When the wooden bowls was cleared away, fortunately without any further incidents. Heuk Cheon called everyone into the manor's courtyard. The heat of the sun grew warmer, brightening the patches of grass that was still full of moisture. A gust of wind made noise on the newly fixed roof shingles overhead.
"All right." he started speaking with a voice brimming with authority and command that forced everyone's immediate attention. The children stood in a half circle, some was shaking, and the others was stiff and attentive. Seo Ryung, Lee Jin-Ho, Do-won, and Jung-soo was hovering at the corners, they were getting ready to step up if anything got out of hand.
"You are all here because the Murim Alliance decided that the Redwood Estate was the best place to keep you safe," Heuk Cheon stated while observing their faces "Now, I won't pretend to be the gentle or warm caretaker that you might want. But I will protect you. And this place will run without problems under my attention."
He stopped, letting his words dig deep among the kids. Several orphans looked at each other, not really sure. Han-ju, was braver than most of them, he cleared his throat and asked. "So... what would you like us to do, exactly?"
Heuk Cheon gently nodded, as if he was satisfied hearing such a straightforward question. "Routine," he replied bluntly. "We will wake up at the crack of dawn. First, chores, cleaning, fixing and helping around in the kitchen. Then, we will have breakfast. After that, we shall focus on lessons about basic literacy, math, and maybe some basic martial fundamentals."
Chul-woo made a dramatic face. "Isn't this just... school?"
A slight grin showed up on Heuk Cheon's face. "Yes, school. You really didn't think that you would live here in the Redwood Estate forever, did you?"
"That's right," Seo Ryung butted in. "You will all have to pull your weight around here. We are going to build something that's going to run on discipline and respect among each other. Messing around recklessly will not be tolerated."
Jin-mu while folding his arms asked. "Well, what if we want to learn how to fight properly?"
Heuk Cheon's attention switched over to him. "If you properly display discipline and responsibility, then, I would be glad to teach you martial arts skills. Otherwise, you will do chores until your hands bleed."
Jin-mu gulped hard, but there was some excitement beaming in his eyes. "Deal!" he yelled out.
The first official chores of the day included splitting into small groups to clean up different sections of the Redwood Estate. Lee Jin-Ho guided them. Some was to sweep the corridors, others to dust the windows, and a couple to help in the backyard garden.
Ae-rin and Su-yeon ended up with rags and brooms, they were assigned to clear cobwebs that was stuck near the staircase.
Han-ju, Chul-woo, and Dae-hyun were ordered to clean the manor's courtyard, clearing any stray leaves or trash.
Jin-mu volunteered (or was convinced) to aid Seo Ryung in the small greenhouse out the back, where a few vegetables were ready to sprout.
In the manor's courtyard, Han-ju was the one in charge. He was trying to show off in front of his younger friends. "Chul-woo, you rake up the leaves. Dae-hyun, you pick up any trash you see."
Chul-woo pouted, but still followed his order. He soon found himself enjoying using the rake against a stone, sending a bunch of leaves flying up into the air, only for them to land neatly on top of Dae-hyun's head.
"Chul-woo stop it!" Dae-hyun was mad and glared at Chul-woo.
Han-ju smiled, he was kind of amused. "Hey guys, don't make a mess. We just finished cleaning that spot."
Near them was Do-won who observed them with his arms folded. "Well, at least they aren't fighting over sharp swords this time around." he whispered to Jung-soo.
In the staircase, Ae-rin coughed at every passing dust clusters. Su-yeon tried her best to be brave, she climbed a small ladder to clear off the cobwebs from the corners. At one point, a huge fat spider got near them, and Ae-rin screamed, almost dropping her tools.
Lee Jin-Ho heard her and started to hurry over. "Is everything all right?"
Su-yeon pointed at the spider, which was now running all around the floor. "We are fine!," she said while struggling to breath properly, "We just got startled that's all."
Ae-rin shyly nodded, her cheeks was like a tomato. "I'm sorry. I could have sworn it was... bigger."
Lee Jin-Ho gave her a warm smile. "You did well not to run. Keep at it. Once we finish over here, you guys can have some sweet juice in the dining hall."
Her eyes had a glow in them. "J-Juice?"
Su-yeon manifested a small smile, dusting off her broom with a renewed conviction. "Consider that spider homeless, mister!"
Out in the greenhouse, Jin-mu and Seo Ryung fought off the stubborn weeds that was a danger to the nearly sprouted vegetable patch. The afternoon sun was glaring through the glass, mimicking a sauna-like atmosphere. Jin-mu's bandaged arm made the work really hard for him, but he manages to push through, although he was aching in pain here and there.
"Try not to overdo it." Seo Ryung told him while he was pulling a stubborn weed.
"I-I'm fine," Jin-mu answered, He was hesitant, but he asked, "So uhm... what is it like being the Demon Lord's Disciple? Are you also... an evil human?"
The question was stuck in the humid air. Seo Ryung's gaze got dark. "Heuk Cheon was called a Demon Lord because of his martial way. Some say 'evil' because they didn't see eye to eye. He fought in wars, yes. However, he had never been a monster towards me."
Jin-mu gulped in anxiousness. "You really trust him?"
"I do." Seo Ryung answered without a second thought. "He's a bit harsh sometimes but he is fair. You'll see for yourself someday."
A faint noise made them both look up. Through the glass windows of the greenhouse, they could see a shape zooming around the far distant edge of the Redwood Estate's fences. Again, it was that fading presence. Seo Ryung got serious. "Did you see that?"
Jin-mu shook his head. "See what?"
Seo Ryung relaxed. "Nevermind, it might be nothing. Maybe it was just my imagination." But the dense tension in his shoulders lingered as he bent back down to tend to the weeds. We might not be alone here.
By the middle of afternoon, their chores or their tasks were done, or at least as finished as they could be with a bunch of kids working on it. As a reward for them, Heuk Cheon decided to teach them a little martial arts lesson in the manor's courtyard.
"All of you," he said in a commanding voice, "line up."
They formed a kind of crooked row, it was Han-ju, Jin-mu, Chul-woo, Ae-rin, Su-yeon, Dae-hyun, and the newer kids, Woo-jin and Min-ah. The two new kids, who was with the inspector the past day, observed Heuk Cheon with a hint of nervous curiosity.
He showed them all a basic form, feet should a width apart, knees slightly bent, arms raised in a full guard. "This is a base. If you cannot stand properly, there is no way you will be able to fight."
Chul-woo copied him with ease almost immediately, although he made some over exaggerated motions while trying to look cool. Ae-rin was wobbly, she was not sure where to place her feet. Han-ju tried his best to remember their advices from the day before. He adjusted his stance carefully.
Heuk Cheon walked around the kids, pushing their knees into position, tapping their elbows to correct their angles. He stopped at Ae-rin and gave her advice. "Keep your back straight. Try not to hunch your back."
She blushed and tried her best to do what Heuk Cheon advised. She inhaled to proper her shoulders. He gave her a warm not and moved on. At Jin-mu, he softly pressed on his bandaged arm. "Does it hurt to keep it raised like this?"
Jin-mu's jaw got tight. "I-I can handle it."
"Do not be stubborn," Heuk Cheon said flatly. "If your arm is injured, rest it. No heroics."
The boy exhaled, gulping down the pride that wanted to show on surface. "Yes... sir."
Han-ju was determined to impress Heuk Cheon, and asked, "When do we get to learn real moves? Punches? Kicks?"
Heuk Cheon's attention snapped to him. "You will, once your stance is perfect."
"W-Wait, but-!"
"Hold that stance," Heuk Cheon ordered with a stern voice. "Do thirty breaths."
Han-ju mumbled under his breath but he still followed his order. The entire pack of kids tried not to shake under the pain of keeping up the posture and form. Some kids only lasted for a couple of seconds before trembling uncomfortably. Heuk Cheon was quietly keeping count with a poker face.
After what felt like a decade for the children, he said, "Break." Swiftly, they all crumbled or relaxed, groaning and rubbing their sore muscles intensely.
Seo Ryung was watching from the sidelines, he couldn't hide a small smile. Oh yeah, that's the Demon Lord's training style, all right.
The lesson ended without any major mishaps, and the children hurried to rest. Some of them flopped like a fish onto the wooden benches in the manor's courtyard, trying to fan themselves to resolve the heat they feel. Others drank water from a clay jug that was near a shaded corner.
A slight bit of distance away, Ae-rin was sitting in a cross-legged position on a small patch of grass, breathing softly, while Su-yeon was massaging her shoulders. "I think you did great." Su-yeon whispered to her.
Chul-woo was crawling out on the ground as if he just got done fighting in a war, his arms and legs was spread out like a snow angel. Dae-hyun poked him in the side with a stick, Chul-woo yelled.
Han-ju's face was brimming with annoyance. He walked up to Jin-mu. "Hey how can you hold that stance when your arm is all messed up? My legs are trembling."
Jin-mu shrugged, slightly wincing. "I got used to the pain, I guess."
A second of understanding happened between the two of them. Both of them didn't want to talk about their pasts. Then Han-ju gave him a smile. "Well... you look pretty strong."
Jin-mu was surprised, he did not expect a random compliment. "Uh, thanks!"
Standing by the pillar, Heuk Cheon was observing their warm interactions with his arms folded. They're starting to bond, he thought. Despite everything that has happened to them, they are starting to find common ground.
By late afternoon, Redwood Estate had already settled into a silent air. The orphans was still chattering about and the playful interactions continued, however the unhinged chaos of the morning was thankfully, over. The staff already started to prepare for dinner, fortunately nothing happened that could cause another porridge disaster. And the children was taking turns setting up the tables in the dining hall.
Lee Jin-Ho walked around with a checklist, listing on his clipboard the needed supplies. Do-won and Jung-soo were patrolling outside, using the excuse of "guard duty" to try and escape from the kids' chaos and questions.
Heuk Cheon was by himself in a side corridor, observing outside through a window at the estate's fences. The odd feeling of a hidden watcher was still lingering in his mind. He could almost feel the fading pair of eyes on his back. If there is someone out there... what do they want?
Footsteps could be heard behind him. It was his loyal disciple, Seo Ryung. He was carrying two brimming hot cups of tea. "I thought you might want this," he said while offering a cup to Heuk Cheon.
While taking the cup, Heuk Cheon nodded as thanks. They both quietly sipped for a moment, both of them was mesmerized at the setting sun's warm glow.