Curtain Call

"Claw of Death!" Barns screams at the top of his lungs, swinging his empty hand at Adon. If he can believe it enough, it will happen!

Majestic light forms around Barns' arm, transforming it into a crab claw, and he snips just like Clancy taught him to snip. 

Adon is sliced clean in half, his legs falling out and his torso kept suspended only from the impact of Barns' snip. He hovers in the air, gasping and staring at Barns, his eyes locked in the throes of death.

Barns uppercuts with his other arm, driving Silver Rake's blades deep into Adon's exposed entrails. The vampire screams as he lights up with holy light and simply - POPS -. Everything within three meters is sprayed with vampire blood, including Barns' entire front half.

He turns his head, crab claw in one arm and shining claws in the other. He looks like an action hero. 

"This is the fate of the enemies of humanity," Barns declares. "Let there be no question."