The crowd cheered! Dozens of faces lit up with joy and relief.
Mead and feast was thrusted upon them.
A tankard in hand Galen raised it high, "Sorcerer Grey, has once again saved Ferisdarm! Under his magic the enemy falls, and we the warriors of Ferisdarm fight stronger than Giants."
"Glory to Galen! Glory to the Sorcerer! Glory to our Warriors brave and true!" called out the people of Ferisdarm.
Iris and Tulisa ran up and I was passed from Tara to Iris.
"Let the glory of our warriors never die! Speak of their names to every ear! Never let their names go unsung!"
"Legends forever more! Agreed the crowd.
Tears, be they of joy or sadness, sprang from my dear Iris' eyes, "Are you okay?"
"I am. A snuggle with my beautiful lover and I shall be well again. I'm a sorcerer afterall." I joked.
Iris laughed. Tulisa seemed to nod seriously at the words. Umbra nodded in thoughtful contemplation before stealing her own hug.