At the slight arch of Venomspite's massive brow, Xylen could sense a flicker of surprise — subtle, yet unmistakable. But Xylen no longer cares about his thoughts.
"If my guess is correct, the reason you claimed I don't deserve to lead you is… because you think I'm just a frail little Demon who couldn't lift a finger, talk more of fighting, am I right?" He asked, his voice calm, composed, and casual.
In the following second, however, the room plunged into silence, heavy like a shroud.
Venomspite remained silent, but his lack of response and casual expression was already an affirmative answer to Xylen's question.
Since Xylen had already expected this, he wasn't caught off guard.
What shocked him, however, was that Venomspite wasn't the only one harboring this belief. The other seven Demons' faces stiffed at the face of his question, their eyes betraying the same judgment.