Meredith loomed over. Her close cropped blond hair gleamed in the sunlight.
"Why?" I tried to ask, but blood poured from my mouth instead.
I tried instinctively to pull the arrow out. I couldn't affect the metal. It was alien to my magic.
My dumbest thought was that of the obvious. Oh no. I'm dying.
"It did not have to come to this end, Damian. You should have listened to his advice." She whispered in my ear.
With a mighty yank she pulled the arrow out through my chest.
I gasped and blood flowed like wine.
"To the Champion, defend the sorcerer with your lives!" cried out a familiar voice.
He charged on the back of a chariot and the enemy broke before him. He leapt off and lunged for Meredith. Galen stood over my body. His sword was locked with Meredith's blade.
"How could you!" Galen shouted.
Meredith said nothing.