
" But you have to do something before you get the money". " What is it?" " You have to offer two sacrifes at first. My boss need blood". " I can offer anything you want hens,goats,cattle everything you want". " My boss need human blood can you offer it?". " Human blood! ,I can't do that". " You really need money I know you can do it. What's the point of caring for human being who don't even care about you? People can betray you but money cannot ". " Actually,what you said is right. No matter how you love a person he cannot return the same love that you give him instead he betrays you in the end but money can never betray a person. So,how am I going to get the sacrifices ". " In the morning you will find two bracelets on your pillow give them to a person you want to offer". " Okay".

( At the church in the middle of Kampala).

" All the required family members are here now so the wedding should proceed". " Yes". " The bride and groom should say the vows now after they will exchange the rings. Are you two prepared?" " Yes". " Okay,so miss Lucy Kamukama do you accept to take Mr Louis kibuuka to be your husband in good and bad situation,in poverty and wealthy,in sickness and healthy only death should separate you". " I do". " Mr Louis kibuuka to take Lucy Kamukama to be your wife in good and bad situation, in poverty and wealthy,in sickness and healthy until death separates you". " I do". " Now,you can exchange the rings". ( Louis and Lucy exchange the rings). " From now on you're considered husband and wife may the lord's blessings be with you in your marriage may he bless you with more sons and daughters".

( Under the sea).

" Triple six ,your disciple failed again it seems that he has no use to me. Let me think you will not plead for him again". " I dare not my lord". " Good ,then give him what he deserves ". " My lord please give me one last chance". " Last chances are given by losers well am not so I don't give last chances. It's time that you meet and accept your fate".

( On earth).

" Fatima,you know what you're really my good friend I don't know how to thank you but let me give you this bracelet my Louis gave it to me but we broke up so I have no use for it". " You never shown it to me all the gifts that your boyfriends give you ,you show them to me". " Oh! I forgot to show it to you but am giving it to you now". " Thank you,sharot". " It's not that much after all you're my best friend and you're like a sister. Let me put it on you". " Sharot ,am feeling headache. Can you please help me with a first aid kit ". " Of course but you should also see a doctor". " Okay".

( After two days). ( At Fatima's home).

" Aunt,am sorry for your loss". " What should I do sharot , Fatima was my everything. She was the only family I had now she has died whom am I left with". " Don't worry aunt am here for you. I will be like your Fatima ". " Thank you for being a good friend to my daughter".

( 2 days after the burial ceremony).

" Hi,kind are you alone". " Yes ". " Where is your mother?" " She is there buying things". " Can I give you a gift?" " Mama told me to say no to gifts from strangers ". " My name is sharot. So you know me am no longer a stranger to you so can we be friends". " Since you're a good person ,I will accept your request ". " So are we friends now?" "Yes". " Then will you accept my gift as well". " Yes". " See this bracelet was given to me by myother do you should keep it well". " I will. That is my mother who is coming,am going to introduce you to her". " No, me be next time. You see that one there ,he is my friend am sure he is tired of waiting I should go".