
A building stood tall in the middle of Changhai. It was coated with gold, and carefully crafted as seven figures holding up a yellow globe. Each figures legs was an exit from the building, and the only entrance was deep underground. Many people had speculated on the origin and use of the building, but in the end they concluded it was just an artistic masterpiece intended to contribute to the tourist relevance and thus income of the city and country. The building had no windows or doors that outsiders could see. Precisely twenty seven thousand miles to the east of the building which happened to be an undeveloped plain, the helicopter quietly made it's descent. Three figures made their way out, the lead person lugging a human figure in black polythene over his shoulder. The ground opened up and they walked underground, quite naturally. Inside their was a train-like tram waiting on it's track. They boarded it while Steve made a quick call into his mobile.

"Where to, brothers?"

A voice said out of nowhere


Soon the tram sped up in tremendously, descending even deeper underground. After some distance the ground levelled up and the tram picked up more speed, reaching 0.4G in just two minutes. After some time all occupants of the tram felt themselves being pushed strongly against their seats as the tram began ascending upwards. Soon it stopped and the figures stepped out, Steve dragging CJ behind him. The other two separated ways at the ground floor, going towards the elevator while CJ remained at the lobby. Soon a valet with a 'B-9' badge strapped to his blue T-shirt approached Steve respectfully. Steve handed the heavy bag to him.

"Follow all procedures strictly", he instructed stiffly and made his way to the elevator, while the valet made a slight bow and lifted CJ, taking him to a room in the basement.

Steve stopped at the third floor, and stepped into room 5. There was a woman strapped to the chair.

"How's she holding up" Steve asked as he washed his hands at a nearby sink.

"All vital signs are normal, and there are no signs of abnormality", a husky voice replied.

"What of the outside world, has her disappearance been noticed yet?"

"No Sir, the alibi is still holding up, but we don't have much time left, or her husband is going to get suspicious"

"That's fine, because we can release her now, send her back safely, we have the target in custody"

A low hum sounded as a hydraulic arm detached from the wall and cut off the woman's bounding tape. Another thinner hydraulic arm quickly went to work, injecting a red, almost transparent liquid into the woman's arm. Two androids approached, and taking the each of the woman's arm over their shoulder, they led her out of the room, still unconscious.

Steve pulled out a tablet and entered his personal key. He then keyed in some commands and the CCTV camera feed from the basement popped up.

"After fifty four years and wasting endless resources, who would have thought that the key to the universe would be in this ordinary young man's body. This world is truly mysterious", Steve commented

"Now the brothers will transcend again. Let's see how the universe intends to stop us this time".

Closing the camera feed, Steve quickly opened a messaging platform.

"The catalyst has been found. An induction event will be convened in four hours time. All missions are to be suspended temporarily with immediate effect"

After sending out the message, Steve exhaled deeply and sank into his seat in a relaxed manner

At the height of war, and the best of technological development, the Fuitans, a country in the planet Steve was born, began to seriously research into the concept of life and universe. A planet was useless without life, and the purpose of all lives was posterity. Moreover, humanity always believed that there was a grand purpose to itself, a height that if reached most questions considered religious or philosophical would be answered with utmost clarity. Some things like human emotions, consciousness, retribution, cause and effect and a lot of others could never be explained by science, no matter how technologically advanced they were. And this the belief came about that there was a supreme existence above all life in whose domain all these things were under control, and who was all powerful and omnipotent. However no matter how many claims and faith humans gathered, there was never a substantial evidence to prove their existence. The only way to see the light was to continually develop and clarify matters with their own strength. This sufficiently advanced civilizations sought to get stronger, plundering and looting constellations and planets millions of light years around them. But Steve believed there was more to clarity than getting stronger. There was different types of strength. When he was young, his father who was very advanced in the field of martial arts, to the point he could even predict a bullet's trajectory before it was fired and avoid it, knock down a boulder in one punch, and run up to two kilometers on water, was brought down by a quantum assault. This led Steve into a long period of depression, where he began to deeply consider questions regarding strength and transcendence. According to him, strength was not only limited to the physical. There was also strength in controlling was means of basic survival such as air, food and water. There was strength of influence and numbers. There was strength of intelligence, of affluence and wealth, and strength also in understanding and wisdom. And this his journey began. While still in hiding, he used his father's influence to get to people loyal to his father and dissatisfied with the way the government did things, and together they formed the Brother's Bond. Their primary aim was to acquire absolute control of humanity, leaving nothing to chance. They had worked tirelessly underground to overthrow the then government of Fuitans, free Steve of all political charges, and gather the military strength to start exploring the universe. Earth was discovered about a couple hundred years back, and the brothers were awed by the sheer natural beauty and habitability of it, that they became embarrassed to leave Earth for their home planet in another galaxy. Suppressing the ruling government and going undercover was a piece of cake for them, as they worked best undetected. Only a incredibly high officials in control of world power was privy to their existence, and even those were kept under strict control and surveillance.

Some breakthroughs were gained in the last forty years, which proved the existence of parallel universes. Just imagining the endless amount of resources that can be dug up by gaining access to parallel universes caused the brothers to focus the bulk of their research in that direction. But no matter how many theories were tested, the ability to travel to a parallel universe continuously eluded the Brothers