Summoning nine girls. (Part 1.)

I woke up the following day claiming my daily check-in as I did for the last year and, at this point, have about 93 billion in my bank account, which can last me for life along with my girls. I walk to the window, looking out of it as I finally decide which girls to summon. I look over at Aoi and think about the Hentai she showed me. Those women suffer for something as stupid as a guy wanting to make a country where women are sex slaves. If I could travel over there, it wouldn't be hard for me to kill the one named Vult as he is a bitch boy loser.

I spoke, "Lily, is it possible to summon other people? I want to kill six guys if possible." Lilly was quiet for a few minutes as she spoke. "I have asked Talia; she will let you summon those men for free as a gift for getting her pregnant." I smiled as I dressed and walked down to a wing of the building that was turned into an indoor shooting range 300 meters long and a hundred meters wide. I fucking love guns, and now it's time to kill some pathetic sword users and magic users. 

"Oliva, Senna, and Nidalee. Please get dressed and come with me, it's time to meet your new sisters. And kill a bunch of rapist swine, those punk ass bitches that killed to make a country of sex slaves. Shit is stupid, but now they're going to meet the best fucking marine to walk in the 21st century. I haven't killed in a while, and swordsmen are highly overrated as it's a tool that is shit at killing. People think warriors are something special, but they're not; they are just glorified killers, nothing more, nothing less.

As my girls dress, we walk to the shooting range, and I open the gun vault. I look through my collection of firearms, picking a Colt M1911 chambered in .45 APC. It is a work of art that has been in service for years; only one weapon nowadays has a longer service record, and that's the M2 Browning .50. This was made to destroy a cow's skull. Medieval armor ain't going to do shit against it. Putting two holsters on and kicking my dual M1911 with four extra mags, I walked onto the range and looked to my girls as they took a battle stance.

"Lily, summon the Nine women from Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru." Lily responded, "The Goddess has also rewarded you with summoning the nuns, knights, and shrine maddens that follow some of the women as she wants you to save them, too." That's fine, as summoning circles shine off next to me. With another six 75 meters away from me and the others, I watched as the summons were complete.

I looked at the Dark Elve in purple and the High Elve in white as they opened their eyes.

"Queen Celestine, what's going on?" Women with brown hair asked with a beauty mark below her eye. I looked over at Oliva, and she nodded as she walked over. "Ladies, My King has chosen you ladies to become part of his harem, and in return, he has brought those that were about to do horrible things to you here for him to kill." 

The man 75 meters away could hear what Oliva said and started to laugh. "I am going to enjoy fucking you bitch." He said that as I chuckled, lowering my hood on my hoody. "You're the dumb fuck that started a war for something as fucking retarded as a sex slave country. Your ass is out of your league here bitch boy." He looks at me, and I smirk, condescending at this idiot. "Kin, take care of this man." He said as the guy pulled out a book. I quickly drew an M1911 and fired, hitting him in the head as his body went limp and fell to the floor.

"Looks like your magic user just was up to snuff, maybe the insect dumb fuck or the retarded old man that was trying to rape his daughter-in-law. What to have a go at me? Oh, wait, it's best you all come at me together as y'all or weak as fuck otherwise." Vult was quiet as he began to speak. "You can have them; we won't bother you anymore." Bitch boy wants to try and run; well, he was pathetic in the Hentia, and it wouldn't change that he is pathetic in real life.

"No, you don't understand. I don't think you have a right to live, so I plan to kill you as you have no value to anyone. You're a shit stain from the mind of your writer, and I am here to destroy that, so it's best for you to understand you're not getting away from death as your a bitch deserving of death." I walked towards the group of men shooting the old guy with the hat on. His name was Beardsley, making him fall to the ground, holding his knee or what was left of it.

The bug guy called Shamuhaza began to move, but he went down like an insect that was stepped on the moment the .45 ACP round slammed into his head, killing him as he buckled over before falling to the ground like the turd he was. This left Grave, Hicks, and Vult left as they backed up.

"Oh, what is this? You enjoy raping and abusing women, but when a man is about to fuck your shit up, you retreat. Man, if I were in your word, even without my guns, I would have destroyed y'all." They didn't have swords or knives, just their hands, and I smirked. "Senna, come here for a moment," I said while holstering my guns and undoing the belt holding them on me.

"Why don't we do this with our bare hands? I will fight y'all one on one; if you kill me, then you're free to go. But if I kill you, well, you will be dead, and that's what I want." Looking at Hicks as I smirked. "Come on, Hicks, you McRapist. Let's throw down; I don't mind bashing your skull in with my hands." Senna and Nidalee take up places behind me just in case those other two dumbfucks try anything.

Hicks gulps as Vult pushes him forward as he wants to test me, and Hicks is the one he can sacrifice to see what I can do. 

Oliva was watching with a smile as a blonde-haired woman walked over to her. "Shouldn't you help him? The men are strong." The woman was Alicia Arcturus. Oliva turned her head and spoke with a smile. "Have faith in your king; our king is known to be the best killer in this world." As she finished, saying, all the women from the nine I summoned to the nuns, knights, and shrine maidens watch as I step closer to Hicks.

Hicks gulps as he throws a punch, and I weave out of the way, hitting him in the liver and making him fall to the ground gasping in pain. No matter how strong or tough someone is, a liver punch sends them to the ground. That is a fact. As he struggles on the, I get on him and bring a fist down on his nose, making his head hit the ground with a loud thud. I repeat the punches over and over until his face is cut open, bleeding everywhere, with a broken nose and no more teeth in his mouth.

"Oh come on, y'all screamed how amazing your Black dog Mercenaries are. But really, you guys couldn't even hand the National Guard in our world shit; even the coast guard would make you its bitch. I beat a small town S.W.A.T team would wipe your army out without any problem." I turned him over, wrapping my arm around his neck and putting him in a chokehold. He struggled for a minute and started to drown in his blood. I looked at the last two with a smirk as I would enjoy making these two my bitches.

As Hicks passes out from the hold, I let him fall to the ground. As I begin to stop on his head, hearing the bone crack, and it finally gives way. His head turns into a tomato as it pops, and I look over at the old man.

"You like to rape your son's wife, you limp dick old fuck. Let's see how strong you are, but I beat you aren't shit without your sword." I looked over at the brown hair woman as she was summoned just before he tried to rape her, Claudia Levantine. I summoned them all before their terrible fate happened to them, as this would serve as a way into their hearts. I love how crazy time and space are. You can do many things with it.

"Old fuck, let's fucking go," I said, smirking as I licked the blood off my hands.