The Group Discussion

"Who is this Scientist?" Marcus asked.

"A smart Scientist who liked to made different and unique kind of inventions during his middle ages." Mandela said.

Over steaming cups of Earl Grey tea, Dr. Winter and the others listened intently as Prof. Mandela had began explaining the story of Vasquez to them.

"He's just like Uncle Marcus, who also likes to invent different kind of things!" Daniel added.

"But he was more kind of smart and intelligent!" Mandela added.

"Are you insulting me?" Marcus asked.

"But, more importantly, what is the main issue with that Scientist?" Marco asked, "You mentioned 'he liked to' which means he is no more. I guess!"

"Just listen completely!" One of young Draco's friend Peter speaks up.

"Who are you?" Marco asked.

"Peter Richards!" Peter replied.

"And myself, Marco Reganne Isaac!" Marco added.

"Are you done?" Sahel added.

"What?" Marco asked.

"You can just wait for sometime, after that we can again start the introduction period." Sahel said.

"Okay!" Marco added.

"Actually, he is alive but no more a Scientist!" Mandela replied.

"What?" Daniel was confused and it was visible on his face.

"His passion of inventing new things had one day lead him to the discovered of a way of travelling from one Universe to another!" Mandela explained.

"He discovered a way of Multiverse Travelling!?" Marcus added.

"Yeah!" Mandela replied.

"He discovered the way and you got the power!" Florence said.

"I had also made up a machine for that purpose!" Mandela added.

"But, yours was a Time Machine, wasn't it?" Elona added.


"And also you can't say that it was a complete success." Maya said.

"Actually it would have been a success if I hadn't asked my Assistant to interfere with the machine!" Mandela added.

"Seriously?" Daniel exclaimed.

"By the way, I have another question." Peter speaks up.

"Again!?" Young Casey added.

"What do you mean by that?" Aditya asked.

"He asks too many questions." Elena, another friend of Young Draco speaks up.

"Actually, we also have that kind of idiot with us!" Gisele said and looks up at her brother, Marco.

"What!?" Marco notices Gisele looking at him with a weird expression on her face.

"Nothing!" Gisele replied.

"By the way, what was your question?" Elona asked to Peter.

"If you have the power of travelling from one Universe to another, then do you have any variants of yourself in another Universe?" Peter asked.

"Shit!" Sahel exclaimed, "It never came to my mind!"

"You are sometime too slow!" All of his friends replies to him concurrently.

"By the way, Deep have you…!" Sahel was about to say something to one of Draco's friends, Deep Biswas.

"Wait! You know him?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah! I have met them earlier!" Sahel replied.

"When?" Elona asked.

"On the morning of 2nd July, day before our departure for North Dakota!" Sahel added.

Back to the date of 2nd July 2021, on that morning, after Sahel had waked up after having another nightmare, he was just wondering by himself, what could these nightmare mean now.

While he was wondering that thing, suddenly he hears a voice calling him. "You okay!" Sahel turns around to see Prof. Mandela standing beside him near his bed.

Sahel was more surprised, he quickly replies back, "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry for that!" Mandela added, "And one more thing, I have brought some people with me to introduce them with you!"

"Who are they now?" Sahel asked.

"There, they are!" Mandela points out to Young Draco, Casey and their friends, they were standing beside Sahel's bed.

"Yo!" Deep greets Sahel.

"Yo!" Sahel also greets him back, after that he again turns back to Mandela and asked, "Who are they?"

"They are someone, you are gonna meet soon!" Mandela replied.

"Can't you speak in normal language?" Sahel said.

"I mean, I brought them from 1986! Of these same timeline!" Mandela added.

"What!?" Sahel was surprised by that.

"And one more thing, these two named Draco and Casey are Mike's uncle and aunt respectively, whom you are planning to visit in North Dakota!" Mandela whispers to Sahel so that they can't head out their conversation.

"Seriously!" Sahel added. He was still surprised.


"And why did you brought them here!" Sahel asked.

"He told us that, we all are very important for a future mission kind something!" Elena added.

"Really!" Sahel turns to Mandela.

"Yeah! That's true!"

"And what is that mission?" Sahel asked.

"We will discuss about that after few days, but now why don't you introduce yourselves to each other!" Mandela replies back.

They stopped asking about that mission after Mandela tells them that he will discuss about it later on, and they all engage with their introduction to Sahel, and befriends him, after they had left from Sahel's room, he tried to sleep back but at that moment he receives a phone call.

Back in the present, Sahel's friends were surprised to hear that, he is already aware about Draco and the others and also about Mandela's sudden appearance to them.

"Then why didn't you told us that?" All of them shouts at him.

"After all, you are a Stand-up Comedian!" Marcus says and starts laughing loudly.

"What is you problem?" Sahel shouts back at Marcus, "Stop calling me by that!"

"The answer of your question is till now, as per my knowledge I don't have any variant of myself!" Mandela replied.

"Basically, you are just a Singular Entity in the whole Multiverse!" Maya said.

"Till now!" Nariana speaks up.

"Where were we up to, in the story?" Marcus added.

"Yeah! Dr. Vasquez had actually found a way of travelling from one Universe to another! But there was also a large problem along with that discovery!" Mandela added.