[Jourton is seen running away from now hundreds of warriors, each of them armed with different assortments of range and melee weaponry, they proceed to fire as they are chasing after him. What appears to be spells such as Earth, wind, fire, and water, in rapid succession. As the halestorm of artillery fire is raining on Jourton, he seems to perfectly dodge them just as they would hit him, almost as if he knew before the blast collided. After roughly six minutes of this going back and forth and Jourton occasionally throwing back fireballs, he finds himself at the edge of a cliff that seems to drop for quite a ways]
Jourton: Down again! (Without hesitating he proceeds to jump off the side of the cliff. Just as he does on the side of the cliff a man in a long red jacket and hiking gear is seen climbing up the cliff as Jourton is going down, the bottom of the cliff now revealing to be a long ravine what's what appears to be a small rowing boat with fishing gear tucked between two rocks and the river sitting in the stream.)
???: Well that looks dangerous. I hope to Hadess he will be alright. (Continuing to climb the cliffside his head comes over the top to see the army of angry Rokalee heading in his direction.) Ah! Explains a lot. Welp, I'm not a fan of the underdog having to just completely bail out so I guess I'll intervene. (Simply letting go and free falling backwards, the mysterious man shines with his red coat becoming a pair of a long bat like wings, flapping once propelling him in the direction of Jourton then returning to being a coat as he says aloud.) Air! Hold us! (The World itself seems to respond to this man's words allowing them a literal seat of air as he gently catches Jourton who now looks very confused)
Jourton: Hey! Be nice to the planet! You demanded it obey you and aside from that not even being normally possible unless you're a deamon who are you mister?
Rei: Well to begin with young man I am in fact a deamon. Born full-blooded and it would appear you are a Majekador. (As the halestorm of vicious fire water Earth lightning and other spells all come firing down at them Rei glances at the pseudo magic and decides to give a small display of his own. Removing what appears to be a sword from a interdimensional space behind his back, he steps forward and begins to create multiple copies of himself all attacking simultaneously against each individual spell.) HellFire Style: First form. Meteor Of Blades! (His onslaught of slashes each individually ripping apart the spells sent in their direction and then he begins to ignite his sword with a black and red flame as he slashes at all them once releasing the flame and melting a portion of the top of the cliff causing the Rokalee to slide off of step backwards.) There, that should keep them busy for a while. Now, where where you headed young one?
Jourton: Well I was with my friend after I jumped off my island and don't ask cause it's super location and I'm not going to tell you. Then after that I walked through some glowy hole and ended up at the top of the cliff. So now I'm trying to go back to my friend because if I go back to my Island I'm going to get a lot of trouble.
Rei: Then let's be off then. (As he finishes his sentence he grabs Jourton by the hand and proceeds to slowly fall into the boat tucked safely in the river, as if the very laws of nature themselves were bending to this person's will)
[Meanwhile on WOLF Xanne has now made his way into the elevator and is almost at Kimora's floor. A large bruise on his forehead from where he landed is prominently visible]
Xanne: Things just never change with this girl, I make one joke about her showing me her chest and she decides to yeet me through a portal! Whatever I'll just go talk to her and get this over with.
Kimora: (Sitting on her bed with her back to the wall and recreation in her lap, she's rapidly tapping her finger on her knee while she sits with her legs folded, Indian style. As she notices the elevator begins to move, she tenses up and squats on the bed with one knee down and the other upright shouldering recreation as one would do with a shotgun.) 9, 10, 11... (The elevator car rings with a quiet "ding" as the doors open and footsteps are heard approaching Kimora's door) 12. Okay if this work..nice!
Xanne: (Tapping his foot as the elevator card descends. He eventually reaches his destination and the doors open) Aye, miss kill on sight! Now that we got the formalities out of the way we need to tal-........you were planning to kill me.
Kimora: Self defense is not murder! (She says never once taking her eyes off of him)
Xanne: Pause! No you actually wholesale intended to try to kill me just now what the fuck! (He says clearly annoyed and rubbing his head)
Kimora: It's not murder if you don't resist! (She says slowly walking forward with her gun still trained true)
Xanne: I was coming to tell you that we were going to land somewhere soon so you could walk around for a couple of days but I see that's not necessary! (He scoffed and turns around on his heel to begin walking away)
Kimora: Oye! Don't be hasty! I wasn't going to entirely kill you, just a little bit partial death no biggie. Your a Deidic it'll just make you stronger right?
Xanne: Wrong. Deidics have the ability to gain strength in combat that's true, however we gain strength from any form of confrontation. That being said I shouldn't have to tell you that it doesn't mean we can survive everything, it just means that we happen to be physically stronger than most people because we get stronger just from being in stressful environments. You being a Universal Constant and all might have a hard time grasping that. (Taking a step back onto the elevator and pressing the first floor, the door slowly begin to close as he finishes his statement) In either case stay on the ship and tomorrow we will be landing most likely nearby Bogota Colombia. You can walk around there.
[End Scene]