The dolls kingdom

Everton was named after his beloved city, although he hated the name there was little he could do about it.

"What is this?." He asked himself as shook the game in his hands vigorously, he was bored to death, although this game looked old he was a genius and could fix anything.

"Drop it!." His mother yelled... Of course she was a drama queen.

"That thing is cursed!." She began Everton threw it in the thrash can.

"At peace now mum?." She nodded. He went into his to shut his eyes.

His dreams only opened the portal to a nightmare.

"Listen bro, get the game bro, we need to leave."

"Ah." He gasped fully awakened. His mind itched to fix that game and fix it he would . But he would do it at midnight. He did not want to alarm his mother.

Silence was the perfect yet mysterious sound Everton needed for this heist.

He took off the sheets and creeped downstairs and towards the thrash can.

"Nice try Mister!." His mother's cute voice protruded from behind.

"I thought you were asleep?." Everton defended.

"Drop it, but do it carefully, we don't want it to wake up." Everton laughed at his mother, she was being ridiculous,

"Who are you talking to?." Everyone's brother asked in his blue pyjamas.

"Mum was here just now right?." He asked.

"That thing is making you nuts, look around no one's here."

Everton nodded, "you're right, this thing is stupid, it belongs in the thrash."

Everton threw the game into the thrash with all his might. As he walked back to his room with his brother, a bright light shined from behind.

"What's going on!!!." Everton screamed as he was being pulled into the game, falling face first in the middle of nowhere..

"Welcome to Nowheres land!" Everton read outloud.

"Ah, why do you look so different?." Everyone's brother asked.

"You're right, Im white, oh no, gosh I'm white, dude my blacks skin is gone, wait you're black."

Everyone's brother Kyle looked at his own skin.

"Dang , I look a monk, dude I think I just made history, the first black monk.". Everton laughed, and bowed.

"All hail the sage!."

Then it started a strange sound stirred up. They both ran seeking a place to hide.

A train of doll like faces passed with there leader waving while sitted proudly on there armed shoulders.

"Dude I think we're in the game." Kyle said.

"What woke you up smarty pants, was it the strange skin, welcome to Nowheres land, or the doll people?." Everton asked sarcastically and furiously.

"I think it's both." Kyle responded innocently.

Everton shook his head, he was a genius he could figure this out.

The train paused as soon as it got to there hideout. The leader sniffed the air, he perceived the scent of something unusual.

His ears moving .

When suddenly Everton and Kyle felt the force of an arm pulling them back into a safe zone.

The train moved on.

"Thank you we owe you one." Everton said to the creature.

"You want us to follow you?,do not leave my hand." Everton warned his brother.

"Ha ha, I'm taller than you." Kyle said.

As Everton walked behind the creature leading his eyes never left the new world around them. Grasses was all he could see, not until the creature went deeper into the forest, and they saw something magnificent.

"Woah!!." They both exclaimed.

Rivers, mermaids, beautiful ladies and cute tall men who seemed to be warriors. Somehow Everton felt at peace here.

"Are you the ones which are to be the lost?." The queen asked.

Kyle laughed.. "First of all your sentence is..."

Everton quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

"Well your highness, we are the lost ones, but what is this place?." He asked.

"You are in Nowheres land, a place where those that have being banished by Queen Margaret are left to die." The queen said, with a tone filled with authority.

Everton wore a worried look when 'Margaret' was mentioned, that was his mother's name.

"And why were you all banished?." Everton asked.

"The queen wanted to take over my share of the kingdom but my brother who stood in her way was burnt to nothing.

The future of Nowheres land is in your hands."

The queen said.

They led Everton and Kyle to there rooms and led.

"The Future of Nowheres land is in our hands." Everton repeated.

Kyle laughed.

"Not our hands, just yours bro, mine is totally full." Kyle fell on the golden bed, but Everton could not sleep.

In his worry he went for a walk, a beautiful face emerged from beneath the waters, Everton let his eyes wander and roam her perfect body.

"Dude, check this out!." Kyle called from within.

His hands were filled with fire. "I'm not even hurt you know."

Few minutes later.....

"What happened?, the guards asked.

"Well, my brother, while testing out his new powers decided to destroy the place." Kyle bowed his head.

"Don't worry, the queen can fix it, she can fix anything."

The queen stopped the fire, with the water from her mouth, but then the sounds started.

"Oh no, that's the anthem of fear." Everyone ran to there rooms , but Kyle and Everton were stuck and frozen in place.

A hand pulled them into the water, surprisingly Everton could breathe, but Kyle could not. The woman kissed Kyle and after a minutes he could breathe.

"I hope they leave soon, because that bubble is merely temporary.". The woman said.

"Who lives, and who dies, is all in the hands of the mighty armoured king, bow, and stand still to the anthem of fear.." The doll soldiers sang as they marched.

"Elena!!!." The king roared.

"If you are as powerful as they proclaim of you, then why do you hide in the shadows, come out and face me like a warrior!.

I killed your father and your brother, do you fear death?."