

Chapter 43: Grignots!

Author: I think I asked this before, but how does it feel seeing countless wizards right in front of you?

Vira: Not really, you haven't asked me before, but if I had to say, I was calmer seeing it than before!

Author: What? Why?

Vira: For a major trade center in the wizarding world, there were too few people there. Some tests along the way told me that they're not exactly as scary as Professor. Also, they still love me.

He said the last part with a small smile that lingered at the side of his mouth for the entirety of the chapter.

And the chicken coop... it was just that it was a small part of it, and instead of chickens, it was full of owls. Upon sensing him, they started to cause a ruckus.

From those locked inside a cage in the shop to the ones held by kids the same age as him, all of them seemed impatient to come closer.

Seeing the owls and other wizards' pets running toward him was a bit of a surprise. Even for Vira, let alone Professor McGonagall, who quickly took out her wand. Then she seemed to say something as a translucent shield covering every side surrounded her and Vira.

The shield was effective in keeping all the animals from getting closer. After which, the wizards and witches, who most likely owned them, came to grab them, but looking at them, they were clearly reluctant to part with Vira.

This was a trouble for Vira, at least for now. Getting attention might be useful in most cases, but when he was planning to gather information about the wizarding civilians, it's not that useful.

People behave far from normal when they are weirded out and, well, a bit shocked.

So, although Vira had the same smile{it was just a bit more genuine}, he still held it in.

after which he let out a mental signal saying: "Don't cause a ruckus now! I will come find you, so go! Don't gather around!"

This message seemed to spread far and inside the minds of every owl and pet, but the humans—or, well, wizards—were completely oblivious. No matter what, after finding that the animals were not as stubborn as before, they left the area to go on their daily business, just not forgetting to give a strange glance at Vira.

After this strange encounter, Professor McGonagall was a bit surprised but quickly adjusting herself, she said,

"Well, let's go to Gringotts to exchange the things you brought for galleons." She spoke this in a kind tone as she glanced at the huge bag Vira carried.

"Gringotts?" said Vira, with the same innocent smile that never left his face. But in his mind, he was completing the encounter from before.

Sensing Vira's not being as tense as before and well, letting his mouth be free, Silas poked his head out to ask why he was so happy.

Vira, in his mind, replied: "Well, it seems I will not be alone in my journey, even in this magical world. You guys seem to keep me company even in this world."

After this, Vira again pulled Silas back into his sleeves and grabbed its mouth. Otherwise, with how much his emotions were fluctuating, he did not trust the anti-venom he brought was enough and also he didn't want Silas to be harmed after using up all his venom.

Hearing his question, Professor replied, "Yes, Gringotts! It's a bank for wizards, like the one you have in the Muggle world."

After saying that, she stayed silent, which wasn't great for Vira, who was thirsty for more information, but he didn't want to risk losing his goodwill.

He had yet to know that his charm was still working. The impact her magic left on him was so huge that he didn't think it had worked.

Until the event from before, he thought his magic was the reason for the strange abilities of his. But the previous encounter had told him something else. The wizards not hearing or even sensing him communicating with the animals was a godsend for that.

He had previously thought that talking with animals, animals listening, and even the constant charm radiating from him was a normal occurrence for wizards because of magic. He even thought they might have greater influence on the creatures. He thought animals liking him was just a side effect of the magic inside him.

Most importantly, he thought these inhuman creatures he was suddenly exposed to would snatch his friends. And truth be told, this was the major reason for Vira being scared of the wizarding world and, well, so hostile to them until now.

If Silas and other animals left him, he would be alone again, stranded in a new world without anyone to rely on. Sure, if it was just him placed in the body of a baby, he might be fine.

He might not live, but still, the mental stress and loneliness wouldn't be there. His lack of empathy still remained. Just one thing to note: the animals that accompanied him, the dumb girl who didn't mind him snatching her food, and the adoration from everyone had changed him.

Sure, he wouldn't break down if Silas left him this instant, but his heart would be painful, and the impact was something he would rather not bear.

But now it was fine; he need not be so worried. The friends he made would never leave him, and he would make even more friends. Strange and magical? Yes! But good friends nonetheless. The fear that all the wizards and witches were inhuman supernatural creatures that had an elusive charm, reactions, and physical prowess stronger than his—and, most importantly, access to magic that literally felt like a wish-granting machine—was no more.

Well, at least the first half. He had yet to confirm that they had supernatural physical qualities, and he didn't know anything about magic, let alone its limits.

So his second test came. He looked at his untied laces in his small shoes, then handed the briefcase to Professor and asked...

"Can you please hold this while I tie my shoes?"

Perhaps to make sure his trick—well, test—worked, he shoved the briefcase, weighing around 18 kg, to Professor McGonagall and let go, forcing her to hold it with one hand. Afterward, he bent down to tie his laces.

During the time he took to tie his shoelaces, he didn't forget to ask Silas to pay attention to her. He let go of Silas's mouth, who quickly crawled through his body to peek from his neck.

Silas saw the professor struggling to hold onto it. The tense arm, as well as the increasing heat from exertion to hold it, was enough for him and Vira to deduce that she was not that strong.

Confirming this was enough, so Vira quickly finished tying his shoelaces and stood up. Afterward, he made a slightly guilty face and said,

"Sorry." In his mind, he was thinking, "So they don't have an inhuman body like I do. The strength is a bit above average for an old woman, but nothing too crazy. And also, I attributed the lack of reaction speed when Nicolas tackled her to Apparition's side effects, but it might be that it was her normal ability. Being in that cat form of hers might have been the main reason she was able to dodge my bullets in the garden. It does work out more if I consider the results from the office's tests, but it may just be..."

While thinking this, he looked more guilty, but the professor didn't seem to mind. The action was rude, but she didn't mind or even think much about it.

She was, however, kind enough to ask if he needed help carrying the briefcase.

To which Vira shook his head, acting even more guilty, and said in a stuttering tone,

"But... but it's heavy!"

Hearing this seemed to bring a smile to Professor McGonagall's face as she said,

"Don't worry, I won't be carrying it." Then, pointing at a passerby who had a cauldron floating beside him, she continued, "I will be using a spell just like him."

After saying that, she placed the briefcase on the floor and said, "Wingardium Leviosa," and with a flick of her wand, the heavy briefcase floated in the air.

"See! We don't have to carry it anymore!" she spoke, looking at the excited expression that Vira currently had on his face.

What was in his mind was something evil, not to say less, but he seemed happy that she started talking again. Taking the opportunity, he created, he continued asking her about spells until they reached a building that seemed so out of place from its surroundings.

Yes, they were near the Gringotts bank of wizards and witches.


Well I don't want to cluster the nice place so I will say it here

I am sorry for not updating for like 2 days. I had a fever so I did not even open the laptop let alone write so sorry about that.

Hope that you don't mind that and enjoyed the chapter

ps: I commented already but I wont really have a pateron like I said in the previous chap the stats I saw gave me enough confidence that atleast a few people will come for advanced chap. But they were fake. The 130k views are a scam and I don't wanna write if noone is gonna read so unfortunately no pateron.