Chapter Eleven

It's only been weeks since the last time I was here. But as I reached that all too familiar corner, I felt like I hadn't been here for ages. I know my way around these streets since I was always here. I used to be always here.

Soon, I reach the building of my destination. I parked my car in the space provided for visitors. As I turned off the engine of my car, I took a deep breath to calm down. Yet, to no avail, my heart still kept racing.

Oh, forget it!

I got out of my car and walked inside the building. The familiar old guard at the entrance stands up and greets me.

"Good evening, lad! What's your business here?"

"Good evening, sir. I'm here to visit my friend who lives on the 4th floor, Room 408."

"Okay. Sure lad. But I gotta remind you, visiting hours end in one hour. I'm gonna lock down this place afterward. Unless you're planning to stay the night here, you better hurry."

"Okay. Thanks."

I waved at the guard as I got in the elevator and pressed the "4" button. Soon enough, the elevator door opens. I walked out and went to my right. I stopped in front of the door that says "Room 408".

My heart rate picked up speed. I take a deep breath one last time.

Here I go

I softly knocked at the door twice. I feel my hands starting to sweat. Every second feels so treacherous. But, I didn't hear any movement from the inside. I counted one to ten before knocking on the door again. I listened closely. Still, there is no response. I knocked again and again until I was banging the door.

Why isn't she answering? It's almost her curfew. She's supposed to be home by now.

I was about to knock again when the next door to where I am, opened. The old lady who lives alone next door comes out with a confused look. But her expression turned into a smile when she saw me.

"Oh my! It's you. It's been a while since you came by here." she says in her usual happy self.

"Yes, Mrs. Perez. It's been a while." I greet her.

"Oh, I know why you're here. You're planning to make amends with your girlfriend, aren't you?" she guesses.

Well, she's not exactly wrong.

"Sort of..." I say.

"Well, it looks like you two had a huge fight. I saw her crying as she opened her door a couple of weeks ago."

"Yes, we, actually broke up," I confess. I see the eyes of Mrs. Perez go wide in shock.

"Oh my! She must be really disheartened. No wonder she moved out."


"She's not living here anymore?" I try to confirm.

"Oh yes, Son. She moved away a week ago. She didn't tell me where she was going. I guess she's still mad at you if you didn't know that. Maybe you can try contacting her."

"Yes, that's a good idea. Thank you for informing me, Mrs. Perez."

"Oh, it's no problem. Well, I guess you should get going now. Visiting hours are almost through. You know how strict that old man at the entrance is." she says sneering at the end. I know how much she hates the old guard. She always finds a way to mention slash drag him in every conversation we have.

I wave goodbye to the kind woman as I walk away. As I went back to the elevator, my thoughts consumed me.

Aria moved away. She didn't even tell me. Well... I'm not exactly entitled to know that. But it still stung. Where could she be?

When the elevator door opened, I went straight out. The guard looks pleased with me as I exit the building. When I got in my car, I immediately opened my phone and opened my internet data connection.

I open my Facebook app. Immediately the notifications popped up continuously. I haven't opened my account since I hid my relationship status. I began searching for Aria's name.

To my surprise, there were no results. I tried manually scrolling my friends list to look for her profile. But there was none. I tried looking for my tagged photos with her. And then, that's when I saw the reason why I couldn't find her on Facebook, she didn't just deactivate her account. She deleted it completely.

I closed Facebook and opened Instagram. Her account was also deactivated. I looked her up on Twitter but still, it's deactivated.

Aria didn't just move away. She disappeared completely. I have a huge feeling that she already changed her number. I'm even thinking she might have transferred schools as well. It almost feels like she didn't exist.

I slump in my seat as I think of Aria and all our great memories together. If only that evil-horrible person didn't interfere, we would still be together. I would have been bringing her home right now. I would have been hearing her daily stories. I would still have her hand in my hand. I would still be holding her for she's mine and mine alone.

But those are just wishful thinking. She's gone. She's out of my life and out of my grasp. That's the bitter truth that I have to accept.

I woke up at the sound of fists banging at my bedroom door.

"Ryan, what is it?" I half murmur and half yell.

"Kuya, get up!" He yells back.


"Are you kidding me!!?!?! It's the first day of school. You need to get up and get ready now."

What? It's time already. But it's still a bit dark.

I grab my phone by the nightstand to look for the time. When my eyes were able to adjust to my phone screen's light, I almost cursed.

"What the hell, Ryan!!! It's only 5:14 am. Classes don't start until 8 am."

"But what about the flag ceremony?" My oblivious brother asks.

Oh my goodness! I forgot that he has no prior experience in college life.

"We don't have flag ceremonies in college. Only the ROTC students do that every 7 am."

"What? Really?"

"Yes, really. Now go back to sleep." I say as I roll around in bed to find a comfortable spot.

"But I already cooked breakfast. I cooked Chicken Tinola. It won't taste good if it's cold."

"Then reheat it later!"

"But the papaya will get soggy and mushy. We have to eat it now."

Arrgg! Why am I even arguing?

"Fine! Set the plates."


And that's the reason why I was already set for school. And it's only 6 am. Hopefully, this won't happen again tomorrow and the days after.

To kill some time, I decided to listen to some music on Spotify. I was exploring and listening to some new songs. There are a lot of good songs that were released this year. I listened to each song and favorite those that I liked.

I was doing that for quite some time until my phone suddenly stopped playing songs. Soon after, an unknown caller ID appears on my phone screen.

Who could this be?

"Hello?" I greet answering the call.

"Kuya Justin? It's me, Diane."

"Oh, Diane. Is this your number?"

"Yes, it is. I got your number from Ryan. You don't mind it, do you?"

"Of course, I don't mind. Why did you call?"

"Well, it's about last Saturday."

Oh damn! I haven't forgotten what went down last Saturday. But I may have forgotten to apologize to Diane. Though it was not my fault, I still played a huge part in ruining the dinner date she planned. But before I could say my apologies, she started saying hers.

"Kuya Justin, I am so sorry for what had happened."

"No, don't apologize. It's not your fault. You didn't know what happened between us. I didn't even know she was your cousin. She also didn't know I was Ryan's brother. We didn't exactly introduce ourselves, especially given the circumstances. It happened beyond our control.

If there was anything that should be apologized for, it was my behavior. I should have controlled my reactions. I should have talked to her somewhere private. Or I could have planned another opportunity to confront her. I should have acted maturely but I messed up. I'm sorry."

"Thank you, Kuya Justin. And it's okay. You said it yourself. None of us knew this would happen. I just didn't want you to think ill of me after what my cousin had done to you." She explains.

"I will never think ill of you, Diane. My parents and I already treat you like a member of our family." I encourage.

"Oh thank you, Kuya!"

"You are always welcome, Diane."

"Anyway, I'm sorry about my cousin. My whole family knows about... how she is. My parents thought that it might be just a phase that she'd get over someday. I know she's not serious about her past relationships. But, I didn't realize that she was already ruining other people's relationships."

"You don't need to apologize for others, Diane.".

"Yes, I know. But for the record, my cousin is... actually really nice and very easy to get along with. Well... despite being a notorious lesbian player, that is." She chuckled at the end.

I laughed along with her.

"I'm honestly not that keen to know more about that cousin of yours. I'm only worried that she may put Ryan in a bad light to your parents."

"Oh, heavens no! Ate Claire isn't like that. She may be too hardcore and honest with her thoughts. But, she isn't the sharing type of person. She'll only answer if she is asked. Besides, I talked to her yesterday. She thinks Ryan is okay. It didn't matter to her that you two were brothers. I'm honestly the worried one. I thought you might have a change of heart towards me because I'm related to her. But thankfully, you didn't."

"Thank goodness! I'm glad what happened last Saturday didn't ruin anything between you and Ryan."

"I'm glad for that too. But, I'm also very glad that you and Ate Claire share the same sentiments on our relationship."

I got a bit confused with what she said. What did she mean by that?

"Why are you glad for that?".

"Well, at least there is one thing you two had agreed on. It gave me hope that one day you two will leave the past behind and get along."

Me? Getting along with that evil snake? Never.

"That's not something I see that will happen in the future. What she did is hard to forgive."

"Yes, you are right. It is indeed hard to forgive but not impossible. Besides, you can't blame me for hoping that both of our families to get along."

I was about to reply. But then, I heard a background noise from the other line.

"Oh, Kuya Justin, I'm sorry. I need to go now. I'll have to end the call."

"It's okay. I guess I'll just see you around campus today."

"Yes, see you later Kuya Justin."

"Good luck on your first day as a college freshman."

"Thanks. You too, Kuya. Goodbye!"


The call ended but this thought still lingered in my mind.

Will Justine Claire and I get along someday?

Just thinking of that brings back all the pain she brought into my life. I can never forgive her for that. As long as I feel that pain, I will never forgive her.