Four weeks had blended into one another like brushstrokes on a hurriedly painted canvas. During that time, Redwood Estate has transformed from a broken down mess into something, if not pretty, at least it was respectable enough to shoulder the responsibility of catering children. The scent of newly cut wood and paint drying still lingered in the manor, interacting with the soft blinking of the lantern light.
Heuk Cheon stands in the manor's courtyard with his arms folded. He was watching Seo Ryung and the two Murim Alliance escort guards (Do-won and Jung-soo) carry the final bit of materials off a crumbling cart. Although the entire group looked like they were worked through the bone, Heuk Cheon looked as if he was in the most composed state of his life. The Demon Lord's hawk eyes traveled the entire Redwood Estate, making sure that no corner was not in the right condition.
"We have done quite a bit in a mere four weeks, I am proud for all of us." remarked Lee JIn-Ho, while he was stepping forward beside Heuk Cheon with a ledger held under one arm.
Heuk Cheon nods. "Indeed we have." His thought aligned with Jin-Ho. His tone was filled with silent pride. They had renovated floors, fixed the holes in the roofs, and sealed of pest infected place that would have turned the manor into a zoo filled horror mansion. And with the last set of furniture and bedding coming, Redwood Estate might actually succeed into turning this sorry excuse for an estate to a warm, welcoming home for parentless children.
"We will need to place some rags and mats in the main bedroom chambers," Lee Jin-Ho stated while analyzing his list of concerns. "And the kitchen stove still needs a final check."
"Seo Ryung can handle the kitchen stove," Heuk Cheon commanded, turning around to give an order at his loyal disciple. "You have got some experience in regards to forging weapons. A kitchen stove cannot be that much different, right?
Seo Ryung pouted at Heuk. "Master, forging a sword is one thing, cooking rice is in another dimension. Hay... but I shall do my best to satisfy your orders.
Do-won laughed in entertainment. "My stomach might break if you accidentally turn the cooking pot into a sword, please just remember that we all need to eat dinner later, not a fight.
A bunch of laughter waved through the entire estate, the tension temporarily faded by their sparing banter. Even Heuk Cheon gave a slight, crooked smirk towards their jokes.
When the middle of the day hit, the group had separated to deal with the final batch of chores. With every hammered nail and every sheet of cloth hung, the Redwood Estate was one step closer to being ready. But a slight bit of anxiety shook through every wall. Tomorrow, the orphans would arrive. And along with them, a brand new world of never before tackled challenges.
Lee Jin-Ho could be seen meticulously wiping the dust from the brand new chairs that was delivered earlier, humming a faint tune under his breath.
Jung-soo tried out the shaky banister on the second floor landing, making sure it would not break down under the mass of enthusiastic children.
Do-won swept the main chamber, every now and then stopping to glance at the bright spots of sunlight beaming in through the renovated windows. As if he only now realized how far all of them had come into making this place habitable.
And from a far distance, Heuk Cheon was looking at all of them with quiet approval. This weird gathering that was once only bound together by a tasks, now worked more like a team that he would like to admit. A fading, almost paternal pride quickly past by him across his face before he managed to hide it through his usual facade.
Despite the homey liveliness of last minute touches, Heuk Cheon's senses stayed razor sharp. Several moments throughout the day, he stopped, observing the forest lines or peeking in through the shadows in the chamber halls. That staying feeling of an invisible watcher withheld from vanishing, like a slight echo in the corner of his mind.
"Master Heuk," Seo Ryung called out quietly after finishing the kitchen stove fixes. He stepped outside to where his Master Heuk Cheon stood by the front gate with his brows knitted. "I sensed it once again, that devious presence. It seems far... but I know that it is still there.
Heuk Cheon's eyes narrowed. "We cannot be sure if it's an enemy or just someone who likes observing." A creeping exhale escaped from him. "But if they mean a bad omen, then they will soon enough recognize that Redwood Estate is not a place to mess with."
Seo Ryung tightened his grip, the slightest trace of a grin settling across his face. "If we catch them, what do you think we should do? do we-"
"We shall wait." Heuk Cheon stopped him, his tone was decisive. "If they are a threat to the brats, that is when we will act. For now, we should pour our focus on the orphanage."
Then a sudden loud BANG was heard within the entire estate, following by a volley of coughing. Heuk Cheon and Seo Ryung swapped worried looks at each other before running towards the manor. They found the small kitchen covered in a shower of steam so dense, it might as well have also been a martial arts smokescreen move.
Lee Jin-Ho limped out while waving his arms to blow the air away. "I... I tried the newly adjusted stove, but the ventilation pipe was not secured properly." He staggered between coughs.
Jung-soo's face was red from the suffocating heat. He pointed at the pot that got overboiled in spectacular fashion. "Everything was fine, until that pot of porridge we cooked decided to... well, you know... explode."
Heuk Cheon analyzed the scattered porridge with a mix of annoyance and relief. It did not break anything structure wise, it was just a culinary failure. But still, the sticky soup was all over the stove and walls like some sort of strange goo.
"Seo Ryung, my loyal disciple," His voice was commanding, stepping aside. "Clean this kitchen up."
Seo Ryung's eyes widened. "What do you m-mean master? M-Me?"
A slow grin was appearing at Heuk Cheon's lips. "Who else but you? You did say you wanted to handle the stove, right?"
With a settled relief sigh, Seo Ryung went to go grab a rag and began to scrub the sticky mess up while whispering under his breath all while doing it. The other members participated in, turning the fail into a round of hilarious teamwork. By the time that they all finished cleaning, the kitchen looked more or less possible to work in once again... considering you ignore the fading smell of porridge that was burned.
As twilight graced over the entirety of Redwood Estate, the entire group shared a simple dinner in the large dining chamber. It was now furnished with an assortment of poorly matched tables and chairs. A fiery glow from the hanging lanterns brightening the faces around the dining table. They were tired but they were content at the same time.
Do-won thought about the many times he almost dropped a frame bed on his food earlier.
Jung-soo whined about the "ghostly sounds" in the attic, only to have Seo Ryung argue that they were most likely just birds nesting there.
Lee Jin-Ho offered a sarcastic apology for the kitchen fiasco, making everyone take turns teasing him about it.
And through it all, Heuk Cheon stayed silent, sipping from his cup every now and then and observing their camaraderie develop. He thought back to the first time they had all gathered together inside the manor. They were all tense, they did not trust each other, and they were all overwhelmed Now, that dense tension receded into a familiar sense of togetherness.
Finally, Lee Jin-Ho started to speak in a soft tone, as if stating what everyone was thinking at the time. "Tomorrow, the children will arrive."
A concerned silence fell. The thought of brats, helpless orphans, almost all of them victims of the martial world's hostility, reminded them why they had to experience this kind of demanding work.
"We should be prepared," Heuk Cheon said passionately. "They will come to us scared, or angry, and or entirely numb enough to not care for the world. We must make sure that they will feel safe... and have reason to trust us."
His words stuck in the air, weighing more than any threat from the Murim Alliance or the hidden stalkers they had at the estate. This was the real battle. Not with swords or fists, but the task of rebuilding the hearts broken by war.
Seo Ryung leaned forward, the blinking lantern light mirroring in his eyes. "We will, Master. They will have a home here, if it is the last thing we do"
A smirk ghosted across the face of Heuk Cheon's face. "Then let us get settled and rest," he commanded. "Tomorrow, our hardest test will begin."
The weary and tired group settled to their temporary sleeping quarters. Outside, the moonlight covered the Redwood Estate in silver. In the peace and quiet, Heuk Cheon once again found himself walking through the chambers, checking each locked door, each newly renovated windows. He stopped near the entrance, looking out at the dark forest. His instincts was running wild for any sign or hint of movement.
He sensed a stirring within, a weird mix of excitement and protectiveness he had never once experienced before. The thought of brats cramming these chambers both put him unease and weirdly elated him. He had conquered enemies and destroyed sects, but none of that could have prepared him for guiding broken young souls.
"Just one more day," he muttered to himself, letting the wind blow his words into the air. "And then our real struggle will begin."
Up above, the moon seemed to watch over Redwood Estate, as if bearing quiet witness to the changing destiny of the former demon lord Heuk Cheon and the once abandoned estate he was bent on rebuilding. Far beyond the estate's fences, silent eyes was still observing them from the shadows, waiting to see how this unbelievable story would unfold.