
 A long time ago, the Lunaria Hunters pack was one of the most powerful lycan packs this world has ever seen, considered the best hunters, they lived a life full of glory and respect, having hundreds of members in their powerful pack. There was no distinction between males and females and they hunted side by side, while feasting on powerful prey and increasing their power... But with the arrival of the first disasters that this world faced, the Lunaria Hunters pack faced its first steady decline, being targeted by other packs and even humans and other races who sought revenge.

Realizing how serious the problems their world faced were, and without much choice, the Lunaria Hunters pack joined the Aqua tribe. A powerful tribe of humans that ruled a large part of the seas of this world. But with the constant decline of the inhabitants of this world, as well as the scarcity of food, water and safe places to live, the Tribe took refuge in a set of caves by the sea. After hundreds of years of living like cave rats, both humans and powerful lycans had declined to their current weakest point and were now facing serious problems due to their weaknesses.

The Aqua Tribe, who once controlled the 4 elements using 4 powerful relics now only had 1 Relic left. And the powerful lycans who once terrorized the world now barely had 2-3 dozen males who could fight. And their females who once fought side by side with the males were now reduced to just the function of constantly breeding, desperately trying to maintain their constantly declining numbers. Of course, none of them remembered their glorious past that had now been practically lost over the centuries. The human High Priestess was the only one who still had records and memories of the past of both groups, but she kept this past a secret, as it was the lycans in their quest for power that led the humans to lose all of their other 3 Relics…