Iris stood between us. I held her hand on one side and Morgana held her other hand. Her hand was hot on a cool night. I worried I was too sweaty or perhaps she was.
I liked it. The touch. I felt more nervous about holding her hand than I had facing down Bomdall. I reminded myself that she had asked for me, I was bound to her by oath and the sex was great.
What was I worrying about?
Forcefully dragging her away from a respected community figure. Barging in on them without permission. Why had she stayed? She was more than strong enough to walk away.
Frowning, I brooded. At least I was calm enough to notice I was annoyed. Frustrated that I didn't understand. I couldn't grasp her motivation from her point of view.
Hand in hand I was close to Iris, but I felt far from her as ever.
It was almost a relief when I felt them through my magic and then heard the din of metal.
I turned towards the direction of the gate, "They're coming."