013. Self-Destructive Creature

After I dress myself in the uniform and grab my bag, I walk out of my chamber and lock the door. I look up at the wooden cross mounted on the stained-glass window above my door, I take a deep inhale and close my eyes. Then, I start my daily prayers for the morning.

"Bless me, my lord, for the world might destroy the inside of me…" in fact in my new case, "As well as the exterior of me. Hence sincerely, I ask you, Oh Lord, to be with my spirit and deliver me from evil. Ame-"

Unfortunately, before I am able to finish my sentence, I feel a ball of heat swirling in my lower abdomen. At once I open my eyes. I grip tight to the strap of my bag as I run down the hallway then the stairs. I never turn back until I land on the ground floor and sprint out the front door.