Evertons Immunity

As Esmaralda scanned through the decorated walls, she released her confusion through a sigh.

Evertons eyes darkened he could not keep up anymore he fell..

Kyle hastened to his side, with love he picked Everton up, king Herald smiled sensing victory.

"Come on, do not get lost in there bro!." Kyles eyes filled up with tears.

Herald boasted. "This is it boys I have won, one thing about humans is they are weak.

Just level one and you have already lost your key player." He laughed.

Then it hit Kyle.

"Esmaralda, the portal is not in there." She blinked rapidly. Herald yelled in shock, how dare they try to outsmart him.

"What do you mean?." Esmaralda asked. ",I've being searching for hours." She said in frustration. Heralds panic glaring.

"The portal is here." Kyle placed his hands on his eyes. Esmaralda looked confused..

"No time to explain." Kyle continued.

He asked them to hold there hands together and they did so.

As soon as the count down clocked zero. Kyle screamed in a strange language and they all disappeared.

"No, they figured it out, now I will never be able to imprison them." Herald cursed under his breath, his red marks itching.

Level 1 was over....

The gang was excited they made it back to the hidden garden, but Everton was still in a coma.

"Don't worry I can help him." The queen said.

"You broke free?." Esmaralda asked. The queen smiled.

"Do you think your ice could hold me for that long?."

Esmaralda lowered her eyes. Everton shivered. He could feel himself stiffening, transforming into something he was not.

"What's happening to him?." Everton yelled.

"He is slowly turning into one of king Heralds mindless dolls." The queen affirmed.

"We have to get him out of this garden, once he regains consciousness no one would be able to stop him from destroying us."

Kyles eyes became red with grief,as he watched the guards throw Evertons body outside the garden and unto the streets.

He was about to step into his streets when a firm hand stopped him.

It was the guard.

"Let him go, it's over, I thought we could beat the king but I was wrong no one can." The guard said defeatedly.

Kyles eyes widened. "Say that again!."

"I thought we could defeat the king but no one can."

Kyle looked around as though sending someone.

"This island is full of mysterys, I think if we are somehow able to defeat the king, or at least make him weak.

We would be able to save my brother and the other dolls also.

Those dolls are human right?." Kyle asked his enthusiasm was infectious.

The guard nodded.

"How do you propose we defeat him?." The guard asked without belief.

"The anthem of fear." Kyle smiled.

The guard yelled. "This guy has gone crazy."

"I am not." Kyle assured. "I am only trying not to give up, you all have being stuck here for years because you refuse to try.

But I, I will die trying. I will die fighting like a man. I will do anything for my brother."

Kyle observed that everyone was taking to there heels, those that could breathe under water wasted no time.

Something was behind him.

"It is time for you to dance to the anthem of fear." A familiar voice said.

"Everton?." Kyle looked in surprise.

Everton looked the same, how be it he was a mindless creature, he walked like a robot, his eyes lacked colour.

"I have full control of your brother now, he led me here to proove his loyalty.

Why don't you join us and leave this weaklings alone.

Let us burn there home to the ground."

Kyle knew he was in trouble, he had to fight with his brother in other to save him,only he could stand against Evertons lightning.

While the others ran away, they joined there hands together to form a shield around Kyle.

With the speed of the wind Everton plunged at Kyle with his fists filled with lightning. Kyle dodged missing the hit by only a few inches.

The shock of Evertons attack caused the ground to tremble, the shield around Kyle melting away.

"I am going to give you one last chance before giving the order."

Herald said with utmost confidence.

"Team up with us or face the consequences."

Then Kyle saw it. A glimpse of recognition in Evertons eyes. It was as though he was trying to tell him something.

Kyle surrendered, with a knee to the ground. The soldiers lifted him and took him into the kings castle.

But this time around it looked different, the people, the decor and most especially the lady.

"Why did you bring them here?." The lady asked King Herald.

"Because they almost destroyed my castle." King Herald spoke in whispers.

"Well it's high time you recognized how weak you are as a king, and you brought them here."

The queen smiled. "Which I'm I keeping?." She asked.

"You can keep the fire boy." King Herald mocked.

"There is something about this one that stirrs an interest in me."

Herald said.

"Let us go!." The king ordered, but Everton stood still. His eyes fixed on the family frame hanging on the wall.

"Let us go I said." The king ordered once more his anger rising above his chin.

"That man is my father." Kyle said. "I am sure Everton feels it too, you can never separate us.

Any where I am he stays doll or not."

Kyles response irritated Herald.

As Kyle spoke everyone froze and within seconds strange letters written in Hebrew materialized before him.

He read " Find The Shadow Crystal."

It seems this was level two. Kyle instantly wished his brother could snap out of this doll trance thing.

Kyle needed his wisdom, he was at the verge of tears. He had never felt so alone in his life .

Kyle was chained by the queens guards, as the king was about to move with Herald when the queens order made him halt.

"Hold on, I have a better idea.!."