Past life: recollection 2

I looked at them and I chuckled softly. 'Oh my gosh so these are the same friends that I did everything for' I thought to myself. Then one of them walked up to me. It was a girl. Her name is Grace. She was my first and closest friend among the rest of my friends. She looked at me and said

"Oh my goodness, if it isn't the most popular girl in the..... um... what should I call it.... yes.... in the world". She looked at me with a smile on her face and I knew that she was mocking me.

She touched my face and moved closer to me when I spit on her face. Then she slapped me so hard. I could not hear well.

"Oh come on don't slap her too hard... you clearly know that Nicholas and his men wants her complete. You must not make her deaf..... Understood?" A man named Mike said in a slow and suffocating tone. I hated this man the most because he was one of my childhood friends. He literally grew up with me.... now he is trying to sell me to some thugs for food.

They all left the room and closed the door. The room was very dark and spooky. Then after a while I heard the sound of people talking. I knew it was those thugs. I felt scared since the sound was getting close. The closer the sound felt, the more suffocating it was in that room.

The door was then opened and I could see a very dim light. Then I saw the thugs come inside the room. One of them came up to me and held my head with his filthy hands. Then he brought his face closer and tried to kiss me. I was so scared. "Please.... Please.... Stop" I screamed out loud. 'No.... Don't.... Don't do this to me. I beg you.... Please... Don't hurt me? I said to them in a trembling voice.

Then I heard a nauseating voice. "Oh come on.... the little princess is begging with a cute little voice. Don't worry.." He paused for a while and then continued "It's only gonna hurt for a while and then it would be enjoyable and you would beg for more". Was I going to die? Was I going to get raped and then eaten flesh by flesh by this cannibal. I didn't know what to do. So I struggled. I struggled so hard and then the man slapped me.

He slapped me so hard that I could not hear anything. This time I knew that I was completely deaf. Then he started ti tear my clothes. I closed my eyes and started to cry. 'I just want to leave this place. I don't like this place' 'I want to leave'. And then I heard a sound. It was just like 'swoosh'. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in that dark place rather I was in the middle of a road that I don't know where it led to.

'At least I got out of that scary place' I thought. I looked around yet i didn't see any zombies. Where was this place? There was no houses around. No signs of people or animals. Nothing. Literally nothing at all. It was like I was in the middle of nowhere. There was only sand everywhere. I decided to walk and look if I could find even a single person.

I walked and walked and walked for hours. It was really sunny and I was sweating really bad. I needed water and food because I was hungry and thirsty so I took some snacks and water from my space. Yeah guys..... My space. I ate the snacks quickly and drank the water. After eating and drinking, I was full. I felt refreshed and I was not tired like before.

And you guys are probably wondering when did I have this... Space of mine and my so called friends who betrayed me didn't know. Well to quell your curiosity I am going to tell you when I got my space.

I got my space when we were already with those thugs. That very day, I got a severe headache and I was burning up so bad. They didn't notice that I was feeling strange since I didn't let it show. After a whole day, I became alright. I didn't know that I had a space at that time. It was only when those thugs were talking about the symptoms of someone getting a superpower that I knew I had experienced those particular symptoms.

Days passed by and I still could not figure out what superpower I had. Until one day when I saw an expired sausage that I wanted. That day the sausage was like a meter away and there were zombies walking around that place. I was sad thinking that I would not eat the sausage which I really wanted. Then I thought to myself 'How I wish the sausage would just disappear from there and be with me right now'. And ta-da the sausage was gone. I searched everywhere yet I didn't find it. I was sad and went to my room that day to cry. I kept on crying and when I said "sausage". A sausage dropped and fell on my hand. It was the same sausage that disappeared. And that was when I found out that I had a space as a superpower.

I wanted to tell my friends and give them a surprise but I was looking for a perfect time to tell them. And I thank God that I didn't tell them at that time.

Right now I have some things stored in my space and I know that I would not be hungry for a while now. Now back to where I was before I started explaining to you all how I got my space.

I walked for hours and when it was in the evening I found a place to sleep. I looked around and saw nothing. Absolutely nothing. I didn't know where to sleep. Then I saw a light. I looked at the place tge light was and found out that it was a car. I quickly tried to hide when I found out that there was absolutely..... Nothing like there was nowhere to hide.

I hate my stupid luck. Even if I teleported somewhere couldn't it be a place that has a house or something. Oh my gosh, I curse my luck. I tried to run when I heard someone say

"Wait.... please..... don't run. We can help you. Stop running". It was a man's voice and oh my gosh did he sound tired. I decided to stop and then looked at the man

"You won't hurt me right?" I asked the man and I am so stupid. Would a serial killer tell you that he would kill you. Obviously he would lie.

"No I won't hurt you, I promise. Just get into the car and then we can talk properly" he said.

Well since I already stopped, might as well get to know where I am. And I don't even know where I would sleep at night. So I got into the man's car and I saw another man in the car who seems to be the driver.

"Hey" the man started. "My name's Ben and this is Oliver my friend" he said while pointing at the man driving. He looked nice so I decided to answer

"My name is Wendy and I don't know where I am".

Ben looked at me and told me some things

"This place is called The barren land since it has literally nothing except from sand" Then he continued "I don't know where you are from or if you have any place to stay but Oliver and I are going back to a base".

When I heard that I was confused. What is a base?

"Oh a base is where people can stay as long as they give the owner of the base some food as payment" Ben said.

It was then that I knew that I said my thoughts out. But I did not care so I told Ben if I could stay in the base which he agreed. But then there was a problem. Where was I going to see food to give to the owner of the base so that I could live there.

I told Ben about my worries and he told me that he was going to give me some rice to give to the owner. I thanked him and promised that I was going to pay it back. And off we go to the base.

I am so sorry for making this chapter long. I was just writing and I kinda forgot to check how many words I wrote. But I don't think I am going to write the next chapter this long. Anyway, thank you all for reading my novel and please comment in the comment section about what you think about this chapter. Love you all and God bless you.