.哼...你现在要吃干粮了.林蓉更加着急,急忙抓住林枫的手臂,道:"少爷,你得——"At that moment, Lin Zheng, who had been quiet until now, spoke up, "Alright, Rong, stop embarrassing yourself."Lin Rong, who was about to say something, swallowed his words and gave a helpless look, as though he had just had something stuck in his throat, unable to say it out loud.At that moment, Du Shilong, holding Xue Cai'er's hand, blocked their path. The two were behaving intimately. Du Shilong grabbed Xue Cai'er's wrist and gave it a light kiss near his lips before looking at Lin Feng with a sneer, "Oh, isn't this Young Master Feng? Not bad, finally daring to go outside after staying cooped up for so long. Must've been suffocating inside, huh?"Du Shilong said this while avoiding Lin Feng's gaze and threw a flirtatious glance at Xue Cai'er.Lin Rong clenched his fist, but Lin Feng sensed it and pressed down on his arm. Looking at Du Shilong and Xue Cai'er's intimate display, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Isn't this thanks to Young Master Long and Miss Cai'er? I survived the worst, and my future will be even brighter. You all just wait and be jealous."Du Shilong heard this and felt it was nonsensical. He asked, "What's that supposed to mean? I'm jealous of you? Haha... That's a joke."The crowd behind Du Shilong also laughed loudly.Seeing them laughing without restraint, Lin Feng smiled and said, "It means nothing, just saying it for fun."Du Shilong laughed, but then suddenly stopped. He cleared his throat and looked at Lin Feng, asking, "What are you laughing at?"Lin Feng stopped smiling and said, "I see you're laughing quite alone. I thought I'd join you in your silliness."Du Shilong froze for a moment, unsure of how to respond, but Xue Cai'er quickly intervened, "Du Shilong is also signing up for the competition. When you meet on stage, I'm sure it won't be lonely. Everyone will know who's the gentleman and who's the fool."Lin Feng looked at Xue Cai'er and smiled, saying, "Miss Cai'er is as thoughtful as ever. Very well, we'll see you on stage then." He then focused his gaze on Du Shilong.Du Shilong took a few steps forward, standing directly in front of Lin Feng, and stared him down. After a long silence, he finally said, "You won't be lucky next time."Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Let me return the favor and give you your own words: your luck is running out, enjoy it while it lasts, Young Master Long." Lin Feng then patted Du Shilong's shoulder lightly and continued walking forward.Lin Feng's actions shocked everyone. In the past, Lin Feng would never have dared to speak back to Du Shilong, let alone confront him like this. Even Du Shilong was taken aback.As Lin Feng and his group walked past Du Shilong, the latter blinked a few times, regaining his composure and inwardly cursed, "What kind of gaze is that? Almost made me cry."When Lin Feng reached Xue Cai'er's side, she lowered her head and couldn't meet his eyes. Lin Feng paused for a moment, leaned in close to her ear, whispered a few words, then smiled and walked away.After Lin Feng left, Xue Cai'er stood frozen, her eyes darting around, seemingly filled with confusion."That attitude! He doesn't even regard Young Master as worthy of attention! How arrogant!" After Lin Feng walked away, one of Du Shilong's lackeys grumbled, glaring at Lin Feng's back.Du Shilong sneered, "He's looking down on me for now, but during the martial arts competition, I'll make him realize just who he's messing with. Don't think just because he survived the Thunder Pool, he's untouchable. Hmph... I, Du Shilong, won't be intimidated."