
( on Earth).

( Knocking on Louis and Lucy's door). "Am coming". ( Lucy opens the door). " Are you miss Lucy Kamukama?" " Yes". " I was told to deliver this to you". " Who told you?" "He did not tell me his name. Sign here to confirm that you got it". " Thank you ". ( Lucy put the delivery on the table and she goes upstairs). " What is this ? Should I open it? No I can't but let me open she won't know". ( Louis opens the delivery and finds a letter and a bra in it). " What is wrong with you? You want to show me to choose for your girlfriend a perfect bra. You would have told me instead of throwing it on me". " Stop pretending as if you don't know that bra belongs to you. It was sent to you by your fiance ". " Are you thinking straight? Which fiancee do I have?" " You still won't admit? I already know everything so stop acting innocent. Will you also deny after seeing this letter?" " What is in that letter?" " You want me to read it for you okay. Hear me careful,hi,baby I really enjoyed last time you really impressed me I hope we can meet again. Please next time come wearing this". " No sense. That is no sense if it was mine and I knew what was inside why would I have left it in the living room? It's true I received the delivery but there must be a mistake". " Wow, what a perfect mistake same name ,same address and same size too. Do you think am a fool". " There is no point in arguing with you believe if you want and don't if you don't want". " See if next time your fiancee want to send you gifts tell him to meet you outside the house and he give you ,your gifts also tell him that you're married now".

( Under the sea).

" How is the new wedded couple triple six?" "They now have doubts among each other. Louis doubts Lucy that she might have a fiancee ". " You're really a genius triple six. Excellent,those fools in the heaven thought that they can end the curse by getting those two married they did know that a curse cannot be broken when there is no love between the two married people and there cannot be love once there is doubt between the two lovers. Thanks for your hard work triple six ". " It's my honor master but I think we should also plant doubt in Lucy towards Louis so that the game gets more interesting ". " That is a wonderful plan but how are we going to do it?" " Let's use Louis's ex girlfriend, sharot she can do anything for money so let's give her as much money that can even make her mad. We can gain in her in two ways and that is by destroying lucy and Louis' marriage and by offering to us human blood. All we have to do is giving her money". " It's a perfect plan let's do it ". " Yes my lord ".

( Few weeks later).

( Lucy's phone ringing). " Where is she now ? I don't want to pick her phone calls ". ( The phone disconnects and rings again, Louis picks up the phone).

" Hello,the owner of the phone is not here you may leave a message". " Who are you?" " I should be the one to ask,who are you?" " Am Lucy's fiancee and you?" " Am her friend. My name is Louis". " Okay tell her that am waiting outside". " I will". ( The man disconnects the phone). " So you even call him to meet at our house? You denied everything last time but today am catch you red handed". ( Lucy coming from upstairs). " Are you going somewhere?" " Yes". " Should I come along?" " No,am going for personal matters ". " Personal matters so meeting with him is your personal matter ". ( Louis says in his heart). " Okay have a nice day. Also make sure that no one interfere in your personal matters ". " What do you mean?" " Am being concerning didn't I promise to be a concerning husband ". " Am going and I might be let so don't wait for me". (Outside the house,a man knocks Lucy). " Am so sorry miss". " It's okay ,am fine". " Where are you going I can give you a shift?" " It's okay I am going to get a taxi". " Don't refuse please am doing it in a good heart ". " Am not refusing but I ". " Please". " Okay". " Sit then". ( A man gives triple six a sign). " So you stay there?" " Yes". " Oh! I also stay there but am new so I don't know all the neighbors ". " Well,am also new". " What a coincidence so we can be friends since we're all new". " No problem. I am getting off right there". " Okay take care". " Thank you for giving me a lift ". " No need to thank me".

( After some time at Louis and Lucy's home). " Well be back miss. You're so late". " I told you that I will be late". " But you didn't tell me that you will be busy with your fiancee ". " See Louis am getting sick of your no sense,how many times do I have to explain to you that am not dating anyone ". " I knew that you will deny it so I took a picture when you was entering his car". " So you followed me ". " Yes and I saw it all". " Maybe you missed an interesting thing that you would have used to accuse me. You missed it when I was kissing him. You would have captured more useful evidence ". " So you finally admitted it ". " That is what you want ,I have tried to tell you that I don't cheat on you but you don't believe so let me tell you what you want to hear. The man you're saying that he is my fiancee I first met him today so how could he be my fiancee ". " I thought that you have got some shake in you but it looks like you will never get ashamed ". " You met him today but he even had your number to call you and meet him outside ". " You won't believe me no matter how try to explain to you so take it the way you want. " " I know that you don't love me but value our marriage ".