Terms of Engagement

"I see…"

Commander Seifa Brahn's calculated demeanor breaks, a creep of worry wriggling into her stony eyes. 

"And why would they want to do such a thing?"

It's Barns who speaks up for the group. "Clancy is the strongest guy slash crab I know. He's the reason I'm able to resurrect humans, and he was able to repel Donatella. Isn't it obvious? They're afraid of him."

The Commander shakes her head slowly. She hates everything she's hearing. 

"Donatella is one of the two weakest Sentinels," she informs them, wagging the binder in her hand before she sets it on the table. "If they want your King dead, then I fear I can advise you to comply with their demands. You all have far too much to lose."

"Not happening," Barns states. "Every single person in our Kingdom, myself included, is only alive because of Clancy. We'll fight to the last person to protect him if we have to. That is my stance."