The water is weightless and warm, like floating in a dream - but his mind is stuck on Haima.
He thinks about their final interaction. The way he held her so closely. It felt like a cruel joke - their intimacy had finally broken through to a deeper level. He'd felt like they were ready for the next step in their relationship - either making it official, or sharing a true intimate moment.
And now, he's not sure if he will ever even see her again.
He pushes that thought out of his mind - of course he would. Haima is strong. Outside the kingdom, all alone - it's incredibly dangerous. But if anyone can handle it, Haima's the one he would put his money on.
She isn't just powerful, she's got incredible sensory abilities. She can find a way to stay out of danger.
And hey, she's able to talk to ghosts like nothing. So she also is the type to find unlikely allies when she needs to.
Barns resurfaces, coughing up water again.