Chapter Fourteen

I couldn't get that evil snake's threat off my mind. I had been trying to calm myself since yesterday, telling myself that she wouldn't do it. Diane even said that she would try to talk to her cousin and try to convince her not to harm me.

But wait... she'll try to convince her not to harm me? This means that the evil snake does have an intention to harm me! Oh God! Will she have me killed? I mean it is not impossible since she has money and all... I'm doomed!

I shake my head trying to dispel the thoughts in my head.

Calm down, Justin. Calm down. She's smart. She'll be the prime suspect if I was killed. She wouldn't do something that risky, right?

But what if she can use her money to buy off the police and the judge? I am screwed! I'll die with no justice!

I slapped myself really hard this time. Haist... this is the effect of not getting enough sleep. I couldn't sleep last night because of the very obvious reason. And because of that, I woke up late, Ryan had already commuted to school.

Fortunately, I had just entered the school campus with 20 minutes to spare. I was even able to eat the Chicken Sandwich Ryan left for me while driving my way here. However, my relief was only short-lived when I took the turn to the Humanities Building. There was no parking space. It seems like everyone brought their cars because it was raining earlier.

I drove past the Humanities Building in search of a parking space. Luckily for me, I found some space by the Arts and Design Building which is the nearest building. Once, I got my car parked, I immediately got out. I briskly walked my way out of the parking lot and towards the Humanities Building. There were a lot of rain puddles so I tried my best to avoid them.

I looked at my watch only to see that I only had 10 minutes left before the class started. I can make it on time so I don't have to worry much. When I reached the intersection, I looked from left to right. I only see an approaching motorcycle on my right. It was already near so I decided to let it pass first before I cross the road.

But suddenly, the motorcycle boosted closer to the sidewalk. I wasn't able to react immediately. The next thing I knew water mixed with mud had splashed all over me.

What the?!!?!

I sharply turned my head toward the driver of the motorcycle who had stopped in the middle of the road to look at me. He wore a helmet that completely covered his face. But, he lifted the windshield of his helmet revealing his eyes. The moment we locked eyes, a realization hit me as fast as lightning. I can recognize that evil gleaming eyes anywhere. I can tell she's smiling her signature devilish smile as she turns back to the road and starts driving off.

Damn her!

My clothes were dripping wet and even had mud on them. I always have extra clothes in the car. However, I knew I was already running late. If I went back to change, I would not make it to class.

Worse of all, Professor Medina is the one who will teach this class. Everyone knows what she does to students who are late in class. I'll be severely humiliated. If I decided to ditch her class altogether, I'd be only delaying the humiliation so that's not an option. I guess I don't have many options at this point.

I bolted to the Humanities Building. After a while of running, I am finally a few steps away from the entrance. But when I reached the main entrance, the guard stepped in and stopped me.

God, why?

"Hey, kid! You're all wet. Get yourself dried first. I don't want you getting mud and water on the floor." the guard instructed me as he handed me an obviously used towel.

Even though I was going to be late, I still took the towel without a word and started drying myself. I have seen and heard enough to know that it's best not to argue with this guard.

Once the guard finally let me in, I rushed to the elevators and pressed all the Up buttons. While waiting for an elevator to open, I took a glance at my watch.

Oh damn! I only have 2 minutes left before class starts. I was already panicking as I repeatedly tapped my foot on the floor. Damn, these elevators!

"Finally!" I sigh in relief as one of the elevator doors opens. I rushed in and pushed the button to my floor.

The wait in the elevator felt so agonizingly slow that I couldn't stay put. I always find elevators fast. Now, it seems they are not fast enough.

When I saw that I was nearing my floor, I braced myself as if I was about to run a marathon. I look at my watch. I only have 30 seconds left. Then the elevator door opens.

I ran as fast as I could toward the classroom. 15 seconds left as I turned in the right hall. I felt a huge chunk of weight leaving my chest as I now see my classroom which is three rooms away.

I can make it. I'm almost there. I slowed down when I was only a few steps away. I was panting now. Sweat is starting to break through my pores. But it is worth it. And I thought I'd be late.

But suddenly, the door to the room right before my destination opens. Out came Professor Medina who immediately saw me. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at me from head to foot. 

Then she starts nagging.

"Mr. Salvador! What in the world are you wearing!?! Don't tell me you forgot to do your laundry."

"No, Ma'am! I can expla-"

"No excuses! I cannot allow you in my class to wear those dirty clothes. If you want to listen to my class, you can do that from the hallway."


Professor Medina didn't wait for me to reply. She went to the classroom and was greeted by the students. She left the door open and went inside.

"Mr. Mendoza! Bring out that armchair beside you and give it to Mr. Salvador. He'll be attending my class outside."

I hear my classmates whisper to each other as Sancho carries the armchair out.

God, this is very embarrassing

When Sancho reaches the door, he starts to question me.

"What happened to you?" he said in a whispered voice as he put down the chair in front of me.

"Don't ask now," I said half-embarrassed and half-irritated.

"Mr. Mendoza! Double time! I'm going to start the class."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Sancho mouthed a "later" to me, then he walked back to his seat.

I took my seat as well. Then the lecture started.

I could not bring myself to listen to the lecture. All I could think about was the humiliation I suffered because of that evil snake.

Damn her!

After some time, I'm finally in a set of fresh clothes trying to chill at the mall's food court. But no matter how hard I try, I can't shake off what happened earlier. It was the worst thing that happened to me in my whole college life. She was serious when she said she wanted a war against me.

How did she even know that my teacher would humiliate me like that? Is this some sort of evil scheme she had with my teacher? But Professor Medina does not even look like she was acting. Nor she would collude with a student to humiliate another student. How was that evil snake even able to pull that off?

"Hey, Justin! I got your Okinawa Milk Tea right here."

Sancho came with two milk teas in hand. I took the one he was offering. In return, I gave Sancho his folded pizza which I ordered earlier. After taking a few bites of our pizzas and a few sips from our milk teas, Sancho looked at me. I can tell he is about to go down to business on why we are here in the first place.

"So listen up, Justin. You know Patrick as well as I do." He said as he set down his milk tea on the table.

"Yes, I definitely do. That is why I know this is going to be a hard shot to take."

Sancho looked disappointed with my pessimistic remark.

"Look, Justin. Patrick does not see reason when he feels jealous."

Jealous? Wait a damn minute! I thought he felt betrayed because I went on a one-time-never-gonna-happen-again date with that evil snake he happens to like.

"Jealous? Why would he be jeal-"

"Exactly!" Sancho said interrupting me. "Why would he be jealous if he has no reason to be jealous?".

"Okay. I get you a bit. But I don't quite understa-"

"It's simple, Justin. Yesterday, I talked with Patrick on the phone. I reminded him that you called your date with Claire "terrible" which means it didn't go well and you do not like her."

"Yes! I don't like her. I only went there because she happens to be a relative of my brother's girlfriend."

"Yes! So, all you have to do now is prove to him that you don't like Claire at all. And, that you only did it because your brother pressured you to do it."

"Sure, I can do that. But what makes you think Patrick would even liste-."

"That, my friend, is already solved." he interrupted me again. "During our talk yesterday, I can already sense that he is slipping from his proud self. Besides, I had already arranged it. He, along with Roby and Chris, will be here in less than an hour." Sancho said as he raised both of his hands. He feels victorious.

So he had already arranged it this far. There's no point in saying "no" now, I guess?

"Okay," I said.

"Finally! Now, that is out of the way. It's time for you to help me, your very kind friend who helped you out of this situation." Sancho said with gleaming eyes as if he was silently saying that I should not refuse him.

Well, he did me a huge favor. I'm sure there is no reason for me not to help him out.

"Okay. What do you want me to do?"

Sancho smiled wide like someone who had crafted some amazing plan.

"Date me."