Children's Worries

He patted Su-yeon's shoulder, and then he sent the two of them to hone their skills on a wooden beam. As they were walking way, Seo Ryung walked towards Heuk Cheon, with a hint of slight tension in his voice. "Master, a scout of ours has reported seeing footprints close to the eastern creek again. The stalkers are getting bolder."

Lee Jin-Ho was listening to their conversation, he frowned upon hearing the message. "I can tell that their goal is to put us on edge and get us to show cracks. We cannot let them disturb our routines or grow doubt among the kids. Let's try to not pay them any mind."

Heuk Cheon looked over at the boundary of the estate's orchard, where the guards were patrolling in a methodical pattern. "Seo Ryung, head to General Kang and have them double the perimeter checks. Be discreet. Our focus will stay on these training exercises, however, we will not be caught off guard. Trust me."

While the adults were engaging in conversation, Han-ju was still guiding his peers. He was guiding Jin-mu through a particularly hard section of the orchard's course, it was a sloped log that ends in a low hanging tree branch. "Jin, keep steady, try to maintain your knees bent." he was urging. Jin-mu answered him with a determined nod, but as he was in the middle of the log, a hidden rope trap suddenly whipped upward, and it caused him to lose his balance. With a yelp, he dropped into a crouch, he had nearly gotten seriously hurt.

Meanwhile, Chul-woo darts over from where he was practicing doing flips. "Are you okay?" he asked in concern, while reaching a hand to Jin-mu.

While rubbing his hurt elbow, Jin-mu gave him a half smile. "I'm okay don't worry, I just lost my footing, but next time I do this, I'll spot that rope." He stood up, his eyes was gazing towards the border of the orchard. "Welp, if those stalker guys came at us now, I guess I wouldn't be able to do much huh?"

Chul-woo answered his question with a shrug, he tried his best to give Jin-mu encouragement "We are still learning you know. That's why they are having us practice and train. ALSO, Master Heuk can literally defeat any bad guy in the world!" 

Ae-rin, after she finished a quick attempt of the orchard's course with Woo-jin cut in their conversation and joined in. She looked between Jin-mu and Chul-woo and with a low voice. "Guys, we can't depend on Master Heuk for everything! Isn't that why he gifted us those special personalized blades yesterday? I'm sure he trusts us to stand up on our own if something bad happens and he can't protect us."

A swift silence settled among the three determined kids, each one of them recalled the small, expertly forged weapons that their Master Heuk Cheon had given them in secret. The thought that they might need to use those real blades one day emphasized just how serious the status of the Redwood Estate was.

In the middle of the day, a quick break was given to the kids. They chose to sit under large apple tree, every single one of them was panting from the orchard's course. Dae-hyun was handing around tall cups of water, while Min-ah shared slices of fruit with Su-yeon. Generl Kang appeared on the far side of the orchard, he was analyzing their training from a distance.

Heuk Cheon moved towards the group of kids, and while folding his arms as he was observing them. "Very good, you brats have improved since yesterday." he complimented their vigor, with a tone that suggests it had a hint of pride. "A month ago, I truly believe that not a single one of you could have navigated even one of these traps." He placed his gaze over each of their faces, and then he gave them a softened expression. "However, I feel that worries might be building within all of you. Come and talk to me about it."

Han-ju placed his tall water cup down, and with an anxious voice. "Well... Master, we are aware that there are stalkers watching us from out there, but we absolutely have no idea who they are. It's... it's a bit terrifying."

Chul-woo, while sitting on a big rock, joined in on the conversation. "Yeah Master, I mean I try my best to act all tough and stuff, but it spooks me out sometimes, you know, not knowing if they will attack while we're out training in the courtyard or.... or even while we are... sleeping."

A gust of wind rustled the leaves in the orchard, hinting at the uneasy silence of the group. Heuk Cheon lowered his head for them. "Fear is natural. If they are bold enough to come, we at Redwood Estate will face them as one. Drill into your mind that you will never be alone, you brats have each other, the guards that surrounds our home, and of course, me. Use that feeling of camaraderie." He stopped to let his words sink deep before turning towards Su-yeon. "How about you Su-yeon, do you have anything on your mind?" 

Her eyes met with Heuk Cheon, she squeezed her doll tightly and answered him a near whisper voice. "I-I just worry that I would tense or freeze up when the bad guys come and attack... I'm scared that I'll let everyone down."

Heuk Cheon reassured her with a warm look on his face. "Freezing up is normal when you first experience real danger. However, I have been observing you our dear Su-yeon. You have proven in the course that you can move past it. Remember when you managed to catch and help Min-ah on that wooden beam? To me, that was pure instinct and not hesitation." At his words, a tiny, grateful smile was drawn onto Su-yeon's blushing face. "Trust in those instincts of yours, you may help a friend with them someday."

Heuk Cheon steps back and gave a signal towards Seo Ryung, who had been standing in silent close to them. "Come on up you brats, let's do one more run. This time, pair up with someone that you have not been partnered with before. After all, creativity in teamwork cana make all the difference."

As the orphans were hurriedly looking for new people to form a pair with, Ae-rin ended up partnering with Chul-woo, while Jin-mu got to team up with Su-yeon. Han-ju and Min-ah, Woo-jin and Dae-hyun. Each pair had to take a different path through the orchard's course. Wooden training dummies were spinning around, rope traps were snapped, and swift hops over wooden logs were challenging them to coordinate in real time.

Ae-rin was shouting cheers at Chul-woo to encourage him when he almost slid off a slippery boulder. He answered her by sending a grin over his shoulder, while panting. "Thanks! I guess I owe you one!" On the other hand, Su-yeon let out a yelp as a trap wire activated, but Jin-mu managed to intercept the incoming swinging sand bag, he deflected it with his wooden practice sword. She muttered a breathy "thank you so much" as they continued to move forward.

By late in the afternoon, the training of the kids in the orchard had concluded, it left the children feeling extremely exhausted but they became more confident in themselves. Lee Jin-Ho guided them back towards the main building to eat dinner, regaling them with a quietly hilarious stories about his own training mistakes back when he was younger. The kids were all laughing about without a care in the word, each joke was a weight that was lifted.

As the sun was beginning to set, coloring the sky in a wash of orange and pink, Heuk Cheon and General Kang took a stroll over the orchard's perimeter one final time. A couple of footprints, most likely from the kids, were marring the otherwise soft grass, and the wooden practice dummies were swaying gently in the fading light.

"Are you sensing their presence again?" General Kang broke their silence, while observing the dense forest.

Heuk Cheon let out an exhale. "No, not tonight. If what I'm thinking is right, they are trying to be clever. They will only watch and observe from a far distance, waiting for a weakness to appear. Though, they will find none."

"I agree." General Kang replies, stopping to analyze a group of foliage. "Your orchard training... if I may admit, it's a bit unconventional, but I can see that it's forging something strong within those kids."

Heuk Cheon's eyes landed on a lone apple tree blooming with tiny, green fruits. "It's forging unity," he gave him a direct answer. "I have instilled within them that threats come in many different forms. Those brats must be ready for anything that comes their way, not just in skill but in spirit."

A strong gust of wind moved the apple tree's leaves, and Heuk Cheon turned away, the quiet confidence of his posture was speaking more than any grand vow. The watchers could come tomorrow, or next week, or perhaps even never. But Redwood Estate will keep on continuing their training, growing, and living with hearts that are not afraid of the dark.