Master Vampire Adon

As the other train screeches into the station, Skado is immediately upon the passengers, shouting in panic before launching into frantic questioning.

"What's happening!? Why are you here?" he belts out. Every possibility, no matter how grim, feels real in Skado's mind. He's breathing heavy and looks like he's about to have a panic attack.

The passengers rush off the train, huddled together in a close group and trying to get away as quickly as possible.

"Skado!" the conductor cries, looking at the poisoner. "Oh, Skado, it's horrible! A vampire is attacking the city!"

"What!?" Skado exclaims. "When did this happen!? Why are you here?"

"We're just trying to get away!" the conductor sobs. "He attacked not an hour ago! It's chaos up there, stay away!"

Skado turns to his allies, Barns and Osmond. They're both awake and ready.