Victory in First Place( part final)
进入决赛的人,除了林枫之外,都是凡体强境第五段,杜士虎甚至处于能量集中的第六段.夏厚剑听到林枫的一连串问题,顿时感觉头晕目眩.他回答道:"我来自龙阳县.我的父亲夏后青是一名猎人.我跟他学到的,我的修为是凡体力的第五阶段.林枫听到夏厚剑诚实的回答,忍不住挠了挠后脑勺,道:"你这个白痴,把这些都告诉我有什么意义?夏厚剑认真地看着林枫,道:"当然,我是来比武的.林枫又问道:"你在和谁竞争?夏厚剑不解,看着林枫."你不是林枫吗?"林枫回答道:"是的,我是.但你觉得你能打败我吗?我在能量集中境界,比你高一级.你觉得你能赢吗?夏侯剑愣住了,眨了眨眼,盯着林枫."我爸爸总是说,能量集中比凡体力强.我不认为我能赢你.林枫越想越觉得这更有趣.他决定跟着玩,心想:"夏厚剑一定是个头脑简单的肌肉头.我会惹他一会儿.也许当我们真正战斗时会更容易.他点点头说:"那,如果你知道你不是我的对手,为什么还要上台呢?夏厚剑:"..."下面的人群困惑地看着林枫和夏厚剑已经对峙了一阵子,没有进行战斗.有些人开始焦虑起来,仿佛等待的不再是林枫,而是他们."嘿,你在做什么?你是在玩家庭聚会还是别的什么?"是啊,这是怎么回事?林枫之前被大家避之不及,如今进入了决赛却依旧不打.这要花很长时间!…突然,在喃喃自语的人群中,夏厚剑向林枫鞠了一躬,双手合十,然后转身走下了舞台.这一刻,下面的所有人都愣住了,难以置信地盯着.他们都对自己讨论的内容感到好奇,因为他们无法理解夏厚剑为什么不战而屈人之兵.从窗帘后面,可以听到公主的声音:"怎么回事?有人回应道:"公主,夏侯剑已经认输了."谁赢了?""林枫.""林枫...那个林枫?信使看起来很尴尬,犹豫了一下才说:"是的...是的...它...帝国审查员的儿子.美华公主沉默了片刻,然后大声宣布:"第一场比赛,林枫赢了.第二场比赛,杜诗虎,为下一场与林征的比赛做准备.林枫走下舞台,就在他这样做的时候,林铮走到了他面前.他看着林枫,道:"不错,枫大人,不战而胜,这才是真正的将军之道.你真是个天才.林枫笑着回答道:"啊,我什么都擅长,除了我的智商.这是我最大的缺陷.郑,你得赶上来.林铮顿顿了片刻,然后说道:"仔细观察他的动作.他转身走向裁判的讲台.林正和杜诗虎面对面.杜世龙冷冷道:"你在保护他.林铮微微一笑,回答道:"他是我哥哥.只要我在这儿,就没有人会伤害他.拜托了,老虎.杜士虎眯起眼睛,迈着有力的步伐,如龙般向前冲去,直接向林正袭来.林铮见识这强大的攻击,迅速施展他的虎步,以流畅的动作释放出他的"虎吠山拳",与杜士虎的龙一样的一拳相撞.他们的攻击声回荡着一声低沉的砰砰声.林枫看着,心跳加速.林峥的表现,已经超越了他之前所表现出来的;看来他已经进入了凡体能量境界.林枫激动地惊呼道:"原来这就是郑的真正实力!However, despite his excitement, Lin Feng's brow remained furrowed. As the rounds continued, Lin Zheng's attacks started to become more disordered.Lin Rong, worried, clenched his teeth and said, "Ah, Du Shihu's cultivation is far superior to Zheng's. It looks like Zheng can only last for another twenty rounds."Lin Feng's expression grew serious as he said, "Another twenty rounds should be enough. I'm just worried…"Sure enough, as the battle continued, Du Shihu shifted his approach, moving from brute force to more nimble and precise attacks. Each strike seemed to block Lin Zheng's retreat, draining his stamina.Lin Feng clenched his fists and said, "He's a crafty fox. First, he wore Zheng down with his brutal dragon punches. Now that Zheng is exhausted, he's switching to more agile moves. At this point, Zheng can't defend."Lin Rong sighed deeply and said, "What else could we expect? He's at the Energy Concentration realm, his stamina is naturally superior. By the way, Young Master, you could always switch to a sword. No one said you couldn't use weapons."Lin Feng nodded and said, "I had planned on that. I may not be able to beat him with fists, but I'm confident in my swordsmanship."In the next exchange, Lin Zheng lost due to exhaustion, unable to block Du Shihu's attack. He was kicked off the stage.Lin Feng, seeing this, leaped forward and caught Lin Zheng as he fell."Are you okay, Zheng?" Lin Feng asked.Lin Zheng wiped the blood from his mouth and said, "Did you see? Fists won't win this fight. Use your most effective method."Lin Feng nodded, helped Lin Zheng sit up, and said, "If necessary, I'll use it." He reached behind him, feeling for the tightly wrapped Dragon Sword.Finally, the last match arrived.Lin Feng stood on the stage as Du Shihu's eyes filled with hatred.Du Shihu looked at Lin Feng, who seemed confident, and a thought flashed through his mind. "No wonder Lin Zheng was so desperate. He was creating an opportunity for you. Well then, today, I'll show you that I'm not just skilled with fists, but also with blades."He smiled and said, "Does Master Feng carry a weapon?"Lin Feng blinked and responded, "Yes, I do."Du Shihu chuckled and said, "Master Feng, with a sword by your side, I assume your swordsmanship is exceptional. Well then, how about we have a duel?"Lin Feng's heart leaped with joy. "Then I accept your challenge, Tiger. Please, lead the way."Du Shihu nodded and walked to the weapon rack, selecting a gleaming long sword. He thought to himself, "I'll end his pitiful life today with this sword."Lin Feng untied the Dragon Sword from his back, unwrapping it to reveal a rusty iron sword. The crowd gasped in disappointment."Is this a joke?""Is this even a sword?""Lin Feng really has no hope. Couldn't he at least be a bit more reliable?""Don't worry, everyone. You don't understand his style. Master Feng's way of doing things is beyond what you peasants can comprehend."At this point, no one called Lin Feng a waste anymore; they now referred to him as Master Feng. His image in their eyes had clearly improved.Du Shihu, slightly surprised, looked at the sword and asked, "Is this it?"Lin Feng noticed Du Shihu's confusion and smiled. "Yes, this is it. Please, let's begin."Du Shihu felt a bit of amusement and even some sympathy for Lin Feng, but as soon as he thought about Du Shilong, he became serious again. "I've waited for this day for years. I won't underestimate you." He then lunged forward, sending a flash of sword light toward Lin Feng.Du Shihu's sword was infused with all of his energy. He wanted to end the fight with a single blow, and as his sword came down, a brilliant light filled the air, heading straight for Lin Feng."It's over…"The crowd below gasped in unison and stood up in shock.