The Stalkers Appear

A soft but intense noise had broken the thick silence. Out of the darkness, there emerged two dark clothed shady figures, they were moving with skilled stealth techniques. Su-yeon and Min-ah had froze up, their adrenaline was at an all time high. It was very clear to them that these weren't their Redwood Estate guards, as there was no evident alliance symbols, no friendly voice that greeted them. Could they be the shadows of Ebony Phoenix? Or Iron Sabre scouts? They could not be any sure, but the shady figures were radiating a predatory aura.

One intruder raised his hand upward, as if he was signaling to the other intruder. Min-ah had tightened her grip, her voice was quivering, "Stop right there, Misters! Identify yourselves!" Her voice had a hint of nervousness, but she managed to stand firm, she was recalling her orchard training lessons, to never show your back to an unknown threat.