Ch 90: The City by the Sea

The scent of salt hit Kael before he even saw the ocean. It was unlike anything he had encountered before—sharp, briny, and laced with something that felt ancient. The air carried a damp coolness, a stark contrast to the dry wastelands they had traveled through.

From his seat in the Crawler, Kael squinted ahead as the city of Absheron came into view. It sprawled along the coastline, a mix of old-world ruins and newer, hastily built structures standing defiantly against the sea winds.

"We're here," Mira said, pulling down the goggles she had been using to shield her eyes from the wind.

Kael said nothing. His eyes were locked on the endless stretch of blue beyond the city. The sea.

For a man who had spent his life surrounded by dust, rock, and the occasional river, the sheer vastness of it was staggering. His mind struggled to comprehend the enormity of the water that stretched beyond the horizon, shifting under the pale glow of the setting sun.

"That's the ocean, Kael," Mira smirked. "It's just water. No need to look so dumbfounded."

Kael blinked. "Just water? Mira, I've never even seen a pond. That is a goddamn moving wall of water."

She laughed. "Fair enough. But trust me, the ocean is both beautiful and terrifying. Best to respect it."

Kael didn't argue. He kept watching as the waves crashed against the shore, foamy white fingers clawing at the sand before retreating.

The Crawler rolled through the uneven streets, its treads grinding over cobblestone, patches of asphalt, and even stretches of reinforced concrete that hinted at a more modern past.

Absheron was a city of contrasts—where half-sunken ruins from a bygone era rested beside makeshift metal structures, where fishing boats bobbed lazily near the docks while armed patrols moved through the streets.

"It hasn't changed much," Mira muttered. "Still loud. Still dangerous."

Kael observed the people as they passed. Vendors hawked their wares—fresh fish, preserved meats, mechanical parts salvaged from wrecks, weapons both crude and refined. Children darted through the crowds, barefoot and sun-kissed, while weathered men in patchwork armor kept watch near the entrance to a massive marketplace.

"This city's got a feel to it," Kael said. "Different from Gron."

Mira nodded. "It's a trade hub, but not just for goods. Information flows through here like the tide."

Kael smirked. "I assume that's why we're here?"

Mira grinned. "You're catching on."

Securing a Place to Stay

They navigated through the city's winding streets until they found a small inn nestled between two larger buildings, its wooden sign barely hanging onto its rusted hinges.

Inside, the air smelled of salt, damp wood, and cheap alcohol. A handful of patrons occupied the dimly lit room, some drinking in silence, others engaged in quiet conversations.

Mira approached the counter, where an older woman eyed her with mild curiosity.

"Back again?" the woman asked, her voice rough from years of shouting over the noise of the city.

Mira grinned. "You remember me, Aleda?"

"Hard to forget someone who caused a bar fight within an hour of arriving," Aleda replied, raising a brow.

Kael shot Mira a look. She shrugged. "Long story."

Aleda exhaled and turned her attention to Kael. "New face?"

Mira nodded. "Kael. He's with me."

Aleda studied him, then nodded. "Rooms are available. Payment upfront."

Kael pulled a few coins from his pouch, placing them on the counter. Aleda slid them into her apron before handing over two keys.

"Second floor. No trouble this time, Mira."

Mira smirked. "I'll try my best."

Later that night, Kael stood on the small balcony of his room, overlooking the city and the ocean beyond. The streets below still buzzed with activity. Lanterns flickered, casting pools of light onto the cobblestone roads as merchants packed up their stalls, and groups of men in dark cloaks exchanged quiet words before disappearing into the alleys.

Mira leaned against the railing beside him, a drink in hand. "So, what do you think?"

Kael exhaled. "It's different. Loud, chaotic… but alive."

Mira took a sip. "Absheron's like that. It's a melting pot of factions, criminals, and desperate people looking for opportunity. If you want to know what's happening in the world, this is the place to be."

Kael glanced at her. "And that's why you came here after leaving Gron?"

She nodded. "I wanted information. I wanted to understand what was happening outside the academy's walls. That's how I ended up digging too deep."

Kael smirked. "And getting yourself kidnapped."

Mira scowled. "I walked into a trap, alright? It happens."

Kael chuckled but said nothing.

For a while, they just stood there, watching the waves roll in.

"So," Kael finally said. "What's the plan?"

Mira set her drink down. "We ask the right people the right questions. We figure out who's moving pieces behind the scenes and why. And then, we decide what to do about it."

Kael nodded. "Sounds simple enough."

Mira smirked. "It never is."

Kael exhaled, staring at the distant horizon. "No, it never is."