A Hero's Hardest Task

As Barns steps through the north gate of Dimartino, he sees Roscoe waiting for him, hopeful. The boy has no idea what's coming.

Roscoe's eyes light up as Barns approaches. "Did you find my sister?"

Skado keeps his distance behind. This is not a conversation he needs to inject himself into.

Barns clears his throat. It tightens, choking his words.

"Can we go inside? I'd rather talk sitting down."

"Just tell me where Yunie is!"

The hero blinks. If this is part of the job description, being a legendary hero is tougher than it seems. If only killing monsters and saving the world were enough.

"Roscoe…Yunie died fighting the Master Vampire Adon."

How could a kingdom so bright in contrast to the dark world around them suddenly seem so devoid of color? The once vibrant colors of fruit growing on trees now seem pale. 

Verdant foliage gives way to dying brown leaves chewed to bits by ravenous insects.