The man who had appeared in their RV was none other than Prof Mandela. He was back after a gap of 2 years, he was wearing a white long coat over an orange shirt with a navy blue tie and a black pant.
He still looks the same, as of 2 years ago, a man of about 45 years old, with few of his side hairs of his head turned white and it were well-combed. And the most signature item of his identity, the small Black colored pocket Analog Watch which he was holding in his right hand.
"Who are the hell are you?" Marco shouted out of fear.
"I am Mandela." Prof. Mandela replied, even he was surprised by Marco's reaction.
"Are you an alien?" Marco again shouts.
"Alien?" Gisele added, after hearing that, she fell down unconsciously on the floor.
Marco was more scared after watching his sister falling unconscious, he tried to scream more loudly but Daniel and Sahel quickly hold up his mouth and hands respectively.
"He is not an Alien. Shut head!" Sahel tried to calm him down.
Marco somehow freed up his mouth from Daniel's grab and again shouts at Sahel, "Then, who the hell is he? And how did he came up hear?"
"Is that idiot new in your group?" Mandela asks to Nariana and Florence.
"Yeah!" Nariana replied, "Both of them are Mike and Florence's cousin."
"I think, I should have told Sahel to inform you all about my meeting with you all, so that you could have been prepared." Mandela said.
"Exactly!" Aditya added, he was sitting on a lower bunk bed. Along with Nariana and Florence next to him, with Steve, Elona and Maya over the small window side table.
"Wait!" Maya asked, "That means, you have been in touch with Sahel for the last 2 years?"
"Actually, it's 2 months, not 2 years!" Sahel replied.
"Still, you should have told us about that!" Daniel shouts at him.
"I am sorry!" Sahel replied.
Even with that much of chaos behind, Marcus was driving the RV with a relax mind as if he doesn't give a fuck about it.
"What do you think, why he had came to us today?" Mike asked to Max.
"Oh! You are sitting here?" Marcus said, "I thought you were also in that chaos."
"Nah!" Mike replied.
"Maybe, it's again 'Hero Time'?" Marcus said.
"It's a dialogue from Ben 10!" Mike added.
"I know that, Idiot!" Marcus replied back.
"Hey, Uncle. What the hell you are doing there?" Daniel turns back and speaks up to Marcus, "Come here quickly!"
"If I go there, then who the hell is gonna drive the RV?" Marcus shouts back at Daniel.
"I can drive it!" Mike turns to Marcus and said.
"Shut up!" Marcus shouts at Mike.
Suddenly, Marco frees himself from Daniel and Sahel's grab and to get his phone and tried to call the Police, "I gonna call 911! And tell them that an Alien has appeared out of nowhere in our RV!"
But in that means time, Steve quickly grabs Marco's hands to his back again, and then Sahel ties him up with a rope.
"Stay quiet for sometime. Listen to me now!" Mandela speaks up, looking directly at Marco's face.
He then began to explain the whole situation to him, about how he and the group of Daniel and his friends, along with another Alien, helped the US Military to defeat the Alien Warlord named Zerodha, 2 years ago.
"So, that War had actually happened because of you?" Gisele asked, after the whole explanation by Prof. Mandela.
"Weren't you listening?" Mike turns to get and asked from his seat next to Marcus.
"He helped us to stop that war!" Aditya said.
"Wasn't the news about the defeat of that Alien reported by the media?" Daniel asked.
"It was! But they never told that a mysterious scientist and a group of 9 teenagers helped the Military to defeat the Alien!" Marco replied.
"Huh!?" Sahel thought you some kind of whole scenario in his head and then came up with that question.
"I asked the General to narrate a different story, because if they had told the real story of you all, helping the military…" Prof. Mandela added.
"It was basically for our safety!" Marcus said.
"You already know about that?" Steve asked to Marcus.
"Yeah!" Marcus replied.
"By the way, where is that Alien named Zantien?" Steve asked.
"He is somewhere in the Galaxy, building up a large space city for different species in our Milky Way Galaxy." Prof. Mandela replied.
"City?" Elona asked, "On a planet or any kind of Asteroid or…?"
"He is building it inside the surface of one of the satellites of a planet called Nyxoria." Mandela replied.
"And what is the name of the satellite?" Steve asked.
"It's Luminon!" Mandela added.
"He is building that city all by himself?" Maya asked.
"Nah!" Mandela said, "He is being helped by those Alien races, whose Home-world were also destroyed by either Civil War or any Natural Destruction!"
"Can we ever visit that place in our lifetime?" Elona asked.
"Yeah! I can take you there!" Mandela said, "I had actually sent him back in time to help them build that city, about 5 years ago."
"So, it might take him another 10 to 15 years to complete the city!" Gisele added, "If they use more advanced technology!"
"Don't worry, it's already completed!" Mandela said.
"Are you on high?" Marco added, "How's that possible, that also in another planet?"
"There technology is about millions of years advanced, than ours!" Sahel added.
"Leave everything!" Daniel asked, "Why are you here after 2 years?"
"Wait!" Sahel exclaimed.
"What?" Steve asked.
"Even I had also forgot to ask him that question, even being in touch for the last 2 months!" Sahel replied.
"How can you be so careless?" All of them shouts at him concurrently.
"The reason is… I need your help for another important mission!" Mandela announced.
There was a full silence for about a minute, with all of them looking at Mandela except Marcus.
"What?" Mandela asked.
"Do you think we are CIA officers?" Florence asked.
"Leave it!" Daniel said, "What is the mission?"
"Let's talk about it while having some Tea." Mandela said.
"Okay. Then, I'll prepare tea for us!" Florence added and got up from her seat.
"No need to make!" Mandela added, "I know someone who makes tea very good."
Mandela then looks at his Pocket Analog Watch and then said to Marcus, "Marcus, please take a right turn!"
"Why?" Mike asked.
"I know a place where you can park your RV safely." Mandela added, "Because, we are going somewhere else!"
"Somewhere else?" All of them asked concurrently.