018. Unforeseen and Unwitnessed

Mr Llevric's action puts me in perturbation, "W-what are you doing…?" before I am prepared, Mr Llevric stands back up on his feet and carries me tightly in his arms.

When I look up, I see his face veiled by flares of the afternoon sun. In reverse to the bright light, all I see is a tender smile he puts up for me, "You can't stand on those legs, can you?" he asked.

He saw how I crawled to him… He knows I am unable to leave this place on my own.

Perhaps in his arms I feel secured from the fretfulness I endured, soreness surges up my nasal passage at once, and soon, tears start to stream down my cheeks. Vulnerable I lay in his arms. Even though his chest is stained with thick blood, I let myself lean my head on his chest.

I feel so exhausted from all the repellent encounters. This is not supposed to be happening to me——I have been trying so hard to avoid all possible troubles and stay out of the public's attention…