Staring down the beasts, I planned my next move.
'Realistically, I didn't have nearly enough mana. Innovation was key.'
I scanned my surroundings. There wasn't much to work with but with just the ground beneath me. I could use that, but first, I had to get rid of the bastards in the air. Aerial threats came first.
Above me, the winged beasts gathered mana, their bodies pulsing with energy. A massive chunk of ice began to form, emitting a sharp, eerie sound—the air itself being torn apart. The temperature dropped instantly, my breath misting in the air. Below, each beast became coated in a different element. Some radiated wind and lightning, while others shimmered with an energy I couldn't even identify. The static crackling in the air sent tingles down my spine.
Son of a bitch!
The second round began.
Beast after beast lunged at me. Claws slashed, fangs snapped, and elemental surges exploded in every direction. Some attacks barely missed, slicing past by mere millimeters, while others I evaded with ease. The ice mass floated above, defying gravity in a way that made no sense. No time to analyze but I had an idea.
I locked its position in my mind and refocused on the monsters trying to rip me apart.
This is suicidal, but fuck it!
A brown bear with blue markings took a direct hit from my kick, flying backward like a bowling ball and slamming into the creatures behind it. The force of impact sent a ripple through the battlefield, dust and debris flying. Path cleared. I bolted forward, channeling energy into my right hand.
The same move I'd used to save Sele from the beasts before being teleported here. I didn't have enough mana. I barely had control over it. Didn't matter.
The ice meteor was set. Gravity would handle the rest.
The horde was too mindless to realize what was happening. They kept attacking, blind to the catastrophe above. The path I'd cleared started closing rapidly. I forced mana into my legs and sprinted, pushing past the strain in my muscles. Every step felt like running through thickening mud, my body screaming at me to stop.
'No time!'
I forced mana into my legs and sprinted.
Wind roared around me as I pushed forward. The shadow of the descending meteor grew larger with every step. The pressure crushed down on me. My ribs felt like they were caving in under the force.
Seconds left.
"Hah~ Hah~" My breath came ragged, but I didn't slow down.
'15 meters… 13 meters… 11… 8…'
I was covering two meters every five seconds. No need to look up, I could feel the sheer presence of the ice boulder about to slam down.
I forced wind energy beneath my feet and launched myself forward!
The ice crashed down, obliterating everything beneath it. The shockwave ripped through the air, shaking everything. Even knowing I had put myself in this situation, the sheer force of it was terrifying. I hit the ground hard, rolling as impact after impact tore through my body. My ears rang from the explosion, vision momentarily blacking out. For a moment, I didn't even know if I was alive.
I was avoiding risks like that for the next ten generations.
Dust and ice shards rained down, pelting my back as I struggled to lift myself from the dirt. My vision spun, my ears rang, and for five solid seconds, all I could register was the taste of blood in my mouth. My tongue felt thick, coppery.
Pushing up on shaky arms, I turned my head to assess the battlefield—or what was left of it. The ice meteor had done its job. A massive crater stretched before me, jagged with cracks that still hissed with residual frost. The corpses of several beasts littered the wreckage—some crushed beyond recognition, others frozen solid mid-motion. I could smell burnt fur and ozone from the residual magic.
But not all of them.
A deep, guttural growl echoed through the settling dust.
"No fucking way…"
The dust cleared, revealing one beast still standing.
Aside from the corpses of those that had died, every other monster had vanished.
'This one… is different.'
Its humanoid appearance was unsettling. Its posture was too still, movements unnaturally fluid. Like a predator that didn't need to rush.
Dark green eyes—sharp as blades. Short, spiked blue hair. A height rivaling mine. Its frame was slim, but that didn't mean shit—I could feel its power from thirty meters away. It radiated controlled violence, an oppressive aura pressing down on me like invisible chains.
It spoke but I couldn't understand a damn word. It spoke in a different language that I haven't heard at all.
The creature nodded slightly, staring at me like it somehow knew I couldn't understand.
T-This is scary.
I wasn't shaking, but I knew, this was going to be a tough fight.
If I wasn't careful, this thing would destroy me. The power difference was obvious and I could feel it from 30 meters away. But thankfully, my ability was versatile.
I had a shot, at surviving, at least.
The creature raised its hand, pointing it at me. I couldn't understand its meaning behind the simple gesture.
A sharp pain tore through my left shoulder.
I turned my head and a hole replaced where skin should have been. Crimson Blood leaked from the wound. The pain was instant, searing through my nerves like molten steel.
I gritted my teeth, clutched my shoulder, and immediately activated the same stitching spell as before. Then, I immediately started moving.
That spell… it only needs to point?! No chant, no buildup—just a fucking gesture!
How terrifying.
Is this how I seemed to others? Actually, doesn't this prove my hyptohesis's till now?
There was nowhere to hide. No cover.
So I didn't even bother.
I kept moving, circling it, making sure it wouldn't get another clean shot at me.
The creature watched with a eerie smile. Its sharp, white teeth gleamed in the dim light. Not like a predator but something worse.
Like a demon wearing human skin!