It was the year of 1983, a historic day for the Scientists and the US Military. The Scientists were finally going to make their first test on the tunnel which they had been working on for the last 10 years.

The Tunnel was a kind of Time and Space Travelling Machine. Kind of Warp Technology; travelling into any part of space and period of time within a few seconds.

The Team of Scientists was lead by Prof. Mandela, it was being tested in Bartolomeo Area in Nevada State. And it was the same time, when Prof. Mandela had accidently disappeared because of the test. It was done by the Military Organization of USA. Prof. Mandela's full name was Dr. Martin Mandela.

The Military Team was lead by GENERAL ROBIN MECKLER. All of the Scientist were getting ready to make their first test on the Tunnel. The Military also had arrived in the Test Room, they were behind the safety line, in the Room.

The Test room was full of early day computers, some controlling machines, and the Tunnel standing in front of all of the machines. It was a donut shape machine with several wires connected with the control machines.

All of the Scientist had safety googles with them, it was hanging over their neck. They were supposed to cover their eyes with the googles, before starting the Tunnel.

While calculating the data of the tunnel before the test, COLONEL MARKRAM CAGE came up to Prof. Mandela and said, "Hey, what's the progress?"

"It's quiet complicated!" Prof. Mandela smiled.

"What do you mean by that?" Colonel Markram was surprised.

Colonel Markram Cage, an American born military person, about 45 years old. His father is a retired Colonel.

"You know Sir! He is always like that!" Alven speaks up. He was Prof. Mandela's Assistant.

ALVEN PARK, he is an Assistant to Prof. Mandela, working for him for the last 2 years. He is about 35 years old. He is American born, from a family which hails from Canada.

"You should continue with your work, or I am going to cut your fees." Prof. Mandela laughs.


"And what were you saying Colonel?" Prof. Mandela turns to Colonel Markram.

"I asked, what is the progress?"

"We are ready to go for the test! Few more time and we will start."

"You should probably…"

"Why that statement?"

"Cause, I have to report about the test and its consequences to the Pentagon!"

"Oh I see!"

"And the Government has spent very much money on this project."

"Don't worry about the budget. After the experiment you will be thankful to me!"

"By the way, what did General said to you? Yesterday!"

"He said me to test the Time and Space Tunnel properly. The President might also come here to see it. Afterwards."

"But, why is General not here today. On this important day?"

"He's got some busy work in the Pentagon."

"Uh. I might continue with my work. For the first run."

"Okay. Continue with your calculation. So that there might not be any accident. I am going behind the safety line." Colonel Markram went off from the room, and went outside and looks through the glass, making a border of the room instead of the wall.

Prof. Mandela continues back with his calculation, about 30 minutes were left for the test. The Scientist were calculating the data's and checking the machine and the codes properly.

While calculating the data of his part, Prof. Mandela suddenly remembers something, he calls out to Alven, "Hey Alven. Get me the report file quickly."

"Which one?" Alven replied, he was looking at another file, a red colored.

"The Green One!"

"Okay. But where is it?"

"Maybe on my desk. In my office."

Alven went out of the test room, through another door next to the safety room door. He went out of the room, turns left and starts walking towards Prof. Mandela's offices.

It was about fifty steps away from the test room.

Alven enters the Prof. Mandela's Office. Prof. Mandela appears outside in front of the office door.

No, it was not that Marvel, it was the time-travelling Prof. Mandela. He was from the future, he was standing outside the office waiting for Alven to come out.

When Alven came out of the room, he was surprised to see Prof. Mandela waiting outside his office.

"Doc, I was just coming to you!"

"Don't worry, I won't scold you."

"Please don't cut my today's fees."

"I am here to talk to you, just for a little fraction of time!"

"But Doc, aren't you suppose to be in the test room, looking at a report file."

"I am not that Dr. Martin, you had known for the last 2 years."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Come with me." Both Prof. Mandela walks to another way with Alven. He was still holding the green file.

While walking through the corridor of the Lab, Prof. Mandela and Alven comes over the Test Room. When Alven noticed it, he was shocked to see that they were standing in front of the door of the Test Room.

"What the fuck?" Alven was shocked, "We were walking opposite of the Test Room, how we get here?" He looks directly at Prof. Mandela's face.

"You see, that is my power. I was thrown into the tunnel while testing it."

"But how?"

"Because of You."

"Wait. I haven't done anything." Alven was surprised by Prof. Mandela's statement.

"Don't worry. I can explain." Everything changed as soon as Prof. Mandela snaps his right hand fingers. It was a void with some bright blue-white light coming of nowhere.

Alven looks below his feet, he was standing on something but couldn't feel it. He tries to hit the place with his right foot, still no sound or sight.

"This is Event Horizon. This is where I would end up after being thrown by the tunnel."

"Really. But how?"

"Because of a tiny miscalculation, the experiment was destabilized and it made a hole in the fabric of reality, and I was thrown into the Event Horizon."

"Was or will be?"

"Actually, I am telling you the backstory on my point of view. Not your."

"Okay. But what happened after that?"

"After that, I spent thousands of year and learning about time, and now I have total understanding of the Space-Time Continuum."

"Seriously. But still the same, the exact look of today."

"There is no concept of time in Event Horizon. Because of which I never aged, and I am still the same."

"But, you said that I had done something, because of which you were thrown into the Event Horizon, after that experiment."

Prof. Mandela again snaps his fingers and they were teleported to the Test Room, all of the Scientist were in that room, but no one was moving. Alven was again shocked, his eyes and mouth was wide open.

"The hell is happening here."

"I have slowed down the time around us. Making everything around us slow."

"I am a Scientist. Still it's going over my head."

"I know, no one can ever say that I know enough of Physics in his life-time. It requires more than thousands of years of learning."

"Like you."

"Yeah! You can say that. I can travel at any point of time and space, anywhere, but with a reason."

"Why that statement?"

"Am I a drunk person, who will go anywhere in Space and Time? Without any reason! Huh?"

"Leave that. But why the hell, I would do something which will cause you to be thrown into the Event Horizon?"

"You will change a simple equation in this report file which I will apply in that calculation to stabilize the tunnel. But, because of that miscalculation I will be thrown in that. Extinct from human history."

"You are saying me the process, not the reason."

"Okay. Because for the safe guard of our universe. There will be many events in our Universe in the future or had happened in the past, which have to be change or to be done by me, by travelling past."

"What if… I don't do that change?"

"After, seeing many possible outcomes, I have finally understand that this particular thing by you, have to happen for everything."

"I will do then."

Alven finally agrees to do that change in that equation. He makes a change in an equation and after changing that, Prof. Mandela smiles by looking at him. He then teleports Alven back to the outside of the Test Room, in front of the door.

Alven holds himself outside the room for a while and then takes a deep breath and went inside the room and hands over the file book to Prof. Mandela, of that timeline.

Prof. Mandela went to his table and again continues with the calculation of his part. Alven kept looking at him for a few seconds and then turns back to his table. One of the scientist notices Alven of being tensed, he walks to Alven and asks, "Hey mate, everything okay."

"Yeah! Everything's fine! What would happen to me?" Alven smiles.

"You looked worried." The Scientist asked.

"Just for the experiment."

"Yeah! Me too."

After a few minutes, Prof. Mandela announces, "We are ready for the first test!"

"Hey Doctor, will we be safe here!" A scientist asked.

"Don't worry, I have created a Chrono Magnetic Field around us. We will be safe." Prof. Mandela said to him and after that he again said something to himself, "Or maybe!" Even he wasn't also sure about that.

All of the Scientists wears their safety googles, the military was standing behind the safety glass walls. Prof. Mandela presses a red switch on a control machine, the tunnel starts up, a bright white colored light starts glowing up from that tunnel.

Everything seems to be okay, but suddenly, the tunnel starts pulling everything into it. Like a Black-Hole. All of the Scientist in that room gets hold of things near them, like the pillars, heavy machines, etc. But unlikely, Prof. Mandela wasn't able to get hold off anything as he was standing in front of that tunnel.

He was quickly pulled into that tunnel, he had shouted "Help me!" while being pulled. But no one was able to save him. He was thrown into the Event Horizon.

And also, getting a grab on different things didn't work for some of the scientists in the room, they were also pulled inside the tunnel, along with some soldiers who were standing indirectly in front of the tunnel behind the glass wall, breaking it off.

As soon as, he was pulled the tunnel stops. And everybody was saved. All of the peoples in the test room were in shock, Alven gets on his knees and starts crying.

"The hell that happened!" Colonel Markram came into the room.

The Same scientist, who talked with Alven before the test run, came up to Alven puts his right hand on his shoulder and said, "I know it will be a difficult time for you. Because you were more close to him then anyone else here."

The accident was reported in the Pentagon quickly. The whole US Military and Government was shocked by hearing the news

Within a few hours meeting was organized among the Army Officers, along with the President of United States, who was connected with them through a telephone call.

The meeting was set two hours later, in the Meeting Room in the Pentagon.

The US Military General, General Robin Meckler along with the other officers such as the Colonels, Majors and other senior officers.

"What are we gonna say, to the families of the soldiers and the scientists who have lost their life in this research?" A major asked.

"We gotta think for this, before giving any statement?" General Robins added, "We can't let the public get panic!"

After a long meeting, the President gives a statement, "Seal the whole Beroshivekis Area. For the civilians." He was talking through the call.

"Yes Sir, Mr. President!" General Robins replies. Then the president disconnects the call to continue with his other official works.

"Make sure that, one goes into that Area, without Military Permission. There should security at the outpost 24×7." General Robins says to the other officers in the Meeting Room.

The real news was hidden completely from the public and were told an alternate story to them, by the media.