session 1 characters

Azathoth creation dream rasied by max and verdona from a baby and taught everything he and she knows he can hack into any technology speak many languages and knows many legends and myths

Max tennyson adopted father of Azathoth and legendary plumber

Jen tennyson granddaughter of max weilder of the omnitrix and Part alien

Gwen tennyson granddaughter of max and part alien

Vilgax a cruel ruthless warlord after the omnitrix

Dr animo a mad scientist obsessed with genetic experiments

Captain shaw a man obsessed with the krakken

Krakken a daughter of Cthylla the daughter of chutllu

Vera tennyson

Tetrax shard the last petrosapian

Six six a bounty hunter

Kraab a bounty hunter

Earl the mayor of sparksville

Kevin 11 a osmosian

Rojo a thief

Zombozo a clown

Acid breath



Hex a magic user

Enoch a forverver knight

Clancy a bug

Verdona adopted mother of Azathoth a alien being called a anodite and very protective over azathoth