
Barns' first descent into Lantafort didn't exactly give him time to soak it all in. After an intense and sleepless night, he doesn't even recall how the city looks. He anticipates dark, dreary corridors and the smell of stale air. Instead, the passages are alive with brilliant colors and lively sounds as Skado guides them deeper into the subterranean stronghold.

The underground city is massive, hollowed out into the Chatran cavern with a scale that is hard to define - at least to Barns. From their vantage point on the highest tier of Lantafort's sprawling levels, Barns looks down and sees glowing lanterns of every color imaginable, suspended in the air like fireflies.

Bridges crisscross the void between buildings carved from the rock, and everything is as clean and pristine as the day it was built - the city has been maintained with the utmost care.