#27 Wild Mutt & Savage Meeting

[Several days later the scene opens up to a large bizarre for vendors and many Deidics gathered within the town square, this place seems to be bustling with a traffic jam of flesh and purpose. Although chaotic plenty of people move around in an orderly fashion almost resembling that of the average mall, the air seems calm and the ocean breeze blows softly as Kimora comes to this market with a basket and she appears to be wearing a simply made old dress that could use some better days.]

Kimora: Okay, so I figured it out. This dream is going to keep replaying until I can deal with my mental scars from Deidra...wait does that mean Cammy called it?? (Pulling out a small list with a lot of clearly angry writing on it but a grocery list nonetheless and enters the vegetable stand, wandering around as she takes her time looking around.)

Hevenly: (With what appears to be a long silk Victorian-styled dress, midnight black high heels, pitch black gemstone bracelets that would make the eyes of any maiden wander, and a black diamond tiara that extended to her low shoulders as it was tied into her hair in a neat bun. She approaches the market as the men in the distance all take notice of her presence, a few of the women whisper within the ears of their now-captivated men.) Hellloooo all. I am "Lady Ly" of Earth's Majekador race. It's a pleasure to meet you all! (Giving a gorgeous smile to the crowd that has now gathered around her as she continues to speak.) I have traveled here using my Definition to offer you all to offer my one-of-a-kind services! I can improve the power of any Definition with a single candy! (Seeing the crowd all give silent blank stares she paused for an awkward amount of time, as if expecting someone to volunteer to try it. After seeing no responses she leans forward a little bit grabbing a man by his face gently, beginning to entice the man even more.) Tell me, good sir, what exactly is your definition?

Deidic Male: M-my definition hasn't activated yet...soo... (Clearly embarrassed the man looks away and almost turns to leave)

Hevenly: Ara, ara! What if I told you I could activate your definition for you? (Smiling triumphantly as she creates a small soap box of darkness to stand on and she removes a "Doom-Seed" from somewhere inside the breast of her dress. Appearing to be a small black candy in the shape of a hatching egg and hands it to the man as Kimora overhears the conversation.) As a sign of good faith, I will allow you this one free of charge...in exchange tell the crowd your definition so we can be sure it's active.

Deidic Male: It's "Shift"!!

{verb: shift; 3rd person present: shifts; past tense: shifted; past participle: shifted; gerund or present participle: shifting

1. move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance

2. to change gears in a vehicle

3. be evasive or indirect.

noun: a slight change in position, direction, or tendency.}

Hevenly: (Smiling happily as she slowly and sensually put the "Doom-Seed" into the gentleman's mouth while licking her lips and then the finger she used to place the candy in his mouth) Ara, ara..give it a moment and tell me darling do you desire to win in life?

Deidic Male: Yes! With everything Miss Ly!

Hevenly: Then Shift!

Deidic Male: SHIFT!! (The air around him begins to swirl in a pretty brown glow and then suddenly..he is gone. Several minutes pass and the crowd now begins staring at Hevenly with a mixture of confusion and fear, everyone remains silent as in the distance Dantzler, Xanne, and Dayna have begun approaching the market. Suddenly the air is filled with a static-like voice as the the air around him begins to swirl in a pretty brown glow and then suddenly he appears.) Lady Ly! I did it! I was able to use my definition to shift my location to my home and back! (Suddenly the crowd erupts in a mixture of awe and excitement as many people rush towards Hevenly's soapbox just as Dantzler, Xanne, and Dayna walk around the crowd, Xanne is seen doting on his younger sister. After a moment Dantzler stops mid-step as the scent of something sweet catches his attention and causes him to turn to face Hevenly, her eyes meeting his in return.)

Xanne: Ey! Dantzler you good? (His eyes follow along where Dantzler seems to be staring and for a moment his eyes quickly trace her entire frame as he says aloud) Certified baddie. Good eye bro! Just remember to meet us back on the road if you're going to talk to her. C'mon DayDay! (Grabbing Dayna by the hand and proceeding to enter the vegetable stand and Dayna walk off to the back as Xanne is seen looking at vegetables in the front of the establishment.)

Kimora: (As she overhears the crowd, she attempts to sneak to the front of the store and uses Distortion to separate herself from the timeline. Proceeding to bend over the counter to get a little closer and listen carefully.) Activating definitions...I don't remember hearing about that last time..is this what happened that day I O.D.'d using distortion to save that guy's life?

Xanne: (Now standing behind Kimora as he noticed something a bit different about the counter and instinctively he pulled his hand back the swung forward, after a moment of feeling his hand connect with to him was a pleasurable situation he heard a quiet scream, then felt a bloodlust that could only be described as murderous) Hey, hey! Now I understand you might be upset about me sampling the goods without payment but I can't even fully see you, just an outline and...(Reaching forward to grab her chest as he speaks) damn you are packing some HEAT under that d-! (Before he can complete the sentence Xanne is sent flying out of the shop with his nose bleeding, he quickly recovers mid-air and lands on his feet sliding backwards a few feet.) Okay, that's a new trick! Since we're throwing hands, I guess I'll play along!

[End Scene]