Party cut short.

I grab the door knocker, slamming it against it; after a few minutes, an older man opens it. "You must be Freddy; I am James. Scarlett's husband does come in." as I walked in, I noticed Scarlett and four women with masks on, along with four older men from different ethnicities here with masks.

"Freddy, you're early. Come get something to drink." Scarlett said as I walked in and saw a bed in the middle of the room with chairs around it. I knew what this meant, and I smiled as I didn't kink shame as I walked over to the table and got some whiskey, pouring it into the glass after putting some ice in it.

"I know it may be a lot for." Scarlett was talking, and I held a hand. "You want me to have sex with y'all in front of your husbands? I don't mind. After all, it's how y'all show love to each other. I don't mind, as this is just about sex." She smiled and nodded.

"Let me introduce you to my friends, then." She led me to a black woman with a black and pink mask and matching underwear. "This is Halle and her husband, Tyrone. Halle is an outstanding actress in the States." I held my hand out to shake the guy's hand and took Halle's hand, kissing the back after shaking her husband's hand. 

Scarlett led me to an Asian couple. "This is Kyoko; she is a friend I met in Japan. She and her husband fly over every once in a while. If she can free herself up from her acting career." I shake her husband's hand and kiss her friend's as we move to the next couple.

"This is Anitta, a famous Brazilian singer and her husband." I greeted them like the others and then moved to the last group, another black couple.

"This is Ria. That's her nickname, but we can't say her real name as she is famous in the States. Her husband is Roc, not his real name. They are both pretty renowned in music, R&B and Rap." She said as I greeted them.

I now know why they were masks. Even if I saw their faces, it wouldn't matter as it would be my word against theirs. But I think they want to record the sex as they have different cameras up around the bed. Well, they do say famous people are the kinkiest of all people, and I don't mind, as it's free pussy.

"Now lets, get drunk and have Freddy fuck our brains out in front of our husbands!" Scarlett yelled as the other girls got up and got drinks. She pushed me onto the bed and poured me more Whiskey as their husband took their seats, and some started smoking and drinking, waiting for the show to begin. Scarlett crawled into the bed and made me drink as she drank, moving a hand to my pants and undoing my belt as Ria came over and kissed me.

As Scarlett got my pants down and could see the outline of my manhood, she gasped. "It's bigger than I thought it would be; ladies, we will enjoy this more than we thought tonight. Fuck, dear, do you see it? It's going to destroy my pussy while you watch." I looked over at the men, and all of them were gulping while noticing the size, and then I noticed they were turned on by the thought of their wives getting destroyed by my cock.

Scarlett pulled my underwear down as my cock popped out. It stood tall and proud the women in the room moaned at what was about to come as Scarlett started to lick up my cock Anitta and Hella joined in on both sides of my cock, licking up it as I watched three different women pleasuring me with their mouths as their husbands started to undo their pants as I notice how small they were. No wonder they watch their wives have fun with another man; let me help them enjoy this as I pushed Scarlett down by her head and grabbed a handful of her red hair.

Her gagging started to sound out as I turned my head to kiss Ria, placing an arm around her and squeezing her as her husband began to beat himself off. They both moaned as the other girls were rubbing their bodies on me, making sure to hit their clits against my body parts.

Scarlett couldn't control herself anymore as she pushed me down. "I want to fuck now." She said, and I let her do what she wanted as I am pretty much a toy for them, and I am okay with that as I don't plan to be more than that with them. As she got over my cock and lowered herself down onto it, Ria moved to sit on my face as Kyoko and Hella moved my hands to their pussies, and Anitta stood up in between Scarlett and Ria, making them move their mouths to her pussy and ass.

Scarlett started to take my cock into her pussy, moaning loudly as it spread into her "FUCK! IT'S FUCKING THICK AS HELL! SHIT I MAY CUM SOON!" She said as she got 80% of it in and began to move her hips, riding hard and fast, seeking an orgasm as she spoke to her husband. "Are you watching, dear? I like this cock it's so fucking thick that it hits all my good spots at once. He is a keeper!"

Her husband was smiling while jerking himself off as he spoke, "Do you want him to fill you with his cum? Bare his child?" He asked as he moved faster. She looked over and smiled. "YES! I WANT TO FEEL HIS CUM POUR INTO MY WOMB AND BLESS ME WITH ANOTHER CHILD! WILL YOU RAISE A CHILD FROM HIM!" She asked as he bit his lip and nodded. Making her tighten up as she spoke to me, "Cum inside me, Freddy. Bust a thick load of cum into my womb and breed me!"

I finished inside her after fifteen minutes of us fucking as the girls took turns riding my cock one after another until I was able to bust a thick load into each of them. We kept going into the night and rested after every complete round as their husbands needed time to recover, and they didn't want to have sex unless their husbands could enjoy watching, as I smiled. I guess they do love their husbands, and it won't be like other married women I fuck.

We were resting when we heard a loud crash coming from the front. As we got up and looked out the window, a car was being chased by three black SUVs. James said, "That Kimberly's car!" Scarlett gasped as she put on her clothes, as did Jamie. It looks like the party will be cut short, as I put mine on.

James and Scarlett ran out, and I followed suit as the car being chased pulled into the driveway. I stopped, seeing who got out and jumped into James' arms. Well, this is going to be strange. As I walked over, the three SUVs stopped, and a Hispanic dude got out. He had to be around Kimberly's age as he spoke.

"Kimberly, just become my girl already." He said as he walked closer to her, and James moved her behind him. "Mateo, you are not welcome here. Get off my land." James said as the young man laughed, "My, should I listen to a cuck." After he said that, I spoke up. "Then I am telling you to fuck off," I said, walking over. As Scarlett and James were about to speak, Kimberly said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She said as I smirked, coming over to her and pulling her into my arms, kissing her, shocking everyone here, including the wives and husbands.

"Woh the fuck are you? And get your hands off Kimberly." The Hispanic guy named Mateo yelled as I walked over, standing before him and looking at him. "I am the guy that fucked Kimberly into a passed-out hot mess of cum and sweat, something your limp dick wouldn't be able to do. Now get the fuck out of my sight."

"Get this guy!" Mateo yelled as his guards started walking when another voice echoed, "STOP! NO ONE TOUCH HIM!" As I looked over and smirked, the world was a tiny place.

"Well, if it isn't the backstabbing pile of shit Santiago. What brings your piss poor face in front of me." I said, walking over to him. He backed up a little, making Mateo and the guards nervous. Santiago is his father's best man, and even he is scared of this guy.

"Freddy, let the young master go. And we won't have any beef with you or them anymore, " he said as I tilted my head, looking at him as sweat started to fall on his face. Do you remember what my call sign is? Santiago." I made him gulp as he backed up more.

"Lucifer." The moment he said it, my fist went straight for his throat as he backed up and pulled a gun out; as I closed the distance before he could bring it up, I disarmed him and broke his wrist, picked the weapon up, and started to shoot the other guards before they could respawn to what was going on.

"Why was I called Lucifer? Santiago." I asked while he was on the ground in pain, not speaking. I pointed the gun at his head as Mateo was about to turn and run, and I shot him in the leg. Making him fall.

"Say it?" I turned back, pointing my gun back at him. He finally said, "It's because you didn't treat your enemies as human; you butchered them with the utmost skill." I smiled as I spoke, "Take your wounded guards and fuck boy of a master and get the fuck out of my face, and don't fuck with my women."

The guards weren't killed, just wounded, and they won't go to the police as they forced their way into here; we have to stand-your-ground laws. I turned to the rest of them and spoke as I rubbed Kimberly's cheek.

"I think it's best to call it a night; it was a pleasure meeting you all, and I hope to get to know you people better. Kimberly, we will talk another time." I said, leaning down and kissing her. She nodded.

I walked to my car and went to the penthouse.