After getting the haircut, Michael examined Noah critically, pacing around him like a judge inspecting a contestant on a game show.
Michael: "Alright, you don't look like a total disaster anymore, but there's still one huge problem."
Noah rolled his eyes. "And what is it now?"
Michael: "Your clothes. Sure, you're not a walking mop anymore, but you still dress like one."
Noah sighed, tugging at his worn hoodie. "So what? I'm broke, Michael. I can't just magically pull new clothes out of nowhere."
Michael smirked. "Don't worry. I know of a place."
Noah raised an eyebrow. "How do you even know all these places? You're eight."
Michael shrugged. "I have connections."
Noah was about to retort, but Michael grabbed his wrist and dragged him down the street before he could say anything else.
They walked for about 15 minutes, the neighborhood growing shabbier the farther they went.
Noah: "You seriously think all this is worth it? A haircut, new clothes, all this running around—just so you can pretend to be me and talk to some girl who probably doesn't even remember you exist?"
Michael slowed his pace slightly, turning to glance at Noah. For a moment, there was no trace of his usual playful expression.
Michael: "So what if she doesn't? Does that mean I shouldn't even try? That I should just… give up?"
Noah frowned. Michael's words felt like a punch to the gut.
Michael: "At least I'm trying to make something happen. You're always acting like nothing matters, like there's no point to anything. But what if there is? What if something good actually happens for once?"
Noah looked away, his jaw tightening. "Fine. Whatever. Let's just get this over with."
Michael grinned, his usual energy returning. "Now that's the spirit!"
They stopped in front of a shabby dress shop wedged between two crumbling buildings.
Noah: "Seriously? First a run-down barbershop, and now this? Are you trying to make me look worse?"
Michael: "Hey, it's not about the looks. It's about the results. Trust me."
Inside, they were greeted by a towering man, his scarred face and menacing demeanor enough to make Noah hesitate at the door.
The man's expression softened when he saw Michael. "Well, well. If it isn't my favorite little troublemaker. What brings you here, kid?"
Michael grinned. "Hey, Peter. My brother needs new clothes—he's asking a girl out tomorrow."
Peter chuckled, eyeing Noah. "New clothes, huh? Alright, let's see what we can do."
After nearly an hour of searching, they finally found an outfit that worked: dark brown baggy cargos and a green cotton jacket with white stripes on the arms.
Peter nodded in approval. "Alright, kid. Since you're Lily's boys and this is your first time here, it's on the house."
Michael beamed. "Thanks, Peter!"
As they stepped outside, Michael checked the time and froze.
Michael: "Crap! Mom's gonna kill me!"
Without another word, he bolted, and Noah, startled, ran after him.
When they reached the house, both of them were gasping for air. Lily stood at the front door, her arms crossed and her eyes burning with fury.
Michael braced himself, but instead of scolding him, Lily turned on Noah.
Lily: "What the hell is wrong with you, Noah? Dragging your little brother out this late? Do you even realize what time it is?"
Noah opened his mouth to explain, but she cut him off.
Lily: "You don't do anything. You don't go to school, you don't help around the house—you're just a useless, lazy burden. And now you're being irresponsible with Michael too?"
Noah flinched, his stomach twisting.
Lily: "You're a complete waste of space. Honestly, sometimes I wish I'd never even had you. My life would've been so much better without you dragging it down."
Noah froze. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think.
Her words echoed in his head:I wish I'd never had you.
He felt like the ground had been ripped out from under him. He'd heard plenty of insults from his dad and Henry, but this… this was different. This was his mom. The one person he thought might still care about him, even if only a little.
Michael glanced nervously between them, but before he could say anything, Lily grabbed his arm and dragged him inside, slamming the door behind her.
Noah stood there in silence, staring at the closed door.
She hates me. She really hates me.
His legs felt like lead as he turned and walked away from the house.
Noah didn't know where he was going. He just kept walking, each step heavier than the last. The pain in his chest was unbearable, like someone was squeezing his heart in a vice.
Why am I even here? What's the point?
He found himself at the park. The sun had set completely, and the only light came from the faint glow of the streetlamps.
Noah sat down on the grass near the lake, burying his face in his hands. The tears came, hot and relentless.
She's right.I am useless.I'm nothing.
The dark water of the lake shimmered in the moonlight. Noah stared at it, his thoughts spiraling.
Maybe if I disappeared,things would be better. Maybe she wouldn't have to look at me anymores.
He stood up, his feet carrying him closer to the water's edge.
The reflection of the moon wavered on the surface.
Noah clenched his fists, his breathing uneven.
One step. That's all it would take.Just one step, and it would all be over.
The tears blurred his vision, but he didn't care. He closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath.
The voice startled him, and he turned quickly, almost stumbling.
Standing a few feet away was Liam, his hands in his pockets and his usual smirk slightly softer than usual.
"Yo, dude. Isn't it you, Noah?"
Noah stared at him, his chest heaving. For the first time all day, the chaos in his mind quieted, replaced by the sound of Liam's voice.