Departure Day (2)

The sun rose over Maxine, Bismarck, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town. Daniel, Steve, Mike, Sahel, Nariana, Florence , Marco, and Gisele buzzed with excitement as they prepared to embark on their highly anticipated road trip to Los Angeles.

All of them had woke up at exactly 007, and started their preparation. They all quickly rushes to the bathroom one by one and then starts taking a bath.

After that, all of them went up to the dining table together, by 0830 and sat around the table. Casey serves everyone with their breakfast. And starts preparing some for Marcus, Draco and herself.

"Hey, Aunt. Where is Uncle Marcus?" Mike asked.

"He is outside." Casey replied.

"What is he doing outside?" Marco asked.

"Might be checking the RV!" Steve added.

"He is quite good at that!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Okay. Be quick!" Nariana said, "It's already 0830! Uncle will definitely ask us to be fast after he coming back."

"Yeah. You are right!" Mike added.

They quickly finishes their breakfast and ran back upstairs to their room, to dressed up properly and get their bags to the RV.

"Hey, Don't run on the stairs!" Casey scolds them , when they were running to their room upstairs.

Soon Nariana's prediction turns out to be true, as soon as Marcus enters back inside, he starts calling out toe everyone from downstairs standing by the left side of the stairs.

"Hey, Daniel! Steve!" Marcus calls out to them.

"Yeah!" Steve and Daniel pops out from Marco's room at the left side opposite to Gisele's room.

"Are you all done?" Marcus asked.

Steve looks back inside and replies, "Yeah!"

"Then get everyone inside the RV!" Marcus said, "We will be leaving by 0930."

"Okay!" Daniel replies, and both of them went back inside closing up the door. Marcus also moves up to his room and gets out, a few seconds later with a brush with paste on it, in his right hand and a towel on his left shoulder, and then went to the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, Marcus went back to his room and changes his clothes and then went to the kitchen to have his breakfast, when he reaches there, he notices that Draco wasn't there till now. It was almost 009.

"Where is Mr. Draco?" Marcus asked to Casey.

"Maybe, still in the room!" Casey said, she serves him with his breakfast and says looking at the wall clock in the kitchen, "Wait. I'm going to him!"

Casey went up to their bedroom, opens the door and went inside to call Draco.

"Honey! Wake up, the children's are about to leave soon!" Casey starts calling Draco.

"What? What time it is?" Draco asked, he was still sleeping.

"It's 009, and Marcus is saying that they will be leaving at 0930. Now, wake up quickly!" Casey replied.

Draco quickly wakes up and came outside, he directly went to the bathroom, his toothbrush and paste was already there. He quickly brushes his teeth and came out to the kitchen and sat down by the table to have his breakfast quickly.

"How's the preparation going Mr. Marcus?" Draco asked him.

"Everything is ready, now just Daniel and the others need to get into the RV quickly and then we can leave for Los Angeles!" Marcus added.

As soon as, Marcus mentioned about the group, all of them starts coming downstairs with their bags, one by one and went outside to the RV, which was parked by the roadside, as they were ready to leave quickly.

Within 0930, Marcus also came out with his belongings in his right hand. He was followed by Casey and Draco. Daniel and the others were waiting for Marcus, in the RV.

All of them had chosen the same beds, they had chosen while they were travelling to Bismarck. While Marco and Gisele and selected the beds next to Sahel and Mike's bed. Daniel was already playing video games with Mike while Steve, Sahel, Gisele and Marco were playing UNO with each other.

Marcus gets inside the Blackberry through the Driver's Door, calls out to everyone, "Alright, everyone! Time to hit the road!"

"Yeah!" All of them were very much excited, especially Sahel.

All of them beds bye to Casey and Draco through the window, and then their trip to Los Angeles begins.

"Hey Uncle, let me help you with something. I wasn't able to help while travelling to Bismarck." Sahel went up to Marcus and says.

"You just keep entertaining us." Marcus says to him.

"Huh?" Sahel couldn't understand what Marcus wants to say.

"By your stand-up comedy!" Marcus teases him.

"When did my father told you about this, that I do stand-up comedy?" Sahel was surprised, even revealed the thing which his friends didn't know till now.

"Your dad said that you do stand-up comedy perfectly?" Daniel exclaims, all of them bursts out into laughter.

Marcus was driving very fast so that they could make it to Denver within the same day by 008 of the night. They had crossed the border of North Dakota in the next 2 hours and had entered the state of South Dakota again.

Marcus had stopped the RV in Rapid City, a county seat of Pennington County, South Dakota, to have their lunch, at around 002 of the noon. They had went to Beaus Cambell Street Dinner, which is located at N Cambell St of Rapid City.

"Hey Uncle! Have you dated any other girl before getting engaged to Aunt Carina!" Marco asked, while having some cold drink after having their lunch in that same restaurant.

"About 3 years ago, I liked a girl, and the girl was also ready to left everything for me." Max replied, while drinking juice from his can.

"That seems interesting, what happened next?" Gisele asked.

Before Marcus could replied, Sahel interfered and said, "But the real fact is that after his proposal, the girl left him for ever."

Daniel, Steve and Mike burst into a laughter along with Shahid. Marco was also laughing by covering his mouth with his left hand.

"You stand-up comedian!" Marcus replies back, looking at Sahel. Everyone again bursts into laughter after hearing Uncle Marcus's words.

After having their lunch, they again continued for their trip to Denver, Colorado.

"Hey Uncle, how much time it will exactly take to reach Denver?" Marco asked to Marcus, he came up to him and sat down next to the driver's seat.

"It's saying 6 hours on the GPS!" Marcus replied after looking at the GPS monitor in the RV.

"And that's without traffic!" Daniel speaks up from behind, he was playing UNO with Sahel, Nariana and Gisele.

"Shut up!" Marcus replies back.


Marcus didn't even need to stop the RV for refueling as he had already refueled it back in Rapid City from a Gas Station.

While most of them were enjoying the road trip, some of them were very bored also, and that includes Steve in them.

He had been sitting by the window, the whole time, looking outside and then suddenly he thinks of something and went up to the mini fridge in the kitchen section, he opens up the door to search for something to eat, there were some coke cans and some chocolates and also ice cream inside.

He takes out a coke can and then turns to Marcus and asked, "Hey, Uncle. Who kept these coke cans and some chocolates inside the fridge?"

Marcus turns back to take a look at Steve and then replies, "Actually I brought that stuff for you all!"

"When?" Steve asked.

"Before leaving from Maxine, the previous day!" Marcus replied.

"You brought it yesterday and had kept it in the fridge of the RV and hadn't informed us about it!" Steve said.

"I had completely forgot about it." Marcus said, "I am sorry!"

"Hey guys, let enjoy some coke, chocolates and ice creams!" Steve turns back to his friends and said.

"You dumbass!" Marcus shouts back at Steve, "You ignored my apologize again!"

"Never mind!" Steve replied back turning to him.

They had finally arrived at Denver at around 008 of the night, at the perfect time as predicted by Marcus, they then travel up to the small neighborhood of St. George in Denver, located at the North-western parts of the city, they had travelled all the way through the Downtown Denver to St. George to reach Daniel and Steve's one of Uncle's home and Marcus's cousin.

When they had arrived at Daniel and Steve's uncle's home, they saw Daniel and Steve's cousin, Maya waiting for them at the front door of the house, their another two friends Elona and Aditya lives nearby Maya's home.

But they were present at Maya's home at the time of Daniel and the others arrival, as they were also longing to meet their friends after a long time.