
As they walked down the street, Noah's mind suddenly clicked. 'Wait—shit. I need to stall them!'

His grip on his hoodie tightened. He couldn't let Liam and Ethan return home just yet. The others still hasn't prepared for the surprise back at the apartment, and if Liam got there too early, he'd ruin everything. 'Think, Noah. Think!'

He glanced at Liam, who was casually strolling with his hands in his pockets, and Ethan, who was scrolling through his phone. Neither of them seemed like they were in a rush to get back, but knowing Liam, the moment he got bored, he'd speed up. 'I need to keep them busy.'

Noah cleared his throat. "Uh… hey, do you guys wanna go somewhere?"

Liam side-eyed him. "…The hell do you mean? We're already going somewhere. Home."

Noah swallowed. "Yeah, but, uh… don't you think it's kinda early? We could, I dunno, do something first?"

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Noah scrambled for an idea. Okay, I just need to stall. It doesn't matter what we do, as long as we kill time. He forced a casual smile. "What about… the park?"

Liam scoffed. "What, are we five?"

Noah groaned internally. Bad start. He quickly changed tactics. "No, I mean—just to chill, you know? Sit on a bench, enjoy nature… feed some birds…"

Liam narrowed his eyes. "…Feed some birds?"

Noah nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, you know! Birds! They need food!"

Liam stared at him like he'd grown a second head. "Noah. Are you okay? Did you inhale too much car wash soap?"

Ethan smirked. "I think he did. Dude just suggested feeding birds as a way to pass time."

Noah felt himself sweating. "I just thought it'd be relaxing!"

Liam snorted. "Right, because nothing says 'relaxing' like getting swarmed by a bunch of winged rats fighting over bread crumbs."

Noah groaned. "Fine! If you guys don't wanna go to the park, what about eating somewhere?"

Liam blinked. "…We just ate at the café."

"Yeah, but that was hours ago," Noah said quickly. "Aren't you even a little hungry?"

Liam placed a hand on his stomach. "Hmm… I could eat…"

Noah felt a spark of hope. 'Yes! I just need to drag this out as long as possible.'

Ethan, however, ruined it immediately. "Nah, we'll just eat at home."

Noah clenched his fists. 'Damn it, Ethan! Why are you being logical now?!'

"Come on," Noah pressed. "There's, uh… a new burger place! I heard it's really good!"

Liam raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

"Uh…" Noah hadn't thought that far ahead. He blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "…Near the park?"

Liam gave him a look. "So now you want us to eat at the park? Bro, do you have some weird park obsession you're not telling us about?"

Noah wanted to throw himself into the nearest trash can.' Abort! Abort!'

Ethan sighed. "Noah, if you wanted to do something today, you should've planned it before we started heading home."

Noah's eye twitched. "Okay, but what if—"

Liam suddenly stopped walking and stretched his arms over his head. "Y'know what? Screw it. Let's just go home. I wanna sit on my ass and do nothing for the rest of the day."

Noah panicked. No no no NO—

Before he could think of a better excuse, he did the only thing he could.

He threw himself in front of Liam.


Liam flinched. "Jesus, kid, what the hell?!"

Ethan stared. "…Dude. You good?"

Noah let out a forced chuckle. "Haha, yeah! I just—uh—" He racked his brain for anything. Anything at all. And then—

"We should go bowling!"

Liam blinked. "…Bowling?"

"Yeah!" Noah latched onto the idea desperately. "It's fun, right?! And, uh, good for hand-eye coordination!"

Liam crossed his arms. "Why the hell are you so eager to hang out all of a sudden?"

Noah stiffened. "Uh—"

Liam narrowed his eyes. "…Are you trying to stall us?"

Noah's stomach dropped.' Oh no.'

Ethan's expression turned suspicious too. "Now that I think about it, you have been acting weird."

Noah scrambled for a response. "W-Whaaat? Me? Stalling? Pfft! No way! I just, you know, thought we could—"

Liam's gaze sharpened. "Noah."

Noah froze.

Liam leaned in. "What. Are. You. Hiding?"

Sweat dripped down Noah's forehead. He was running out of options. 'Think, Noah! THINK!'

And then, in a moment of pure desperation—

He sprinted away.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Liam yelled.

Ethan blinked. "Did… did he just run away?"

Liam groaned. "Goddamn it, Noah!"

Noah didn't look back. He just ran, hoping—praying—that this would buy him enough time.

Unfortunately, he underestimated one thing.

Liam was fast.

And he was pissed.


Noah screamed.

Ethan sighed and rubbed his temples. "Why am I friends with these idiots?"

After nearly getting tackled in the middle of the street, Noah was panting on a bench while Liam glared at him like he wanted to punt him into traffic.

"You better start talking," Liam warned. "Why the hell are you acting so weird?"

Noah gasped for breath. "I just… thought we… needed more exercise…"

Liam's eye twitched. "Oh, you're about to get some exercise, alright—when I beat your ass!"

Ethan sighed. "Liam, calm down." He turned to Noah. "Seriously, though. What's going on?"

Noah clenched his fists. He was running out of ideas. But—he had one last card to play.

He straightened up and looked them both in the eye.

"…I just wanted to spend time with you guys."

Liam blinked. "…What?"

Noah forced his most sincere expression. "You guys have always looked out for me. And, well… I just thought we could spend more time together, you know? Before things get too busy."

Ethan stared at him.

Liam frowned.

And then—

Liam sighed. "Damn it, Noah. You're making it weird."

Noah internally celebrated.' YES! IT'S WORKING!'

Ethan smirked. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to chill a little longer."

Liam clicked his tongue. "Fine. But you owe me food for making me run."

Noah smiled. "Deal."