Chapter 21: Facing a Light Brighter Than the Sun

Chapter 21: Facing a Light Brighter Than the Sun

The final result was that Chang Wei successfully located the whereabouts of the outcast.

In truth, whether General Randall spoke or not, his death was inevitable. The difference lay in whether it would be a quick and painless death or a slow and agonizing one.

Chang Wei decided on his behalf, opting for the latter.

After extracting the information from him, Chang Wei said:

"Actually, from start to finish, I never believed a single word you said, so..."

Releasing his grip, he tossed General Randall into the grasp of the predators lurking below.


In that instant, General Randall, who had fallen from the depths of hell into the very lowest circle, could no longer maintain his facade of resolute bravery in the face of death.

It made sense, after all. A butcher who committed atrocities such as experimenting on his own citizens under the guise of serving his country's greater good dared to adopt a martyr-like stance. As if he died proudly for humanity and his nation.

What was that? Did humanity ever ask for his representation?

Chang Wei felt deeply irritated. Hence, he decided to trample on the man's pride and shatter his spirit.

The Joker once taught us that physical pain pales in comparison to psychological torment. Every punch Batman landed on him carried an even greater burden of anguish and torment on Batman's own psyche. That's why the Joker always laughed in the face of beatings—he was winning in spirit, mentally tormenting Batman. And what could Batman do? He couldn't kill, which meant his outlet for pain had a threshold, a limit. He couldn't retaliate with the Joker's endless, continuous, and perpetual psychological torture.

Chang Wei thought he should combine the two. Not only should he triumph mentally, but also physically.

General Randall initially thought he could face a quick death, giving him the courage to confront his fate. He even fantasized about receiving a ceremonial burial wrapped in his nation's flag. However, now he was being slowly torn apart, piece by piece, by the predators. Their bites felt as if they dragged him into an infernal abyss with no escape.

"I discovered a new hormone that controls human sensitivity and repairs the body. Does it feel worse and more painful as time goes on?"

Chang Wei spoke with the detachment of a scientist examining a test subject.

General Randall's eyes bulged wide with agony, but soon the pain transformed into an unbearable itch that engulfed his entire body. He itched so badly that even breathing became difficult, teetering on the edge of suffocation.

Then came the cold…

Pain has its limits, its saturation point. Humans possess remarkable resilience and endurance. Prolonged pain only leads to numbness.

So, Chang Wei studied the hormone secretion mechanisms of the human body and synthesized a substance called the "Sting of Agony." It was designed to torture. He thought it would be useful in the future, even if just as a backup tool.

Who would complain about having too many options?

"Nuclear weapons…"

Chang Wei's gaze shifted toward the nuclear bomb. For now, he couldn't withstand a nuclear blast head-on. The power and energy levels were far beyond his current capacity.

But that was fine. One day, he would suppress even nuclear weapons.

"For now, I'll test my theories with this bomb."

Chang Wei wasn't the type to avoid challenges.

"Blacklight Virus Colossal Titan!"

The Blacklight virus rapidly spread from Chang Wei's body, forming a suit of armor akin to "Guyver Bioboosted Armor." This time, after absorbing Alex, his armor had grown significantly in strength and density compared to before.

Additionally, he had acquired structural knowledge and meticulously reinforced the internal design of his armor. In terms of pure defense, even point-blank autocannon fire would feel like a tickle and wouldn't even leave a scratch.

But that still wasn't enough!

More Blacklight virus spread across his body, shaping massive limbs, a torso, and a head.

Moments later, a ten-meter-tall giant stood towering over the earth.

Blacklight Virus Colossal Armor!

Or perhaps, the Super Blacklight Virus Colossal Titan!

And then, the nuclear bomb exploded.


The world lit up with a light brighter than the sun. A massive fireball rose into the sky, followed by a terrifyingly fast shockwave and soundwave.

The absolute destruction zone of the nuclear bomb—where temperatures instantly reach billions of degrees—was minuscule. Its primary destructive power didn't come from this initial blast. Such extreme temperatures, though devastating, needed duration to cause catastrophic damage.

A nuclear bomb's primary lethality came from shockwaves, soundwaves, extreme heat, and the electromagnetic pulse that crippled electronic systems.

Anyone caught within the blast radius was as good as dead. Even outside, death remained a likely outcome.

However, there were exceptional cases where people survived atomic blasts twice and lived to tell the tale.

Chang Wei stood at the edge of the blast radius, just one step away from the center. He faced the terrifyingly high temperatures and scorching heat head-on. His eyes burned briefly before automatically switching to protective mode, allowing him to continue observing the light. Unfortunately, the blinding light only lasted for a short while.

The searing heat and high temperatures then followed, surging toward Chang Wei.

The surface of his colossal armor began to emit steam instantly. Soon, Chang Wei felt the outer layer of Blacklight virus lose all vitality.