Homecomings and confessions

The ride back to Redwood Estate was calm compared to the excitement of the journey. Ae-rin was dozing off on Su-yeon's shoulder, the daisy was tucked safely into her homemade purse. Jin-mu was wrapping his arm again, blinking on occasion at the pain. Han-ju looked at the passing environment, lost in his thoughts. Even Chul-woo which was not usually quiet, was silent. Maybe, he was reflecting on the sudden chaos in town.

Heuk Cheon remained suspiciously careful, looking back over his shoulder every so often. He felt no immediate threat, but the robed stranger's presence was gnawing at him. I'm certain they recognized me or the martial aura I emitted. He thought. Whoever they may be, they are no friend.

Yet, he remembered the terrified faces of the people there when the drunken swordsman was rampaging about. At least I did something moral this time, I protected innocent people this time, not just destroyed. The thought offered a flash of silent satisfaction.

Later that afternoon, sunlight was glistening over the Redwood Estate as their carriage was pulling up to the iron gate. Seo Ryung and Lee Jin-Ho greeted them, the feeling of relief was displayed on their faces. The other kids ran out from the manor, pestering Han-ju and Chul-woo for the stories they can tell about their venture into town. 

"We saw Master Heuk throw around a drunk guy like a rag doll!" Chul-woo was bragging about to the other kids. "It was really so cool, his sword went flying!"

Dae-hyun's eyes got wide. "Really?!?!? Oh man, I wish I saw that!"

While the children were telling stories about their experiences in the market incident, Heuk Cheon gestured for Seo Ryung to follow him in the distance. Once they were safely far from the curious ears, he spoke in a quiet tone. "There was someone in town watching us. It was the same feeling as around the estate."

Seo Ryung's expression got firm. "You are certain it's the same person? Or maybe... group?"

Heuk Cheon firmly nodded. "We need to double our guards. You assist the guard's positions in a more strategic manner. Make sure that no orphan wanders along without anyone attached to them.

Seo Ryung cracked his knuckles as a way to show that he was ready. "Got it, anyone who tries to harm these kids, I'll personally send them down to earth."

Heuk Cheon gave him a slight bit of trusty smile. "Good. Let's not give them any chance to do damage."

The supplies they got for the market were unloaded and it was time for dinner, Redwood Estate quickly returned back to its familiar, noisy environment. Ae-rin and Su-yeon took turns looking at the flower Ae-rin received, they placed it in a water filled cup by their bedside. Jin-mu was eyeing the new supply of bandages and herbs, he was grateful for the chance to take care of his wound more thoroughly. 

Han-ju looked back at the entire day's exciting moments to Seo Ryung in a dramatic detailed manner, it came with sound effects. The Demon Lord's disciple was listening patiently, and occasionally correcting his exaggerations with an intentional cough. Chul-woo was boasting about that he was not scared at all, even a tiny bit. Although, Ae-rin was quietly teasing him about the time he screamed the loudest when the sword landed near them.

On the other hand, Heuk Cheon was lingering around in the corridor that led to the manor's courtyard. He had his arms crossed, and was gazing in the distant. Seeing the children reassemble safely filled him with a huge sense of relief he had not expected. Yet, a tight sensation was still stuck inside his chest. The new knowledge about the unseen watcher was hovering not only at the estate, but also wherever they go.

Lee Jin-Ho approached him with a soft smile on his face. "It's good to have you back safe and sound, Master Heuk. The children... seemed happy by your little adventure."

Heuk Cheon let out an exhale while nodding. "They needed to see more than these suffocating walls. But that does not mean we are not in any danger here."

Lee Jin-Ho answered him with a thoughtful hum. "True. Still, you protected them well today, and they will remember that. Maybe, this experience will make them trust in you more."

The ex demon lord's lips twitched in a slight, dry smile. "I do not need their trust. I need their cooperation."

"Sometimes, they are one and the same." Lee Jin-Ho replied back in a soft manner. And then, he left to take care of the dinner preparations.

Heuk Cheon was in deep thought hearing those words. Maybe he did want their trust. Or perhaps he already had it, in more ways that he could think.

As the night fell across Redwood Estate. The day's excitement put the children into an early slumber, and soon the Redwood Estate was bathing in moonlight once again. Standing by the open window, Heuk Cheon was gazing out at the silent courtyard once again, keeping alert for any trace or track of that mysterious robed figure.

Hearing a shy tiny voice from behind, Ae-rin appeared before him, holding a cup with her daisy floating on the surface. "Master Heuk," she said in a timid manner.

He turned around to face her. "What is it, young one?"

She was fiddling with the rim of the cup. "I uh... wanted to say thanks. For taking us on a trip to town. And for, you know... stopping that bad man."

He observed her for a short moment. Ae-rin was looking braver now than she had looked that morning, as if the trip to town and seeing Heuk Cheon's protective nature had manifested a new brimming confidence inside her. "It was my duty." he replied with a voice that was gentler than the usual.

She smiled shyly. "Well, thank you anyway!" then she held her cup to her chest, adding, "Good nighty!"

He watched her go back to her room, the warm flow of a lantern was brightening her path back. A quiet exhalation passed his lips. They are getting bolder, he thought. And in a way, so am I.

While stepping away from the window, Heuk Cheon made his daily patrol through the corridors. He listened to the gentle breaths of sleeping children, each one a reminder of what he had become, a guardian, rather than a destroyer. The mantle felt both alien and at the same time... right.

Outside, the moon continued its light over Redwood Estate. The watchers kept their distance for now. But Heuk Cheon was resolved that, no matter who was lurking in the shadows, they would come to realize that Redwood Estate was not just an orphanage anymore. It was a fortress of earnest laughter, hard won discipline, and a newly founded sense of unity that was forged by a Demon Lord's redemption.

The next day, a soft light fell across the manor's courtyard as a new dawn settled in. Despite the earliness of the morning, signs of life mixed in behind the repaired windows and sealed doors, the kids were walking about, the escort guards were yawning, and one former demon lord was already on his feet, his mind was brimming with plans and a fair bit of worries.

Heuk Cheon was standing by a wide window in the manor's second floor corridor with his arms crossed. He was analyzing the silent stretch of land that was beyond the iron gates of Redwood Estate. Although the morning sun cast a soft glow over the trees surrounding them, he still could not shake a lingering feeling of suspicion. Ever since their trip to town, and that shady robed figure, his awareness had been honed to a razor's edge.

Was it someone sent by my old rival? he wondered. Perhaps, a spy from the Murim Alliance, checking if I am toeing the line? Or was I someone altogether new?

His thoughts got cut as Seo Ryung emerged from around the corner, wearing a slight scowl.

"Master, I have done a proper sweep of the estate. There were no signs of any intruders overnight." he reported but his voice was hushed so as not to wake up any sleeping children nearby.

Heuk Cheon nodded, but his gaze was still fixed beyond the walls. "Doesn't mean they won't try."

"Should I increase the guard rotations?" Seo Ryung asked.

"Double them," Heuk Cheon whispered to him. Then, as if he remembered his new role, he added, "But keep it discreet. We don't want to scare any orphans."

Seo Ryung gave him a respectful nod. "Understood." He stopped, his eyes were glowing with curiosity. "Are you... worried?"

Heuk Cheon's jaw tightened. He would not phrase it as worry, it was more like he was getting ready to face a storm. "Anyone that poses a threat to Redwood Estate will regret it," he said simply while he pivoted on his heel. "Now come and let us get the children moving. Another day of training and chores awaits."