The Counterattack Begins

Early in the afternoon, Eldrie is found. Tied to a tree, bound, blindfolded, and gagged - but he's still alive.

Barns and Underhill find him around the same time, about a mile out of the village in the jungle. The police force had been combing the entire town as well as the beachside village. Maria and the others searched the castle area.

Barns approaches Eldrie slowly, not sure if this is a trap or not. He undoes his gag and his blindfold but doesn't untie him from the tree - not yet.

As soon as Eldrie can see again, he immediately starts shouting incomprehensibly. Barns smacks him across the face and holds him by both shoulders.

"Calm down!" Barns commands. Eldrie snaps back to the present moment, his incoherent panic fading into something more sensible.

"Adon!" Eldrie cries, shaking in his restraints. "Adon was here, he took Yunie!"

To Barns, it's like the world stops in that moment. Could he even believe Eldrie?