Chapter 66

Làidir saw them first. Her keen eyes caught a swiftly shifting blue blur mass. She leapt up high reaching the base of the clouds and dropped by down stopping and slowing down before reaching the barge.

"Riders, many of them, and they are coming straight towards us." She told me as she hovered to my side.

My eyes were superhumanly keen, but whatever she had seen was beyond my vision. Soon enough we closed the distance and cresting the top of a small hill I saw far a distant blue shifting. A blue as bright as the clear sky.

I would have mistaken it for a river, if Làidir had not already said they were riders.

As we drew closer I felt the pull of metal weapons, and then shortly after saw their shine.

Riding at us was a mix of a few horse riders and a majority of horse wagons made for war. Painted on those many wagons was an emblem of sorts of a headless horseman.