The gang(3)

Here's a rewritten version of the chapter with

The trio walked through the busy streets of the main city, weaving through crowds and towering buildings. Liam led the way, hands in his hoodie pockets, a cocky grin plastered across his face.

"So, Noah," Liam began, glancing over his shoulder, "you've been quiet. Not used to the big city or what?"

"I'm fine," Noah replied awkwardly, trying to keep up.

"*Yeah, you look like you're thriving,*" Liam teased, smirking. "Maiya, tell him he's gotta loosen up. Kid's walking like someone's holding him hostage."

"Leave him alone, Liam," Maiya interjected with a sigh. "Not everyone is as obnoxiously comfortable as you in every situation."

"Obnoxious?" Liam clutched his chest in mock offense. "I prefer the term 'charmingly confident,' thank you very much."

Maiya rolled her eyes, but a faint smile crept onto her lips. "You're impossible."

"And yet, you keep coming back. Tragic, really," Liam quipped. "Anyway, Noah, we're stopping by this art shop first. You know, since you're one of those artsy types like Maiya."

"Those artsy types?" Maiya shot back. "You're literally the one who doodles all over every notebook you've ever owned."

"Hey, hey, my doodles are masterpiece, thank you very much," Liam said, pretending to be offended. "What I lack in technical skill, I make up for in raw genius."

Noah couldn't help but laugh a little at their banter.

After a short walk, they stopped at a small, tucked-away stationery shop. Liam bounded in like he owned the place, Maiya followed, and Noah hesitated before stepping inside. They picked out some sketch pads, pencils, and markers, with Liam loudly lamenting the prices.

"How the hell are pencils this expensive?" Liam exclaimed, holding up a pack. "Do they come with gold tips or something?"

"You're such a cheapskate," Maiya muttered, picking out her own supplies. "If you don't want to buy anything, just wait outside."

"Nah, I'm good. Gotta be here to supervise you nerds," Liam shot back. "Don't want you blowing all your money on overpriced erasers."


After they finished shopping, they continued walking until they arrived at a house sandwiched between two tall office buildings. The house looked oddly out of place amidst the urban sprawl, its weathered exterior and crooked windows contrasting sharply with the sleek, modern architecture around it.

Liam pushed the door open without hesitation. "Home sweet home, Kev! We're here!"

A muffled voice called out from behind a closed door inside. "Is that you, Maiya? Did you bring that idiot Liam?"

"I'm not an idiot, you fat fuck," Liam called back, grinning.

The door creaked open, and out stepped a man about 5'7, with long, scruffy hair and a round belly. He had an exasperated look on his face. "Liam, you bastard, you know what today is, right?"

"Of course I do," Liam replied smoothly.

"Then why the hell are you late?"

Before Liam could answer, he suddenly grabbed Noah by the arm and dragged him forward. "This is why," Liam said. "Meet Noah Anderson. Noah, this is Kevin."

Kevin blinked in surprise before breaking into a smile. "Well, hello there, Noah. Didn't see you hiding back there."

"Hi,"Noah mumbled, feeling out of place.

"Don't mind him," Liam said. "He's not much of a talker."

Kevin chuckled. "Alright, come on in. The rest of the gang's already here."


They followed Kevin into a dimly lit room where three others were sitting around. A short girl with brown hair lounged on the couch, a muscular guy with a buzz cut leaned against the wall, and a nerdy-looking guy with glasses sat at a desk, sketching furiously.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Liam announced dramatically, "may I present to you… the one, the only, Noah Anderson!"

The buzz-cut guy straightened up. "Anderson?" he repeated, his tone immediately shifting.

Liam smirked. "Yep. He's Henry's brother."

The room fell silent.

"What the hell, Liam?" Kevin snapped. "You brought Henry's brother here?"

The nerd with glasses set his pencil down and adjusted his glasses, narrowing his eyes at Noah. "Are you trying to screw us over, Liam? What are you thinking?"

"Whoa, whoa, calm your nerdy ass down, Ryan," Liam said, raising his hands defensively. "He's not like Henry, alright?"

Maiya turned to Noah, looking just as shocked as the rest. "Noah, you're Henry's brother? Why didn't you tell me?"

Noah opened his mouth, but no words came out. The room erupted into chaos as everyone started arguing at once.

"We can't trust him!" Kevin shouted.

"He's not Henry! Don't judge him just because of his brother!" Maiya shot back.

"This is a bad idea, Liam!" Ryan said. "He could be spying for Henry!"

"Oh, for fuck's sake, you're all overreacting!" Liam yelled, finally snapping. "Everyone shut the hell up!"

The room went silent. Liam turned to Noah, who was standing frozen, his breathing shallow.

"Look at him," Liam said, pointing at Noah. "Does he look like some evil mastermind to you? Kid can barely talk without stuttering. He's not Henry, alright? And guess what? He hates Henry's guts."

The group exchanged uneasy glances, but no one said anything.

Liam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Alright, Noah, let me introduce you to everyone properly. Fat guy over there is Kevin—you're in his house, by the way. That short girl is Sarah. Buzz Cut is Ethan, and Nerd Boy is Ryan. And you already know Maiya."

"Why is Ryan called Ryan?He doesn't look like a 'Ryan'." Noah asked quietly, confused.

Liam grinned. "Exactly, kid. That's the million-dollar question."

Noah let out a small laugh despite himself.

"Alright, now that we've got that settled," Liam said, clapping his hands. "Let's get to the meeting. We've got important shit to discuss."

Noah frowned. "Meeting? What meeting?"

Liam smirked. "You'll find out soon enough, kid."