
Chapter 21:from level 10 crook to 99 boss


Vira: I mean, I was already part of it—with a theft brigade and connections to the Triad—but sure, yay dark world.

Author: Nahh, you're gonna be the boss now instead of just a crook.


Not exactly Vira's, but Viper's. Even before Viper told him what the shout was saying, Vira had already gotten a gist of it.

Seeing that the words had managed to capture the attention of most of the kids, he adopted them even more than their benefactor standing before them.

It was a word he had heard quite often, and more than often, he had heard anyone who saw him say it.

"Street rat," "throwaway," "scrounger," and many other insults had rained upon him no matter where he walked. Although these people got their retribution soon enough, the constant insults were pretty annoying.

he stole everything from the clerk who insulted him on the first day and, well, burned his place to smithereens.

He would have loved to steal the things in the store, but it seemed to be run by someone in power, so the fear of having the items traced meant he, unfortunately, could not.

As for others, he either stabbed a few knives in them or, well, robbed them penniless. Naturally, James and the others did it; he did not even come near them.

And now, in front of his crib, a reckless prick was insulting him, causing his good mood and dreams of great food to be ruined.

Someone had to bear the anger, and the prick who caused it was exactly the target. So, he swiftly turned around, intending to stab a few times, but as he turned, he saw something that made his anger instantly cool down.

He saw a bulging section on the prick's coat. He knew what it was by the shape and bit of thinking—it was a gun.

Normally, gangsters would carry knives in their pockets and have their wallets there, but Vira knew it was not a wallet—it was currently in his small pouch, so it could only be a gun.

Although Vira knew it was a gun, he knew he could not act like he noticed it because if the prick actually pulled it out, who knew if it might hit? He asked one of the older girls to take the children in and call James and the others while also asking his friends for help.

But before they came, he had to make sure the prick wouldn't pull out the big guy.And if he could get rid of this threat.

So, Vira, turning while acting angry, shouted, "F*ck you want, you prick?"

Hearing this, Stephan shouted in anger, "What'd you say, you wretch?"

But he didn't stop trying to show his "scary presence." He came near Vira while pulling his sleeves.

Although it would have only made Vira laugh a little because of how thin he was, knowing that the prick had a gun was enough of a threat to minimize the amusement.

Also, it seemed the prick had forgotten that he had a gun or simply felt he could smash the kid with his fists. The prick came aggressively without any defensive gesture, which was a grave mistake that would cost not only him but his future generations.


Because, as he moved closer to Vira in an attempt to beat him, multiple crows flew behind, and the crows soon received a signal to attack. They jolted onto Stephan's neck, scratching, while others pecked at his back, tugged his hair, and unleashed everything they could on his back.

This sudden attack caused him to raise his hands towards his head and attempt to turn to see the threat, but before he could, he was attacked by Vira.

Vira, after asking the crows to attack, quickly closed the distance. As Stephan was raising his hand and turning his head, Vira kicked him in the balls. Not only that, he also took out his switchblade and stabbed him in the abdomen, letting it sink all the way in until it was stopped by the handle.

Then, before the man managed to pull his hands to cover his balls, which seemed like they had been squashed, his hand was pulled back by Vira, making it twist unnaturally. Then Stephan felt a hand across his face, which, with astonishing strength, pushed his head back until it slammed onto the concrete floor, knocking him out cold.

After knocking the man out, Vira used his strength to open the overcoat, tearing the buttons off in the process, and took out the gun.

The cold touch of it startled him. This was his second time encountering a gun—at least one in the hands of someone. He had seen plenty in the safes of rich people, but someone armed with it was not a normal encounter.

He had previously not used guns and had sold them aside from a few, but it was never on him. He reckoned it was useless to him. He was active in alleyways or inside houses with plenty of cover, and his creed as a thief up until now had been only one:


If there is a threat—RUN.

If you got found—RUN.

If you managed to steal—RUN.

No matter what happens, he was going to run, never colliding head-on. But this encounter was an awakening. No matter how useless it is normally, it is still needed. As long as he was treading this path, he needed a weapon—one he could use at a distance and stay away from the threat.

While he was thinking, Peter and the others had come to help. Though late, they were not completely useless, as Vira asked them to carry Stephan inside and also mentioned that today was a holiday.

It's not like Vira was scared by this encounter, but rather that he planned to choose a gun for himself and also learn how to use it.

So, while others were dragging Stephan inside, he asked Peter, who generally took care of the people he brought back,

"I remember you saying there was a retired veteran in the group I brought."

"Most of the adults are one," Peter replied with a dumbfounded expression, considering he had never once forgotten to ask what Vira was going to do with those guys.

He thought Vira had gathered them to start a gang like every other one does. Heck, even the men involved thought Vira brought and took care of them because he wanted to start one and were just waiting until he officially said something.

"Oh, really? I thought they were deadbeat alcoholics," said Vira, slightly surprised, as Peter had only told him those things when he was sleepy. Well, Viper had already gone to sleep, so he never really realized the kind of alcoholics who could only take care of kids were actually retired military professionals.

"Well, just bring one who knows their way with guns," asked Vira after that.

Hearing this, Peter went in and called about 90 men from the neighborhood compound. He came to Vira and said, "I don't know which one is good; they all shout they know best. Just ask what you want from all of them. They just loiter around in the day, anyway."

To which Vira simply nodded, then turned toward the men and said, "You sure these are military?"

You can't really blame Vira. Although they were lined up fairly well, aside from that, there was no discipline that he saw that matched the military. He knew them from the unkempt beards and hair, and the stench coming out as they gathered around was pretty bad. Also, they seemed to have fallen asleep drunk, with their red eyes and many other signs.

Although Peter himself didn't really think they were military with how they looked, he recalled how they bragged, saying, "Don't look at me all drunk and useless; I can shatter a brick. Just call me when the kid needs me," or, "Give me a gun, and I'll shoot a bird's eye from a mile."

Peter opted to just nod and say nothing.

Seeing Peter affirming, Vira walked up front and asked, "Which of you knows how to use a gun?"