In a world torn apart by clan rivalries and ancient grudges, eight young men strive to create the greatest sect the world has ever seen. Led by Jayson, an abandoned son of the Grayhair Clan, they seek to master their weapons as a Dao and defy fate. Along the way, they face forbidden love, betrayal, and the looming threat of the Mellians—alien beings seeking to devour their world. Their journey will test their resolve, loyalty, and ambition as they carve their legacy into history.
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Reveal Spoiler
It is one of the best plot I have Read The creator is trying his best Missing Fantasy, Cultivation, Action and Adventure with a little bit of Sci-Fi Normally Jux one genre Is enough to get Your attention But He Mixed all to get this masterpiece, Let's See How it Goes I think This is just Volume 1 I give the writer a thumbs up on this Keep Going
The story is engaging, and the characters are well-developed. It captures attention with every twist and makes the reader care about the journey.
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I'm not being shameful because I Reviewed on My Work To Me This is The First time iI'm writing A Book I Must Say I'm proud of My work
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